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A Veteran Fallen

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Rev. Samuel Cokhemtts, D. D., so long „i favorably known, not only to the ,lUS public in our State, bilt to the 'liler laboren thronghont onr country, has Ssed away. A short timo slncc he con Moded to remove his resldence tram this Kt to Lnpeer, whero liis son-in-law anti ■;Wtt ])■:. mul Mrt. lÍAsn, reside. He Uft bere In feeble health, on the (th inst. siid dled o Satnrday mornlng, jus; 84 boon iiftor hls arrivAl at UUdaaghtert jj.ue. Hls death was Inétüütaneons, the immediate cause belng a suspension of the leirt's iction, induced by 0. vlolont spnsm of ,l,c stotnach. Ui long and eminent serICC in the canse of Chíist deserves and ,tül .loiiMk-ss receivc, in the public prints re extended notice than we have the UMUS at hand to give. Sufflce It for this raph tbal as minister and man hc was nlTCiwlly respected by oltlzens, ai d lored by those who knew hlm intlmately, wd that hls Immediate famlly are not the on!y monrnera. He was, we believe, in the ;;thyoarof hls Age, ha ving been bom in files, Eogland, A. D. 1794. j, [I. S4R0ENT, Cbicf Engineer of the tVoodville Ballroad and connectlng lines, „Hhereon Tuesday, looking aftcr the l„lcrists of the Ann Arbor and Toledo jlfbion. He expects to put. on a corps of euglneiTs In a few days, with the víímv, as onderstand, of fint running au (tir Uur as near as may be. Mr. S. expresses creat confldence tuat the injunction on Toledo wl'.l be dissolved as soon as a hear(ggambercached, but says that it in no myneed Intertere with our road. Healso peaks lils convictlons that the line from Dito to Lexlngton, 1 30 miles or tliereabouts, will be a paylig ''nc a!K' nce(' not Ifl'1! jponother lines tocarryit. Ifour citiz -ns, and tliose along the line south, come up to thescratch, lie proposes to push the WOrk. How ie the Unie for every man tó "go his bottom dollar." _ Slnc the abovc was In type - and our editioii partly off- we have been handed the foilowins letter whicb speaks for itself. j'romptand energetlc action is necessary: OlflCK OF THE BAImtOEE & Oliro, To) iKDO&Micn. R. R.Co.,88 Wall St., Nkw Vokk, July lOth, 1S70. ) jfe. E. W. IJölteAjr, i'rest. Toledo, Ann Arbor and Xorthcrn Rkllroad, Ann Arbor, ííleb.: Dear Sir : Yonr favor of 2d July lias been receivcd ïind contents fully noted. The Prest., Gen. Waibrjdge, and myself xpect to leare luie soas to bc at Ann Arbor on the lst dnyof August noxt, wlion we shall expect yoursubscription to bc fully made up, and Tuur Company prepared to curry out the irriDgeiDente for the early construction of yiiur road. Picase notifv yoiir peopte Vo this effect, and liaveevcrything n roadiiic'ás ior us at that time. Very truly yours, J. EDWIN COXANT. A nuuiber ot our citizerm are rusticaüni; at tdton Itapids, and drinking magnetic water for thelr health. Proseeuting Attorncy FlUZBK lias been up and returned iiut ntasts to i)c " Intervlewed." Qpv'. Tsjjcu lias also been np. He reporta a large nurabcr of invalide there, with some of them dèrlvlng benefit. Uut his statemcDt leads lis to concludc that the water s ontrary stuff, and acts very differently upn différent persons. - We have - since typing the above - run gslnst John, who proves of a more communicative turn of mind. He nys he went to Eaton Raplds a conflrraed, tboBgh dble-bodled Inralld, bnt that the ombined effects of the water and CanadaJiltch workod an iminediate cim;. - Scriously speaking, the Eaton Raplds wellsareattractlng considerable attention, mi some wonderful cures are reported. Among the visitors now there from tliis elt, are Mrs. La.WSBsCB, aud Messrs. : FosTKit and C. L. Pack. Our forra wfellow-clïlzen, W. P. .Mai.onf.v, has been ttere for some time, and has great faitli i 'the medicinal qualities af tlie water. On Tiíesday afternnon a wool team tamh'Rg in Huron streot - name of owner ot lerned- became Ured of waltlng Ita 'wn, and starled. Not bel Dg good at navi?atou without' " a man at tbe helm," it me in coLlision with anotlier craft, a doublé büggy, standing near tlie postofiice. Tlie wool craft was the strongcr, and one Wnd wheel of the bnggy was cousklerably