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Q WASHTENAWCpNTY f] NOTARY PUBLJCÍJ s= f-L [1 GENERAL u. J ■LiLJUcQHVEYANCER uLTJL . h== ANNARBOR F V5]" j P8 SS 3ES ïB S&SSSEESSi 33 ■iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimii.1111111,111 y ■ , ', ■■■_■ jwmT REAL ESTATEJXCHANGE ! ! Ttic DDderslffDod liftTinp a perfect Record histnrv of all oí the Real látate Title in tfail Jity, anti In thfl l'ounty of Wtshtewtw, taken pluawure in announcing to the public that he will exjtminp tille, give abstracta of Iwnl (state title, inako need mort gages, eontraeta and other Legal pa pora on tho shortest notie?: Wiil iilso uirtki: sale of City property an-1 rent hOQses, :uui furcdose mortcoges. PerBOQS vaoUns ;i hifitor "l'Keal Kstate title, will ro;oll#ott)iatfafs Bcolc takela Tax Tttta and all collateral niatti'iK wliich touch eacb particular ile.'ícription ; iintl all mortgaes, nncient or modern, whicli arpear to be still subaisting of record at the present .ime. I oiTer the íollowing Real Estato for snlo : Vo.100 T'ie M;ilouy Houae Lot on División Mreet. Mo.101. Hom anl Lot in IIÍ.scockr8 addition. l'i ice $3.000. Vo. 102. Two Story Brick House on Spring f treet. S'o.103. Tvro Story Wood I Jou se on Spring Street. 'o.lOJ. NIo House, Lot and Barn just west of Law Col tec; e. So. 105. Fine HÖHK6, Oiit-houae, Barn andöacrcs of,Wutt.r l-'ouui, c. - very deairable Property. io.106. House and Sacres of Land insido corpora t ioü . '{o. 107. Housf! and Lot just south of theUniversity building. S'o. 108. 15 'Í acres of Land oaat of tho Univoreity Giounda. To. 109, City Lot s nearly opposite Dr. Chase'ü Printing Establishment. STo. 110. OneTwo Stoiy Wood Dwclling on State Street. STo. 111. One elegant Two Story Brick House near University Square. S'o.112. 30 acres with buildings just north of the City. N'o.U3. One Two Story Houao jast north Cemetry Grounda. 0.114. Two Brick House& west side of Cniversity Square. 0. 115. C ücres juut west of the City. S'o. 110. 5 Hcreri witu buildinir1 just west of the City. ■ío. 1J7. 160 acres wltfa buildings and inproveraents 5 miles uorth - food situatiun. s'o. 118. 320 acres- fine farm in Shiawa&see. To. 119. 2,000 acre of WtM Landt in the Counties OÍ Wyne( Moruoe, Saginaw and Öhia waasee. My Abstract Bookl are poated to date. o. 120. One elccrant Three Story Building on Huron Street, vest. so. 121, 175 acres on Uiddle Road to YpsiUnli. ÍO. 122. 40 acres on Scuth Uoad with Buildings and improvtments. To, 123. 2-10 icres on North Oextet Road. 2 miles out , wit li iinproveinentK. o. 124. And much other Kedl K.siate not herein inclulod. Thereare mxnr 'M mortagrflfl ín Washtenaw Coun y uatiilarti" of Record, a od th lw of Limita ioiisas tu M.jrtjíHgen i.s different irm Uut appilca' tle f l''i;i ! látate. Im8 0f ComaHhion en slofi of Real Katate.ono i?rcciit. If Male ma do. Bfctefl fbr aftArOQ of EtMI Es ate Tille 6 cents per me for Daeds and ais cent & t-iir for tíortgagOfl un til chunco of not ico. No ch irges vrlll b mmd for examloatinn o f litle, uitkip paper? or recording, to parties lentUng money bjeough me. KonBj wantei) to loan on unincumleredReal EstAte frnn one to five years, at 10 jer tut. Interest net èo the lender. Ann Arbor, March '0, 18T04 TIÏACY "W. KOOT. CUAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Giegory Block, Nc. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Gregory Block' No. 1 Giegoiy Block, Sign of the Gilt Mortar "VJ ES1" Sign of the Gilt Mortar V3 C" Sign of the Gilt Mortar -V, ] C" Sign of the Gilt Mortar "%J li w;: just opknkd iiavk .ir.