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Commencement Week

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Tfce iiext is auuiversary week Kt Ibe Universlly, and llie following programóle of cxcrciscs is annonnced : &mday, June 2C'th, ü p. m. - Baecalaareate Address by .Yctiiig President Fbixzb, h theil. E.l'liurch. I, June 27th, 1% p. m.- Address bc fore the Literarj Bocletle, by Uev. RouBitT Coixteb, of Chicago. TiUêday, June 2Sth, ' i: vu- Meeting of the Alumni Assoclatlon. 1% i'. m. - Alumni Address, by llon. A. B. Wei.cii, President oflowa Agricultoral College, of the Ciass of li4( ; Poem, by Kcv. Ueo. S. Hickey, ol Mauistee, of the Class of 18C8. Weduetday, Jun 2Oth - Commencement ExKg, Alumni Dluner, wlth Presidenta Itccepüon in tlie cvening. The semi-annnal examinations commenccd Tuesday and close to-day. The examiDAtions for adniission commeuceto-morrow aud close ou Moiulay. The imlieations íavor a Urge Freslimau Class. We are pleased to rceord the organization at Detroit of the Western Art Association, "with a view to the encouragement f Art, the culture of reliued taste, the developiusnt of uative genius, aud to supply a Gallcry of Fine Arts to wblch ourown peo pie, strangers and guests may resort." A fine Sky-Lijjht Gallcry lias beeu opened at 130 Ji-flerson Avenue, where will be collectoland cshilúted tli2 flnest paiutings and other worksofart. An animal distrlbutiouof paiutings, statuary, bronzes, chromos, etc, will be made among the members. J. M. is President, A. J. Biioiy Secretan-, aud we Dotice In the list flloaorary Dircctors, the naiiies of Gov. H. P. Baldwik, Er-JIayor Mills, C. II. Killen of this city, aud othcr well kuown gentlemen. We are pleased to hear from various pats of the county that the wheat erop presents a gïeatiy improved apcearancc, and ghes promise of a more abundaut harMstthan a few weeks ago. The stools stc thickeued up since tlie rain, the hcada arc loug and well flllcd, and with good weatherforharvest there will be no famine 'u the región round about. The work oi enttiug the carler varietles will commence "t week, and by the 4th there will be a gaeral rally of the harvesters. Oats and oarley are looklug fiuely, aud corn never "etter. Potatoes also look well, but tlie "SS will benr watchiog. .lust now haying 8 Progressing, with a very light clip. Late fir&8 will be the best. A railroad meeting is to be held at the ourt House ou Saturday erenlng, whicli wil' be addressea by Hon. Eüof.xe PrinJi of Jackscm. Mr. P. will talk especia"y. we onderstand, of the Influence of wilroads in building up towns and cities, 'f of their effect upou the farming InterS' the Price of real estáte, etc. He is an geneneed railroad man, and will speak WMt he kuow!. Our people, and cspeclally Wm 1)ropcrty ho!drs. uould go and The Ilev. wTtTc'labk, lito editor ■ e Lúeral ChrUtian, will preach in toe LmanunChurdiül.Ui.sL,Uy) ou ' Juuc th, vaeulag aua evcaOsg.


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