demorallzed. Onr reporter noted a riin of wheel with " uothlug in it," two bjiit Pukes left in tlie hub, and some more pokes lying around loóse. No other in5"ry was done. The buggy belonged to L. fltóFORD, of Superior. Ilon. W. A. Howaru was in town on Tuesday, looking over the land, or as the Wovs would have it, "cowshedding tbc ''ittiful.'' At present, we are nnable to say Whowore selecUxl us hts candidates for the te Benate and House. We shall keen an 'yeopen and may be able to discover how to corus were laid. It is enougb to say ""wthat we thouglit him- in at least one lD8tance-"plovving with anotlier inan's nciftr." aitkh S. Perrt, Superintendent lectofourcity schools, was in town a few "ys since, making arrangensents for a resMence among us. Mr. Pekut graduated at 'tic University in the class of 1861, since ch, if we are not rastakea, he has "ebt, and with good success, in Tecum. Colcfwater, Battle Creek, and Toledo, "c trust that in his charge oor schools not retrograde. We were informed a few dayg ago a' a gentleman residing In Toledo, and wíelj engaged ia raauufaeturing, has as80rcd 0Be of our cttizena that as soon as the W from our city to Toledo is completed shan remove his factory here, kecplng 18 Mits room in its present locatlon. This ■ntleinan Is Uut one of a class, and clearly "licates oue of the direct beneflta we shall derive. When your ncighbor borrows this " invite his attcution 10 "ie followlng puragraph : ow Is the time to subscribe for tlie An Important political campalgn occLsu"1 'llUl Democrfttlc 1ailer ls a Veare pleused to learn that Mrs. life wac u y '" ÍOTome time, and whose íi.ini y ';;!', som'-lll'.vs lespai.v.1 of by her crin.' lar'e crcli; ot Mends, is In the Emporia (Kansas) Ketcs, of the 7th inst., we notice, over tlic familiar stgnature of "V. J ," adescrlptlonof a trip . from Kmporia to the border town of Wlchitn, at the moatfa of the Little AxkaiiMS, and of a Fonrth of Juiy celcbratioii thcreat. Mr. J. found athrlvtng vlllage, wltn n good hotel, 11 boardlng bonses, live grocerles, three restaurants, three ialooDs, two inmber yards, two bntcluT Bfaops, one dry goods store including groceru-s, boots, sliocs, lints, caps, agricultural implcim-iit s. uil nverythlög tlsc, a sort of omnibus concern, one drug Store, one livery and feed sta ble, a barhei' shop, two real estáte offices, two physicians, a dentlst, flve carpftnter shops, a public hall, hardware store, rnlllincry Htore, two clotblng stores, two bokerles, one flonr nd feed store, &c, wliere In Jlay, 1869, le found but a half dozen dirty hots. "Withln two months 40 buildings had becu erected from Michigan pine lumber, drawn from Emporia 05 miles Ilstant,- boaght of Tbouráon & .Tav, we hope,- and 32 more were nndcr contract; Healsosaw 3,100 hettd of Tcxan entile rosslng (lift Arkansas, 70,000 hcad haring been crossed at llie same pointsince spring. Corn was 10 feet high, tuseled and silkcd, grass 8U feet high, and eVerytblng else in proportion. - As to the 4th of Jnly, the oratlon'was delivered by ffjr. S. Jat, was heartily apilaudcd ,nnd recelved a uiüinimous vote of hanks. The din ncr. was some, the blU of ñire Incladlng 70 pairs of roast chickens, a mffnlo roastcd whole - but not by QoodnuE - with other llxin's too nuuierous tot Dl o mintion. J. dlsclairas, however, dining on bnffiilo tncat. At the evening ball 84 ;3 tickets were sold, and no beer or liquor wns sold in the town during the day. So mnch for a border townand itscelebration. The degree of Lti. U bas been conferred on üabriol F. Margo, a coloree] gradúate oí he University of Michigan, by the regents of that institution. - Chicago Post. The degree of LL. D. has been conferred ípon Gabriel F. Ilargo, a colored gradaste 1 the University of IClchtfC&n, by t.he regents of that institution. - Martítatt Statesnnn. Now let us sliie a little pebble at tliese vo very Iike "original" birds. The legree of " LL. D." is soraetimes conferred by rst-class colleges upon worthy professors s a mark of scliolarly attalmnent but nore oftenby some impecuuions institution pon some man of means vvlio is expected o pay for it, or upon some blatant politilan or qnack statesman, and la a mere íonorary or onerary title, as the recipiënt hall ?cr flt to esteem it and the confetti Dg istitotion. Bo it known that G.niUEr, ïruxkltr IIahoo hasn't been so iniposed pon. He worked íor - and earned, as ve re bound to presume - thedcgrceof LL. B.