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:_ WASHTENAWCPUMTY j JiJJ fl ft,!i f A TpF - PU j T " - "r t. nNN AHÖUtf t 1 -A-IINTD REAL ESTATEJXCHANGE ! I Theandenifgiiei) halaga perftol Record hirtnry pf iil ■(" the Real Eatate ïitle in thi ijlty, and In the Coiinty of Wiisiitcniw, tiikes pleaaute in asnouiio1 ng to the publfo t hal te wlll examina tí Ue.gfoi abstracts ot Eeal Estáte title, mafce oeeda morí ontracts and ot her legal papers on Ihe b hor tea i Will also mnke'sah' of City propertj ■■m- 'arms , rem homes, and foreoïoM raortfrageu. l'ev. ■ Mi'; a hj.-furv of Real Estáte t tu-, rill pooollectthathtfl Bookxtakein Tax TltlM anl all col liitcri1! mat 1 t-i s wliich touch cach particulir ■ ■ tion; nl .II inortgasres, ancient or moiiern. n liich ippear to b still subsistí Dg of record at the pnantt time. I offer the folloving Real Estáte for salo : Xo.100 The Malony House and Lot on PiriBion Ktrcet. .Uo.101. Honle aml Lot in Iliscock1 addltion. Pi ie; $2.000. N'o. 102. Two Story Brlck House oq Spring ftreet. Xo.103. Two Story Wood Hontfl n ípríng Street. Xo. 104. Xice Houso, Lot and Bain weet of Law Xo. 103. Fino TToitqo, Ont-honsp, Bnrn and 5 aeren of Lnnd, Water Fount,&c. - vry desirable l'V' perty. o.10G. Jl-nisñ and Sacres of Land inslde corpora tion . No. 10T. House and Lot just touth of theL'nivereity bullddtg. Xo. 108. 15' acres of Land eftflt of tbe Univereity Gl in mis. Xo. 109, City Lot i noarly opposite Dr. Chase's ig K-it.ibhshiuer.t. Xo. 110. One Two Stoiy Wood DwcUing on State Stri ■'. Ko. 111, (ín.1 elegant Two Story Brlck House near liiivt-rsit y Square. . BO tures with buildings just north of the City. Xo.113. One Two Story House jast north CemeWy (iiuniuls Ño. 114. Two Brick Houiöi véüt Bldf "f UuiverFity S [uare. Xo. 115. 0 acres; j:it west of the City. Xo. 116. .5 acres with buildings just wet of tbe City. Xo. 1J7. 160 acres wlth bultcHngs and nproveinentH 5 mites north - good ituatiou. No.118. 320 acres- ftne farm in ShUwaHee, Xo. lid. 2,000acreuf Wild Lukdl In the Counties of Wayuw, Xlonroi1, RagtoftW and Shia wasse, Iy Abstract Booka arepostedto date. Xo. 120. One elegant Tbree Story Building on Huron Ktreet, veat. Xo. Hl, 175 acres on Vliddle Uoad to Ypdllalltl, Xo. 122. 40 acres ou South Road with Buildings and nuprovtrinents. Xo, 123. 240 acres on North Oexter Road. 2JÍ miles out , with impro vemen tft. Xo. 124. Anï much other Kesl E-state uot herein included. Fh r i ar? nvmy oH inoríir;: fea En Washtéñaw Coan ty unchnrged of Record, aud lawa ot' Ijimita" tions as to ilortgages is dinVrent froia thi-t appltoa blo to Hc-ül Fútate. Xerma of Commtosion on sales of Knl Estáte, ose p%r conti if ttale made. Ra tate Titte li cents per yef for Deodfl and six oentd ■ yarfor Uortgagea uutil chance of notice. Ho charges WiUbe made for exanüa&ÜnDOf litle, mftklag papers ot reoordlng, to partiea lndlng monej i bw, Miney wantod to lo:in n uni'n um teal E.tate from one tr) five eara,at 10 per ■ '■ 8708t net to the leader, Ann Arbor,March 0,1870 TBAOY W. KOOT. j. JOHNSON, At SSo. 7 South Main Street STILL HAS A HAT OR 2 1EFT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season Which will besold ALSO A I.ARGE3T0CK OF GtOVES, COliLARS, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEF3, SATCUEliS, CANES Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. pleaso cal! and examine my goods before purchas injf elsewhere . May, 1870 r ADIES'FASHIÜNABLE SHOE HOUSE. 24 South Main Street , Dealer in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEWEST STYLES i:Nr Kid, Oaïf, and Cloth, AhvayBon hand, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF VOU WAMT A. BOOT, A. GAITEE, A. IJTJSKIN-, OR -A. SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMINE UI8 STOCK BEFOKK ITK CHASIXG. PRICES LOWER than the LOWESTIt. TAERANT. Aon Arbor.May 1870. [1UY YOUK Looking Gllasses OF 77. