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POÜNDI ■' On División Straet, a tem i&Jg ajo. a Black Shawl. The ov. e theaameby proviiig propeny and puring for thi advertlaement. 1 alj 21, ] . 1-T;hvl -TOHN C, 3HAW. UÜRON STUEET MARKET. I mnst liavo mv pay. I havo Icfl in the hand of mbet ui billa i'or collectl men wil! pay nj ]romptly that I mny be prepare i thi faütride. PÍcehTegetaitlt'8, frpï-h ïinh and pon ti v alwaya uu han 2Oth, 1S7'. 127ÍIW2 J. HITS. JVJ ÜTICK L , trm n' 0. A. Gilhert & liro. wan dii-olvwl on theSdaay of Juhr, mntnal consent. '!': ■liivK N Gilbcrc, whowill settle the acconnta ui t!:; huu firni, Aiiu Arbor. Jnly SOth. E. X. OTLUEUT, ( a. (ir.:; bted to thé late flrra nro roqtleted to uiake Immediate fcttlemeut. I -.'T'Jwe 3?ITK REMRDY. Warner! Pilt Kennedy han inner tailerf fnot evon in ■! cure t e vt-ry vorst casen „f Blind, Itcluoc or i:i"-!incr PIIm. T.ntso who are n tllictfil slior ■ .y cali on thelr ai ;m l pet Warnbb'h i-iik Rksbot Itis oxpr - the Piles. sn'l is not reeommoadad tocvr6 aj ifcaa Jt ha eured tntny cftsen ol over thfrty y e ra ítaadioy. l'rice Out' Hollar, lor salu b.v ■r_vw!n re DYS'PEPSÏAWarnn's Dyftptpvlii Totilc [$ . Dyspeptic? and thone BUtferinp ril usa. it is a f íiii'íit otitnalatin nu-! :i aplendfd ippetïrerj it gtrengthenfl ths rli t Q ■ Hu ii . W ■■■■ k, n ■ 8"n Bhould vse Wavxy'8 I Y-jf-r-iA Toic. K r sala bj ■ : lar. COIÍGH NO MORE.' Warner 'a Cough Batatín . nofteii''it' extraoidi narv puwr it d wentuallj of Congb - . Puruat, üi-oiu'iiút, [D&ueaia,, CtarrhJ Asthm and Con ■'■■- (?o prompt la tbe re lie J ind con :n all the abure cases, ir any atlccti'-n oí 'he Unípjt' mul J u nirs, tlmt thoussnda of phyriciam are d.i i ly pi ■' . roí onfl and all any tliat It la the moit healiug n ekpovn. üne doïe a i i elief, aod m me onf ín: Id by áruggi 1 nvr bott . Prlce Oaq follar. It [fl yoar own lauít i f yoa sUII cougb a mi sufU-r. Thn Balsamwfll cnrt'. Cu rifi.-r f)nl Deliof onñ Drink, Warnetla Vlnam Viw, r Wl r Life, re i li mu 'ftr.l . It appttzr nl ionio, and thö finest thÍDg ín tlr' wond for purifylng t ii blowil. 1 1 ■ ujirtiit aod i Líele evpr olit-n'il to the public, far onperiot to brandy, irhísky, wlne, bitters, ir anj .-' ln r :irtic]'. It. fgnoora biirliy and .'■unir or oíd, esa Fe. I.' i, n i it, h l Tq ; er. i'hoHQ who % i : i en, ay jood hPftUh an spirits, wiil do weJ] t take Ibe (Vine . t' la diffHrenl from abj thlng ever before in US61 ■ tab lo sal uno. Pric .:rt bott les. JJBMMËKTAGOGIJEr AViiriiti 's Emmtnagogne la the onlr aríicle known to caro tbe Wbttea, (.it will coro i" verj - i.unüy in Mob thi8 Important ■ bI nir every o il mi you and youohould immeIra :i Htir; cure for Female r ritiftü, Jim' i i every ■ ■ mootblT i(irt' has bw d ■■( -e. Sold iy drogviAta Prlce il by mail onreceípt of One Dola ■■ od :i Q lárter. Olí State Street, Oblongo, PAKEAND, 3HELKT A .(:,. Who'esale Agentf, Detroit. For salo byEborl) ach &Co.,n.l IÏ.W. El lia & O $ïooo"kêwabd! GllAT 1CITIÜT ! ! soio 3vtrrjiLs WILL TAY T1IK HKÍlIK-T CASH PBICE8 KOR BOOD WHEAX. ALL FARMERS WILT. ])" :. 