( lid ilid not buy or have given to him the egree of LL. D. As neither the Post nor ;ie Siatesman may, liowever, know the din"renco, they are advised that the tonner abalistic letters stand for Bachelor of ,is, and indícate au honest gradúate of a aw school, the latter for Doctor of Laws, uch as Butler, Schenck, CnAKDLEii, Yates, AsnMïV, el ni. Why can't these Radical journals do the colorad brother justicc? On Tucsdny last the County Sheriff of Cilhoun took tlic mail train for Detroit, In charge of two prisouers convicted of lar ceny and genteneed to Üie IJouse of Corrcction. Ncar Franciscovillo, and rhile the train was at full speed, one of the prisoners, Chas. Stevens - or as he non' .si ves bis name, Chas. Hknnesst - the Shcriff's back being tornad, stepped to the platform anrl jumpcd off. The train was Btopped and the prisonr pickcd up, his skull pecled, one rib crackcd, iud confilderably stunncd and brulsed, but 110 boncs broken. Modi cal ircatmcnt being immediately necesaar; 10 was left in this eil; i the joint charge of Sheriff Portki and Dr. Lewitt, and Is uow in'jail, and doin? xs ifrcil ascouldbe expected. lie is about 18 years old, and claims to be tlic sou of an offiwr oí the Brtttgh army serving in Canada. Whatttith a very heavy rain Su'nday nlght and Mouday, withaclose muggy atmosphere and occasional showcrft Blnce, it lias not been a íirst-class harvest week, and we hcar considerable complaint that wheat cut last week has commeneed to grow. We hope tlmt the damago vlll not prove serious. Such result, however, wlll only be preven te3 by a chango of weather and a diyer and brisker atmospbere. - In the Southern aud Western parts of the State the erop Is nearly secured in good order, wltll a goud yield and fine quality reported. Micah Porter, Esq., of MaDchester, died on the 7th lost., in theTGtli yearofhis age. lie had been in a critical condition for more than a yi:ar, so that his death was not iinexpecUd. Mr. Portkr was boni at Weymoutb, Mass., August 2:3d, 179;!, and settled in tlie town of Sharon in llii.s connty in 1832. lic was the fatlier of Dr. 0. 13. Pokteii and Sheriff Portek of this city He was widely known And gcneraliy esteemed. The Flint Globe, in congratulating some Flint boy3 on passing for tlic Unlver sity, takes occasion to say that a number of boys fiom ilie Aun Arbor school failed topass in Greck and were " conditioned." The Globe has been misiuforreed. The Ann Arbor boys were all of thera rvjfd in both Grcek and Latin. A few of them liad beads nol matliematically level, and in that direction were the couditions imposeJ. When business is dull and buyers slow to l)i te is thethnc to adyertise. Some business men discontinue their advertlslng atsach times- just the time when they Bhonld make extra efl'orts to got customers The Aiïfios has a column or two of gpace to let. " A word to the wise is sufficieut.' At a recent meeting of the Board of Education of Detroit, Duane Doty was unanimously re-elected Superintendent of the city schools for the ensuing year. Mr. Doty is descrvedly one of the most popular school superintendents in the west, and the schools under his charge in elliciency and rank every year. If you have sold your wool don't forget to pay for the Anous. If evcry sabscriber wlll make prompt payment it shall be put in a new dress and otherwise improved. At a meeting of the Common Council held on Monday evcnlug last, Geobge A. Gilheut was appolnled Collector for the 3d and 4th Wárds, vice Euastcs N. QlLBEBT, removed from the district. In the United States District Court at Detroit, on Tuesday, IIui.iïkht II ft' .ut mer reccived his final discharge i jbankruptcy. Now ia the time to order youv Billlleads, Letter-Heads, Cards, Circulars, Statements, etc, and the AllGUS office is the place to get them. Two great cvents are to happen today : Congress is to adjourn, and 4 Paws Mcnagarie aud Circus is lo bc in towu.


Old News
Michigan Argus