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The Republioan ouraala aro acrirely , eügaged in trottiug out candidutus for the fall campaigfi. Coufideut of bucuops ( in Statoand Cougresaioaal didtriois, aiul considcring a noniinatiou equivalent to an ulectioo the candidatos aro as thick as flies around a sugar hogshead in a ! hot summer dav, and as vorncious, too. Goy. Baldwi.n seeias to bo the only man tiguiost whom oppoaitioii is not I ready being orgaoized, and ho muy flnd ! a contcs'.ant buforo tho extra iesiion is ] over. Lieut. Gov. Batki has Hveral opponents, inolnding Geu. B. M. eon and Speaker Wooumax. Auditor-General Hu.mimihey has a formidable competitor iu Bro. Binoiiam, i of the Laosiog Rtpublioan, Nut riug the profuuud wisdom of the ' tor's reports, eepeciully that one iu which ' he essayed to prove that tho State didu't ' owe thö educutioual funda, we hopy tbat ' Bingham maj' gek the noiniuation. The State Treasury seems to bo a ' lively bone of contention, and several oaodidatea exhibit au nnxieiy to get hold of the nioney hgs. One Rad ioal jourDal remarka that the profit iu tho office ; inakes it rigiit to pass it arouud. Auwng t'ie candidatos nv.ned besides, the prsent able aiid honest ooumbent, E O. Grosvexoh, ure T. D Gilbbrt, of Graod Rápida; A. B. Witiikkbe, of Fiint ; - WiLLARD M. MoOoNNBLL, of PoOtUc, et al. And so we tr;ight go tbrough the State ticket did "time and spaee" permit. For these eveial ibce.-i uo Doinocrat has y et bton entered. Io the Coiígroeeíonal distiiets thero is also fan ahesd. Ve loaru via Washingtoi that Bü of tho First prop.ises to retiro on his L-.uriU being surfeited with lifo iu WaahingtOQ and "len 3 cara of labor iu ihe murderous ai:d uoventilated halls" of the capítol. As it is intiuiuted that he would liko to sucoeed Howakd," we are to presume that thu air of the Señale ch amber is mrer thuD that of the House, if uot its occupauts. Leuawee gonerouly forboar.s ton mie a candiiate as Beaman's suocessor ; Hillsdalo has two contestaats, DlCKlHSOH and Wai.duon, and, perhnp-, ooosul-general Walt. Mükpiiy, if he gets home in linie; Monroe piits forward Kuwi.n Wii.i.itb ; whüe Wuyue, t:ot bavifig had a nip at the Houss crib, muy name a mn before time is ooiled. In tho Secoiid district, Ward who didu't get the Paw l'aw poBtofíise is tryir.g to orgánico opposition to Gen. Stoügiiton, but üs military service is vet a better oard tLa'i braiov, iu the liadical ranks, the General will bo allawed to walk over the course again. With a mnjority of &boüt 8000 to start on, running quulilits aio of 110 tpeoial accoout, besidos it is thouj; tbat if IStoddiiton don"t do any good ho won't Lurt nnyihing. He can voto as a parly caucus shall díctate, and what else is ueeded of tbe average ineniber. In the Third district, Washtenaw has no lack of candidatos - if Btreot rumor is reliable. Wo hear natned for the scrub or couventiou heat, Ilon. J. Webster Childs, tho "farmer candidate ;" Hon. S. M. Cutcheon, of Ypsilanti i and ex-Judgo Lawbkkoi and Hon. Jas. McHaiion', of this city. Cutcheon has been longest in the field, and is tbe most prominent as yet. Going to' JaekROD, it is uod-erstood that Gov. Blaiii is a candidate for re-election, and if so probably despairs of reaching the goal of his ambition. the Seuate. His high tarifif votes, though every intere?t of the large body of his cor.stituents in witban unshackled commerce, will make him the favorile of the monopolista. Culhoun couaty has two candidateB, llecsrs. Willard and Fitzqeuald - her third haviug been 8witcbed off to the Haguo. But, perhaps, Bro. Brockway can bo induced to tuake the field good. Eaton coucty names E. W. Baubkr, ex-Secretary of the State Senate, ex-Readiog Clerk of the House at Washington, and present Supervising Inspector of Internal Revenue, a heavy man for a small one, but of considerable get up. Iogham is excessively modest and don't enter the lists. - The chances are in favor of Blair. IntheJFourth district, tha Ionia opposition to Ferry seems "pegging out," and hie renomination is more tban probable. He has beard th9 saying tbat "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush," and won't risk waiting for the "old