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, Kr ll 3 UEASOAS. 'iret, bwaunp beke ' of Importwl (ïlasn, KQÜ U OO(l li M.M L uit' Hl o i ■ ! "'.ivf ;nnl areiltoy trame, ana sella CHEAP 1 econ1ly, bccnusf tliev Vielonp to bis business. He iiuikth tlierti a RpeclaKj , aoehbin own work, aad can allord to sell 'liirdij, BecaiiBC he maniir.ictnreH llieiu, and can and wil) Heil tho of ny one in the city. Hcalso sells PICTURE FRAMES! Thecliefipestof anjbodv In thoStato- ns far as heard froui . FICE OVAL FRAMES FOB GO GTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & liails! FBGÜCH GI.AS9- bj tliellght otbox- ForPictures orfor 33 EA.ST HUUON STREET, A.N3ST ARBOR. - - - MICH. 117f tl s 3 ó 2 S . 8 !5 SS H fl- B Sil i- , S ai ilTJh B ojal ?. Hg S ffl:h r8S P IJL, A r-l 8 H k 5 O h 2 WO Ph UEMO VAL. J. KECK $ CO. Hare removed thcir STOCK OF FUTURE And Undertaker's GoodB, To Mack & Sohmid's Block, No. 52 South Main, and No.4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARGEST STORE IK THE CITY, AND BUILT EXrRESSI.Y FOR THE FÜRNI1URE TRADE. THEY HAVE NOW IN STORE THE LAUGESTandFINEST STOCK 01 FURN'ITCRE EVER OI'FERKD IN TH IS COUNTY.OF THEIROWN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR BOTH IN QUAI.IT ANDSTYI.K, WHICII THEY NOW OFFER TO THE ITBLICCHEAPER T1IAN CAN ÜEIiOUGHT AXY WHERE F.LSEIN THE STATE. THEIR STOCK INCLDDES EVEY AUTICLE HBEDED TO FURNISII TUB H ES T HOUSE FROM TOP TOBOTÏOM. Tlicirold pntrons and the public generallyare invited to give tLem ■ cali. J. KECK & CO, Auu Arbor, January, 1870. 1251 pRY GOODS CHE AP! C. II. MILLEN Has just rcturned from New York, and ia now receivlog a OF SPRING AND SUMMEE, DRY GOODS, Bought during the recent fall in prices, aud will be sold Chenp. C. II. MILLEN". THE STYLES OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ARAB SHAWLS, LLAMA POINTS, GLOVES, TIES, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, FANS, &c, &c, ARE BEATJTIFÜL AND CHEAPCALL AJSD SE.. ÏHEM at C. H. IVlillen's. (PitlNG PRINTS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, House Furnisliing Goods, Gent's Cloths & Cassimeres AND EVEBY VABIETY OF SPRING DRY GOODS, FOR LADIES AND GENTS AT VERY LOW PRICES AT C. H. MILLEJV'3. pïNLËY LEWÏS, Gentleman's Opera Boots. " Furgeson Button Boots. " French Congress Gaiters. " Creóle " " " " Serge " " " Scotch Ties. " All Kights. " Oxford Ties. In short, a Full Line of Gentlemen's Boote and Sbo, Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes n Great Variety, and MEN'S HEAVY WORK, band made of all kinds. Ladics' French Kid Button. " Foxöd " " " Serge " " " Polish. Miases' Bromo, " and Button Serge, " " " Child's " " " " We ask the particular attention of the Ladie6 to OTJR FINE YOEK WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IX THE STATE, fcnd in. Price FAR BELOW DETROIT FIGURES OÜR WOPK WARRANTED AS RF.PRESENTED. 1263 ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOTJR $3.00 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDKRS AT THE TO9T OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. SF.PT. 21st,1Pfi!. I238tf pÜRNTTURE OHIE JF I The Larpest and Best stock i n tlip city, of all va rictios anJ stylcs, at the oíd Store of O. M. MARTIN. $IOiÖÖËWARDT" GREAT EimiNT ! ! AMONG FARMERS. WILL PAY THE IIIfJIIKST 0A8B PRICES FOR fiOOD WUEAT. AI.l. FARMERS WILL ! WKI,L TO CALL THEKF. HEFOÜE SKI.I.IXG ELSEWEKBE. IIRIXG ÏOÜR GOOD WIIE1T TO SCIO Slir.I.S. 1260 N. W. BRIGGS, Scio. -= j GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's ! for 3trictly Pure Drugs and MedicineB,Paints,Oils,&c.


Old News
Michigan Argus