-T OPENED HA TE JUST OPENHD HAVi; Jl".ST OPENED 1'lie ITinest Stook oL 1'lie Finewt Stook oí The Ifinest Stook of 'l'lie ITinest Stook oí DRUGS AND MEDICINES DHL'GS AND MEDICINES DRLGS AND MEDICINES! DRLGS AND MEDICIENS V THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIÜTJORS Jfor Hodlelnc] Th Popular l'atcnt Uedjoioefl f tho day, and everjthíng kept in a 8rtcIhsk Drug Sturt'. An EXCITIjLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. try them:. Solé At-ciiís n tUe City for Otto S Reynder's celSÜRGICAL AííD _DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. tP ESPECIAr. ATTKNTION GIVKX TO THK COMPOUNOINn OF TilVSlCIANS' PKESCRU'IIOXS and FAMILY MEDICINA. 126 "pAR EXCELLENCE." THE IDOL OF PIANIbTS IS TUE WEBER PIANO WIIITTEMÜÜE, 8WAN & STKPHENS, 17U JEFFPKSON AVENUE, DETKOIT. C7" We doii't employ any sub-ngents. Don't belicve l'cddlers iLthey assert Uit thi-y can furnisb Ilioin. t3T We give all the discount that can be allowed to actual purcuasers. VIT We wonld refer with pleasuro to tlie elegant " WKBER " purchasetl by Prof. Wlnohell, of the Unlvereity, and in fact to all "WeixrV sold in yuurscction. Send íor Circular. 12T3ml JPAMILIES AND PARTIES CAN QET THEIE ICE CREAM AT WH0LE SALE At the City Arcade, and it ís admitted by j?ood iudge to be Che best in the mnrkct. AIso that ICE ItKA.11 S(JI. goes with a KUSH. CLA11K &. CROPSEY. T)UTTER WANTED. 1 WANT ALL TUR (ÍOOD BUTTER OITcrcd fUiring tUe geason, for goods or monoy. ISiTimB JOIt. II. MA1XAKD. otice! A II persona aro hereby forbiddon to trust any one un tay acconnt without a wrtUcn ordei frum me., Ann Arbor, Juue Ist, ITci. 1-a:: IEIC'HARD (LASIKH. PflYSICIANS' Prescripll tions Accurately and Caie fully Prepared by l. W.ELLlS&CQ. JUMBEÜ YAEDJ C. KEAPP Ha a lurffe nl well itooked [tUmber Yi H , nn .Tofprnon Strt. in the outh part of the (ity, mul will kccjirunstantly n hand an oxctllt ut va rioty of LUMBEH. SHINGLES, LATH, tO. i-lilch will bc olilasloir as eau bo afTurilcd inthie markpt. Qualitv and price such that du one ueod to go to Detroit. CONRAD KRAPPl Ana Arbor,,166. 988(1 POR SALE CHEAF FOK READY PAY. The wost l);ilf of 1 h: Bonthwesi qmirter of ppetion two C-). tinvn of Saline, twvnty acres unrler impjovcment, the balance sood timbir. Inquiro it L. ('. llardware Store, 81 Suutli Muíd Strnot, Ana Afbor. Midi. L. C. niSHON. Aiit Ariior, May IS, 1S70. liTOmW GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'b for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines .Paiuts, Oils, &c. FOB SPRING Al SUMMER. S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RETORXED FROM NEW YORK WITH A. LARGE STOCK OIF READT-MADE CLOTHINGBOYS' AND YOITTHS' CLOTHING, ALSO THE FIS'KST STOCK OF CL O TH S, CASS1MERES, VESTÍ NGS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CI.OT11S OF ALI. COLORS, SCCH AS BLACK, BKOWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTI1ER COI-ORS TOO NUMEROL'S TO MENTION. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, ON SHORT NOTICE. IN THE 13 E S T ST YLE, AND FIT WARRANTED. Cali and Examine for Yourself N. B.- CLOTHING FIFTY PER CENT. CHEAPER TIIAN AT ANY OTHER HOUSE. ALL PERSONS IMDEBTED TO I.ATE FIRM OF M. GUITERMAN' fc CO., WII.L I'LEASE CALL ANP SETTI.E AND SAVE CO3TS. 1SM 8-SA Dn Arbor Agricultural Co. FARMEK'3 ArTENTIOi. Read the folluwijig, whicUBs of the greatest importuuce to you i Ana Arbor, Sfpt. 1,1869. Jobnutnn, Huntïy & Co : - tienta - I purcbased oue of your Reanen of Kinnegan Jk Iloward last aeason, and have given it a thorougb triiil, and cautruly ay that it wovks a thing of Ufe, nuttiog lodged and tangled grain. uñd pickíng it up with those almust human arms, in fnuch bttter hape tliaucouldbe done by band, leaving not a ?pear behind. I thiuk its lightness of draft, frldth oí cut,(6 feet) Bituplicit v aud alaptability to all kibtfs bf gralti, combitieto makcit tbe best Reaper extant, L. AI . LYON. We, tlie undersigneil , )urcliasc:l JoLnston HeaptM .