does" of Jake Üoward - not out of o ff co at least. In the Fifih district, Congbr will probably be re-nominated without opposition, but his re election if not bo certain. He is, howevor, muoh the ablest man in the delegatioa. In the Sixth district, thercis a several corncred fight, and Stiuckland ís more than likely to bo retired. Driqos, Wkstover, of Baj ; Winsor, of II uron ; and IIuhbbll, of Lake Superior, are on tho course against him. It is n "Happy Family"- and "free fight," and we don't know as we care which wins. The Senato took a final turn at the income tax on Tuesdny - tbat is unKes tho bilí shall come baok from the House ameuded, as it probably will, it beeoming chronic for the two Houses to disagree about evorythiDg. Oa the last occasion rcferred to, the motion of Mr. Pomeroy to strike out tha sootious oontinuitig tbe ineome tax two years was lost by a tio vote- 2G to 2G. The tax is noiv fixed at 2,'i per cent., with au exemption of 82,000. What it will be af ter going through tho House aud two or tbroe coiiferenoe committees our uninpired lead penoil writeth not. The Supremo Court met in regular term, at LansiDg, on Wednesday. The calendar numbers 61 cases, but none of thom, wo conclade, of general interest. Pbksidkmt Quant havtiig writleo 3onator Nyk that iu his negniittiooa I nr;tu Babs for tl e Boqnisition of San Duniiiigo, "ücd.. Ijabcock diil hoi exceed noy vv;siies or my verbal insirnotiong to bira Lu eonneolion witb Iba Ouüfidentisl tmijá," wo may well oonclmlo l!i;it lic luthorized tho guaranloo iu the followng puragraph oopied from tlie protocol iceoiupanying tho Ueaty, and no doubt sentto the Senate by mistake : "lst. His Excellency, General Grant, President of the United State, promlsei prlvately to use all hln influence In erdei' that the Ideo of timexiog the Domluican Republlc to tha United States may acqnlre = ueli a decree of popuhuïty araong uieiiibors of Cougress as will be neceBtarv lor its accompllahment and he offers to makeno communlc&tlon to Ihat body on ttaesubjest until he shall bc ciTtniu that il will be p[iiovcd by a majority." What this private influente proraiaed md usod the public oan ooly guess. It waa potent euougU to cause Se dr tor Howahd of this State to cliaoge his poiitiou, and probubly to convert other Senators from opponents to fiiends. It uiay have beeu exereised by oiukirig eorlaiu appointmeuts, - aud perhaps tho removal of tho late postmaster of thia ity was ono of tbe private ivjtuences. - Howcver, the President inissod his calsulatioas nnd seut in the treaty beforo the vote was sooured, but not before official disgraco had been aecomplished. - We venture to assert that never bet'oro since the formaticn ot the governiuent haa this private wjlwmce of the Presideut bseu prouiised to a farcign power to foroo a treaty upon apd through an uuwilliDg Senute, WrITISO of tbo tuajority report in the San-Domingo-BabcookHatch investigatiou(?), so orllod, the Washington oorrespondent of tho Chicago Tribune thus characterizes it and sketches ts signers : This report is one of the class Mwt villifles pure and fearless leglalatlOQ, and that is inerely t!ie argumeat of the lawyera of A.pplus Claudhis In support ot thelr mus ti i's iif{lit : and, so long as politics Is politics, aud sycuphnney is sycophancy, we shall liave acres of snel report-i, that no boily wili read after tbell little day, and no blRtorlau '.vill waste time coiisulthig tliein. Senator Nye, who took the groand in tlie HowardFremont dlscoBslon that he won ld have no Frcnchinan's allidavit to do injnry to the story of an Aiucrican' cltlzen, seeins to care notliing In the preseut matter about the American cltlzen Hatch, and he extola younj; Babcock as same of the court poets of two lmmired years ago extollej the blondy Stuarts This report is gtgned by Howard, of Michigan, an old man of obstinate devotion to special privileges, and of snch furious prejudlcea that he bids fnir to go erazy before he dies, out of rabld dlslikos : by Warner, of Alabama, wlio has a dcflcleucy of back-bone in back-bone titnes, and no deslre lor martyrdoin ; and, by Wiüiains, of Oregon, au able man, iond of office, and at present in ueed of It. "Gatii" will