11IKKI-: BBFOBB SELUNQ EL3EWHBRE. BRixG ïorn good wheat to 8CIO Mtl.I.S. 12G0 N. W. BUIGGS, Scio. Estáte of Xurman C. Goo.dale. STT: htei,w,fl ■ onntr Office, n thí f} 'fAnn Arbor, on Thnrsday, tho fourtecnth da? -■■■ thu yearona thoosaad elght bundred aád Kirnm T. T?akcs, .Tisd-o ofp., ■ of lile lisíale oí isormuü C Uoodale ■itot of nid fftntf owurJ ' a biicU Adinínis. '■ at ten o-clock in the f tor examJnlng ml aii„wi„„" and ■ I otlier persoiu ■ ;„ „3 estáte, are required to ap ,,, „, .en tobe holden ai the Prohate Offlce in !le rbor, Ín aid Oonnty, and sho canas! 'fn'"'y J1 ionld not b ■ tbePnona interese 1 ■ tho pemlency of satd accoont, ad 1S y of tliia order ÍS irspape? rculatinglnd Connty. three succes ka i.n-vioHutoaaiddaTof Ix-Hriiic. tA.2SoW-l íAW -i híIakes. JntU-e nf i'r-hata. Estáte of Volney Chapín. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waahtsnaw s 0 Atagesalonof the Probate Courl fortheCount e.lnthí Citv,.f Ann Arbor, ou Wdoe day, tbe rixth daf ofjuly, n tho jreai one thouaand elght hunPVesi-iii. Jliriii .f.Beakís.Jmlc of Probóte ID he matter ol ti komey chapín. Sea ]nc.ii!.lfi!nTllin pefitloo, tlaly -rerificfl.fff Charlea A. Chapín, 8mne] S Wsiler. and Volner hapin, ..r.. Admlnlstrnlor, tbat thcv may itata wheieof Baiddeceaacd nied aefeed. Dponltiaorder'edthalJHoBdiT, thc ttTntr. 'i, ncxt, ut te orcluck in the ■ 'I for i!ic heMrtüc ol aald pU. ■l ttil ;h; heirs ai. law of taid clrceaaod, anu all other peraona Interested In sak) estáte. ilred 'o njo!ir at a aeasion f sid Coart lenst the Probate Office, In the Clt.j oi Aim Arbox, and Bhow canse, Ifany there be. wliv'the prajor of the petítlonef ahoald not be grasted:- Anfi ii Ufurther trdered, tbataald petltioner L'ive lnt(Breted In atd eatats, of the and the thereof b oí thta order to be pubflabed in thi t, a newspaper prlnted and fhciilntinff Insaid Connty, fom tncceasl ito sai dayorhearing, UIUA.M J.BEAKE8," Atruecopy. Judscof Probate 1 279td látate of William Pl.M, Sen. STATE O!' HICHIG ÍN, CpantyofWaíhtenaw.n onrl lor the (.'■■initr of '■',;, -liiciuiw, Imldoh t the Probate OlBce. In the (Mry of Ano Axbor, on Prlday, the íifteenth dayotJaly, in tho year ono thouaand elght hun. I'rpS'.Mit. IMram .T. Beakes, of ProbntP. Tu the matter of the Estatv ol' William Pidd,8en decfi' David T)qmc. Ailminitrator ) v.Hh thi wlll sn' nexed ol dec Into i onrt and repreaente thal be i-' now prepared id render hi final ;ic'-oiii:l i I Admlnl"1 rr, - Therenpon it le ordered, ti at Monday, tbo flftcenth (lay of A .. -. i. xt. nt ion o'clock in the fora """". '■■' ai -i n ed loi i n minina and allowlng mch. account, and that the legateee, oeriseefl and belra at hiw of ■ r ther ersona inicreated in .":tirl t-nrate. are roqulred to .njj; Ion of ald Coart, then tobe holden a ii the City of Aun Arbor, In Bald Connty. andJ be, why the aeid ihonld ii". beallowed : Am! i isfurther ordered that Sa'.d Adniini.-unlur ,, tile jhtsí iih iritireirted i; - of Ihe pendenc; ofasid acount.. and the hearlne thereof, by canJng a copj ií' itia order to ! pubuahed in the MUI a ncvrg. I auddicntatlng i:i gald Connty. three i day of hearing. (A trae Copy.) H1RM J BEAKES, 12 9 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Charles Alooro. QTATROPMICITKíAN. County of W(htma,w, t O At a aemion l' the Probate Court for tbe Connty htenaw, holden :it Probate Office, in th Clíy oí Ann Ar or. on Tnosday, the uin day of Jnly, in the vcar onc tboús.'iud elyht hnndred muí aeventy. Present, Hiram J. Beat F Probate. In the matter of the Kstatc of Charles Moore, 1 decenOn readlng and flHng tho petition, flnly vorifiod. of line L. H.Cnl fl. Hempnlll prayingthvt Snllivni heon ndHbbertW ppointed Ai:miniitratora of tbe II ..