-., and f ;illy runen r in the abov e Ktairmeiit : John G.Kochil'iUsfleM. Timothey Fohej, Webster John Fregel, ■ John Corle, ' David Vangeeon, " Kltsha Vrunsoo, " R, 0. Hnntwr, South Lyon. Th om a O'Brien. " Fienry Canlin, Northlitld. NeLsun Ofiborn, Sclo. Jne Marsh, Scio. Audrew Mead, A na Arbor. Cli.Lilfs Stolsteïmer, S.'io. Lowií Kritz, Scio. These muchines are improved ior the year 3870, bave a binding attachment, aid are fu Rale by the Anti Arbor Agricultural Company, succonKors to I. Moore &ïSon andKionegan & Ilowurd. Wealso keep a largo ujiplj of the following inachlnea. with dropping attachiuentíí and Jclnifttuu re]frake. These machines bave no cqualiu the market. Theyhave taken ali the prizes attht diritreot trfaU in the .State the past tw o yearc, and i n uo case have they fuiled ! come oiï rtoturious : The World, The Excelsior, Che Champion, Tbellubbartl, rb Kusell, Uw Hall. These machines have neyer fa i led to ftve satisfaction to the ptirchaser, and are libterdraft ihao any othor machi nt-s. We also nell tho loilowing Thiush Dg M nc hiñen : TheGenuíne Pitts, The Tornado. The Bi r dal), The Maxsilon, TheGlenn Hall, The Vibrator. GRA1N DRILLS -We manafiwtare the eeleurated Keystone Drill, whieh for aimplipity, accuracyand ilurability, have no VQpertDTi We warrant t-very Itrill to perform as reprenented or no Kale. A'c ;tl-- keep Prills manufactiirfd bv othcr partice. and are prepared to furnish any deaired ariicle oi the sliortest notice. We are prt-pared t do all kinds of rjpairintr cf tarín machinnry, such as ReapM( Mowers, Thre.shers, Dorst Powcrs, frc. We keep constantlynn haivl a targa stook of Agrtcnllural Implements, plowa , hanows, wheel cultivatort, feedcut ters. corn fhellors, coldron kettlea, power jacks ai.d tawlng machines, all o foor own manafetnreaad wü willst'Hat tho lovial peul ble figure. We would respeotftiHj invite all parties wienlng to juirchase any artiole in oarllne f rom a plow noint to a threshmg machine to cnll and pee us before purchasing, for wo will give them bettor goods, bcttcr term?, aud iowei prlOM than ean ba obtained eUewhere. N. B--Kemember we manufacture none bt first elam goodi, and witl Qndersell all competitors. ('all and s'o us and avo (ron) T toJO per cent, and get gotd that a re warr uted tu be up to the stand i A f ii 11 stock of ex tras kpt 0OOtant1j on Imn d for the HutTaln Pttt's Tliresin-r. IATIIK SCRKW CfTTlNG of all kinds done on short nntice. Office md ialesrOfim.junction of Detroit aml F.-urth Sts. l". -Mi.t'.ry ui-1 Michiüe Shop, Kiftü W..rl, opposite Sinclaira' Mills. 12Ctm3 jVTONEr CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK, SIQHT IïïtlOEIliESS TUK DIAMOND CLASSKS.Hnnufacttiredby J. E. Spencer .t('o.tN. Y., wbieb are now olfered tu the (Miblic, are pronoanoedbv ;ill tbe cHebrated üptiolanaof tbe World to be toe Most IVrtct. Natural, Artifloial belp to th human eye ever known. They are grouod ander tbelr ownsaperriston, from mltti, mtJted tojietber, and derive i ■ ui f. ' Diamond1 on account Af t he4r hardn'-s and brlllfanoy Che BMentifle Principie nn which üiov are oonairneted brlnga tne eoie or centre of 'hn Lenadlreotlj ii". Front of .the f've, produoinjf a olear and listinct riatoa, as in the natural, inMiltliy Bight, and preventlng all onpJeaaant lesaatíoiiH, such s glUnmcrlng and