get hinjelf into Irouble by writiug thusly : that auguut body, tho Seuate, will cali hira beforo its bar aud proposo, House-liáe, to expel him from the reporters' gallery. And thea the Tribune will get a bad name, and wout get any patronage or spoils - eitlior in printing or of offico - through the private injluence of iha President, who has hastened to endorse every act of Badcock and even winked at the imprisonment of Hatch to prevent his entering the field against the treaty. Thia waseaawayof "privately usiug all bis utluenoo," though not a very honorable or patrioUc way. The House having a Httlo spread-ea gle pntriotiiin left adjourncd over frora Saturday until Tuesday; but the 8enato not recogniaing tho Fourth of July as having any memories which Radicáis are bound to cheriah, held its ordinary business session on Monday. It shovred its respect for the day and tho Declaration of July 4th 1776, by passing the Naturaüzationbill, forgetling ths charge against King George : "He has en" deavorod to prevent the population of "these Btates; for that purpose, ob" struoting the laws for the naturaliza" tion of foreigner ; refusing to pass " others to enoourage their migration " hither, and raising the oonditiong o " new appropriations of lands," which in modern phrase means giving all tbe lands to railroad companies, on condi tion of haring with tho members. It ia fair to say, howevor, that while the bil cbstructs tho naturalization of white foreignera and shuts out the Chinese anc other Asiatio peoples entirely, it opens tho fold to tho8e Radical pets "aliens o Africaa nativity, and persons of Afri eati desoent." A jood work for the Fourth of July. The Col. John M. Oliveíi reoently appointed one of the Judgea of the Su preme Court of the District of Colum bia, and ohargeá to Michigan, is un known to fame - nt leaBt as a lswyor. - In fact, the Washington Star says that "tho name of the newly appointed Judge does not appear on the court records' of tbe District, and it bas not yet been atisfaotorily dotermined that ho was ever admitted to the bar, while it is absolutely oertain that he is "a briefless barristêr" if barrister at arl, who has been vegetating on a $1,200 clerkship. "Judge" Oliver formerly resided at Monroe, enlisted in 18G1 in the 4th infantry with tbe rank of let lieutenaut, and at the organization of the 15th infautry was made eolonel of the regiment. His first important feat - report says - was to take his regiment into tbe battle of Shiloh or PittBburg Landing without cartridges, causing a tevere loss. Kut, then, if the genoral wbo coimnatided at and ncarly lost that battle is made President because of military qualifications alone, why not make ono of his oamp-lollowers Judge, cartridges or no cartridges, law or no law ? We underatand that an eSort is boing made te procure the recommendation of Gov. Baldwix to tbe Legislature in special session, for the enactment of a law making tho expenses of criminal trials, whero a chango of venue ia had, a charge upon the State. The immediate incentive to this action is the Vanderpool case, Kalamazoo uot wisbing to asgurne the burden, aud Maniitee being uaablo, In the addressof GüLDwin Smitii bofiretha Literary Sociclies at Coniell 'lirtvi'y, at the recent (Jomiueneeucnt, bc is re,.rt, il. na sayiiig: "One grcat advm.t .ge the English eduoation (god over tuut in iliia country ; was tliat tiio two ehief eals wero dedi1 cutetl oxclusively to its purposes. ' The vcry adnospuero of Oxford was ' saturated with tlio spirit oí luaruing 'and seiencc, aud this na a tnaiu con1 dition for the advaooemeatof learoing ' and aoicuau. Ho wicliud to urge this 1 cunsideration upon the trustees and ' legUlaton wbo might ba preseut, that 1 ït wiis useless to diffuse over a nurnlier ' of scatteied iustitutioDB tlio eupport 1 wliioh ougbt to bo conceutratcd upon ' ono grcat instilution. Tlio apparatus ' uecessary for a University cou'.d üo ' more le divided witb ircpunily than ' the pioccs of a toloscopo suattered ovor 1 tlio State, would avail tot theuscuofa ' telescope." These worcls are worthy of coneideration by the legislatura of f Miohigan. Without a field brond euough for a single Univeraity, is it