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The University--letter From President A. P. White

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The fallowlng letter from President WniTS, of CorneU Unlveralty, to ActlugPresldcnt Friezr, of the Michigan Universlty, was recelved too late, owlng to ï:!i:r unaccountable dclay of the ma be latdbeforo the Alumni and Invitcd gnests .ii the Unlverslty dinner on i le 89 th uit. We need n t apolog'.ze for giving t place ia oor colmmne : Ithaca.N Y.,Jun ■ Pro:'. IIknky. S. l'nu-xu, Proeidontofüie ir.i er It) of ilichigsn, My ! ■■ ' : - It isa matter of sincere regret to me that lam utterïy uuable '.. accepi yonr kind In vit.u ion to be present it tlie celebratlon cf the Twonty-flfth Analversarv of the foundingofthc Untversity of Michigan. Tlie Ccmmenceraeut Ererciscs of tli'.s [nstitutlon bavlng been appolnted for the very iliiy named by yon. i. un obliged to remalu here, bat I assare you tiiat huk u; all the and trlenda of tlie noble lustll over which you ll■(.-l■. there Is no I whlch wil] turó to th on that day more loyuliy and lovlngJy than mino Regardlng the Unlverslty ofMIchlan as the plac where the best part of my education was galned, rememberlng it at the home where some of my dcarest (i'iendships were loniH'd, it vvould have been a great pleasure to mingle with iis Offlcers and A'anuii. Uut there Is another reasou for wy meeting you - haalt ile- u rea sou whlch answers the proportlons of a duly: For It becomes more anrl more evident to me that the Instltutlou with Which I am liumedlately connected, and whlch I have done gomethlng to foqpd, is liukcd more closoly to the ünlversity Of Michigan than to any other Seminar; of learning in ourlaud. Wearefighting the same bat. tle, we are osing the aamc weapons, we are ng on toward the same great object. Wo are laborlng to fouud, as yon ave, a Unlvcrilty, an Instltutlon of advanced learning, to promoto tlie Chrlstlan civilizatlouofthü vvholo cpuutry, i'ul QOt a semimoiiastic college whose prlmary object is to aphold the bannerand wield the weapons of some single sect. We are laboriug, as Vou are, to give both Llteraturo and aclencethelr full and fair pvoportions, aot to dcvielop oiie nud ihvaif' tlie other. I have already pnblicly stnted within your halls that t!iiï [nëtitution is, In a certai getise, tlie chlld of tiio Uuiversitv of HichlgiM [ have aiso publlcly statedthe simple truth tliai bat for the UnWersity ol Michigan this Institutlou jyoald neverhave existed. Had it been compatible, th.en, with more pressing dutles here, 1 wonkl have bceu with you to uKike tlie same grateTul acknowlcdgmcnC bcfir ■. ; ! ■ .Uumui whlch I hiivü already njade bofore the assembled Faculty anti undergraduates. With all my heartl congratúlate the Alumni and frlends of ilic Unlverslty of Michigan on its great success, on the position which lts graduales are beginning to take, and espccially on the noble record made by its sons la the recent sU'uggle for the existeuce of onr natloii, on the impress whlch it is maklug on tlie opinions of the country regarding mlvanted edueation, and on the fact that tbe pflople of the State aud of the country at. lai-ge are ecomtng more anj lüore ivfennedas to V.w beneiUs conerreü by it. With renewed thanks and congratula Ü-jUs, I reraain Moet truly yon re, ANDKlíW D. WHITE.


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