nering of aight, dlsclneaa, &e , peculiar to all othftratn km. Thej aremounted i'i the FINEST mannkr, in Eiamea of the best quallty of uil material used for that purpoMi Tnefr ttDUh and ilunibility onnnot bq aarpafmeA. c.i' i ion . - None genuine unleM beai i-. t rade mark atamped c-i eVerjf frame. J. C. W O Tfl ft BRO., J ■-■■' leri and Oiticlnr, aro Roleagvntfl AW Aiïlïuü, il L JIJ., from Ihey can ouly be ottaiaed. Thse goodi a:t . . ntany ltiTfl ' E. J. JOHN! SON, At No. 7 South Main Stret. STILL HAS A HAT OR 2 LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season, Whichwill beaold IiOWEB TH A.:tT BVEB I AI.SO A LARGESTOCK OF GLOVES, COIiliARS, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEKS, SATCHE1.S, CAVES, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. Picase cali and examine my gooils before purcbas ing elsewhere . May, 18T0, J ADIES'FABHIONABLE SHOE HOUSE. 24 South Main Street , Dealer in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEWEST STYLES Kid? Oaïf, and Cloth, Alwaysou band, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT A. BOOT, -A. G-AITER, A. BUSKIN, OR A. SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMINE HI8 STOCK BEFORE rCK CHASING. PRICES LOWER than the LOWEST. B. TARRANT. Ann Arbor.Maj 18"0. ANN ARBÖR AGAINST THE STATEIN THE FÜRNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin againat Ann Arbor. Don't Foiget hls Old Stand. RE YOUüOING TO BTJILÜ P We will furnish Large BiHa of Lumber as Low as any dealer in Michigan. Wc solicit no patronage except suoü as vuur interest will give us. Let us make figures on your lilis before you go awayfrom, home to purchase. man E. BLOOD & CO. QOME AGAIN WITU A FOLI. STOCK OF CABINET-WARE, TO I!E 8OLD CHEAl'ER THAN ANYWHERK ELSE IN THE STATE. AT H1S OU) STORE, MAIN TREET, ANN AKBOR. Tli. V. B. PORTER, 3DE3STTISTOllice in the NEW BARK BLOCK, ANN ARBOR . &11 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CARE. TJNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCB SETTING ARYÍFÍcIaL TEETB, TO GIVE EACU INDIVIDUAL, Deniurcs of the proper ëize, shape, color. jirmnt$ and nalUral exjrrtêsion. 1244 weet QuirHrie Cversus Bitter, yf ForVho followlng HEASONS Streef Quinina sUouUl reil:ic the ohl ioruor Bitter Quinine. I nwi-riWllillillr ÍS WAJUIANTKD UiMír-iBUíy iíei4icní iu effect Wltb Bitter iine% Swtet has BOÜB of the inte Sftnd ia-)htet bitttroên of couuuoi) tjr ninu. SiroetlQuinlne is mailo from P ï-uvian Hul'; only, thu source of Uitter Qi inluo. In Sw-t Qiilnlnc the bitterness 13 pbrfectly cXncouloi), )ut muy bc inatttnuy develoitil ii' desircd. I fi Sivcet Aniiiinc ivill not sicken, na vory litid nnMtnnfffll often do. SweelQniiOne is readily taken, ajld witïioiil the least hesitaiion, by old umlyoung. Sweetmuliilno entircly obviafes tuht uneonVucruble dinliko wkich chiïdreAliave to BYter Quinine. 1 Swcet ((itiiiliir rciiuhos no olftlrorata propamtjou to take, is ready for instar, uso. Sweet Aulnlne. 'n it3 and proyiit efftcacy, ilinabuscH the Tiublio miid ofmuch lirojudiee ngii'-nst (liinino, ntul aids the efforts of the intelygcnt l'li;fciiciaa in lts adaiinistration. Swort Wuinliic costs 110 moro ttiaii the BittiV Quinino, Sxveet nuinlne enn bo ïmrt at the hrnff Storls in two fonns, viz: jtft, fon ronvexirpnce of families rmd tMgcneialnirf liclind urrfeT, for uso ot Pb.ysioVi8 amWsfgists. J. Stjrris, Farr & Lra.,v y BAIWFflCTURINB CHEMISTy w Y l5AV YORK. M V For Sak' by EberbRch ís Co., druggiats. 20% AeouraiKoy una vurij-tuiy Ij. pared by R. W. MLLIS db Co. i i - ..üür-; Ü Ij


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Michigan Argus