jolioy to starve the one ir.stitution which occupiei the field to build op ïoroand there a lowèf grado collogo by whatever name ca.ilud ? Kkihenciiment and Risfokm. - Flfty housaixl dollars bavlng been pald to givc 'u'il Clinici anti Spotted Tail a pleasure exCuralOD, tbeN mmuiiftl not, RUfficlent money d thi! Trcosury to rataln 1 !.n. Da vla A.. Wells, th,e ('.miii:.s;ioi]iT of tlio Kuveiiue, whose Bve thousaud perveaT re confiscated for ten ywn to make up the deflcleucy. - dril Service Journal. The $5,000 didn't stand in the wny. BoOTTTBLL and bis Uongressional "strikors" didu't find n williog tooi in Wklls, or a man who would falsify faote oud figures fjr tbo-benoQt of tlieir pet proteotion theorics. His propositions to relieve the poopla, to lotsen the number of artic'ea on which. duties wero laid, to !ay the duties fur revenue rather tljan protection, aüd to so eimplify the reveuue systern ss to disposo of a borde of ofllcers weio uopalatable trulbs, and Wells must no longer be paid for uttering them. VVtiy don't you bit the ou the head, brollier Pjied ? "Now you Boe it and now you don't eee it," ueuins to be tbe oracular saying whicb the Sonate daily repeats for tbc amusement of the country. To dny it declares against coutinuing tbo inconio tax: to-morrow it "gigs back" and restores tbe t:ix tojls bill. This foienoon it votes down tbe arnendment of Senator Sumneu to Btrika tbe word "whito" - aa obaosious word, very, in radical quarters - from tho uaturalization laws : thia afternoon, and before recesa, it udopta tlio sanio ainendment, and cousiders ' without rcaching a deciaii D, an aüiendmcnt propoeed by Seuator Williams to limit the SoMNBR umeüdinent by declaring tbe Chiuese iuoligible to citizenship. Tiio Sonate is alunost equally fickic-miuded iu all niatter.s of iniportatioe. "Odh Own" Washington cerresponJent of that leadiog llaiiical journal tho Chicago Tribune haudles GraHt's Dominiouu policy, and in fact Giukt biuiself, without gloves. Ho intiniates that "ibe sword wbicb was to know no will saro tbat of Congresa haa been converted into a Dominican toasting fork,"and tben advises the President to return all bis presenta to tbe givers, turn bis rela tives all out of office, aud begin his administration anew like an bonest soldier. If a coppery Democrat sbould talk thusly the "trooly loil" would have a spasm. Tiib offico of Special Coramissioner of Kevenuo expired on the SOtb uit., and tbat very capable offleer who held it, David A. Welles, is no longer in the service of tbe goverunient. He has been rotired becauso Secretary Boutwkll and tbo knot of protectionists wbicb live in his presenco oould not bear the ligbt. Mr. Welles had so thoreughly exposcd the utter basolessness oí their theories of revenue, taxation, and proteotiou, thut either they must "throw up the sponge" or he be silencod, or af least stripped of official iufluence. It remains to be eoen whether Grant, Boutwell or the protectiouists will mako acything by dispobing of Mr. Wells. We think not. On Friday last tbo Sonate, baving exhausted ittelt, the subject, and tbe country, as notbing but Senatorial talk can exhaust, carne to vote, and by a vote ot 28 to 28 rejected the San Domingo treaty, 12 members being absent or not voting. And this despite tho solemn stipulation of tho President - a stipulation new to our history - to use bis personal and official influenóe to secure its ratification. Tho Demócrata voted unanimously against the treaty. Give the Senate ono credit mark. The President partioipated in tbe celebration at Woodstock, Conn., on the Fourth. IIjsnrt Ward Bekcher, "Dr." Butlkr, and Gov. Hawut did thotalking, and Grant listenod. Butler went in for cbecking Chinese emigration, for wbiub he was rebukad by Gov. IIawleï. It is now said that Attorney General Hoar was removed at the demaud of Secretary Boutwkll, and that otber heads will yet roll in tho chip basket at his behest. Ho is the President's oonfidential advisor. At the election iu Illinois, on Saturday last, the new coastitution wan adopted, with tbe peveral separately submitted artioles, including minority representation and prohibition of municipal aid to railroiids.


Old News
Michigan Argus