-dcrod, that Vonflnv, the r.ftocnth .' 'lock In t ïnreiKion. bp asslgned lurtne hearing ol Bald petltio, ■'';'l thi leed, tmilall Intereitedin sald etate, are reqnirei urt, rl..'ii to bc holden, at tl of Ai ere ie. why theprayeitof . ed: And itis fnrthcr ore . itico to the nu', ncy of antinga eopyofthla order tobe poblished In ■ ii. rajit County. three Bucceaiive weeka grevioaa to aid üaj of heai ( truc copy X IIIRAlf J. BEAKE3, 1ÍTÍ Jnd I Pi Estáte of Samuel B. MoDowll. OF M! BI( ■IW,fr, 1 Sioüce i ! . ■ of thö ProbateConrf fortheCoan iw.madeom teenthd&yof :-froiui that date were allow tiicir claims agaioati ll.iatooffaldi-ountr,. ld that all credltors of said reojolred to present tbeir clainu to snit! Probate Court, i the Probate Ofllce, In tho City of Ann Arbor, for examlnation and slloirance, h clafma wi] ■ Probata Court. i the firpt áuy of October, and 4ay of Jaunary, next, at Ii ■■!■: ii! the forenoon i oach of those daya. Dated, aiiu Arbo;. HIRAM ,T. BEAKB8,. 12T9w4 Judgc of l'mbatci Commissioners' Noticc. LTATKOFMlCHrGAK,ConDtyoJWashteiiaw,8f ' been appointed hy the1 Probate Conrt for pHid Connty, Commfsaionersto recelve, examine, and adjtist all clairaa and (Iemands of all pírsonflíiíunstthe estáte of Frederlck A. Hol lei, latí: of Siiid CooDty, (!■ ivo no tice that tii montbs from date are allowed by or der ofsald Probate Conrt forcredltorstoDresenttheir claims a ■ tteofsalddeceated, imdihatthey will meel -! the office "f W. F. Ilntcii. in the ,1 Connty, on Raturday, October and Saturday, the ; day af Jannary nt, al ten oclock A-Mt 1 dayBi to rtceive, cxaniiueaud adjust Daied, Julyl4th, A.D. 1870. JCommtssIoners.. Commispioiiers' Notice. OTATE [GAN, Connty of Waehtenaw.M. ; o The under -n appointed by the i Probate ' ouri for flald Connty, Commlsaloners io reixamine, and adjnpt all claimc and dcmnDdB ofiiil persons apninst the estáte ofFioyd Biahopt late or satd Coanty, deceased hereby give noties montbs from date are allowed by order oí sriiil Fr for credltorfl to present theb I Bed, oud that l th''.v will meet at the ofttco of Thom "f Ntnde, In the ■ ei iy of fpsilantK in H:iifl Consty on Saturday. tht lir-t flay "f Octob r. and Wed f ï.'iy. eightieenti I da,v of January, next, at ten ovlock A. M. "f eacli nf I sald daya, to receive, examine, and adjnst saü I . Tv ï70 1279w4 Exeouíor'í Sale. ESTÁTE of James A. Oevany, íeceased. No v givQn tbat by virtae ff ftntbority Krrrnite(l t ■ tne ProhAte Court for the Conntj orW'nyiie, In tho s ■ 'i [ public ■ in ïhe Ciity of StatP, at thr front door of t'in' bnildlng in wbleb i helrt the Circnit I of Washtenaw, on Friduy, the nimh ay of September, A.D. 1870, :it the hourof . Koon. ;ii! the rij:ht, titln and Interest of sald dn enied, in and to thnt" cerlain picce or j col of land in ml City of Ann Arbor, clcreribed a lot nnmbered flfteen 0 . I Dnmbered two CO sonth of rftDge tweïve " . itorn uldition to tho tnow cityj of Ann Arbor. Jllly JS .. 1-7' . T. THOMAS PEVANY, Txecutor lat will and t-'stament C .T. O'Finra, ol said deowu Att'y. lor Kxcciltor. 12TJ Drnin Comniiesioner's Noticc. -yOT! -n t!i.ii the Brnin Commlil .-inner of Washl ■■ ly will be at the house of J hn Clark, In the towoshlp ol Flttsfleld, on ie lStta day ol Vngnst. ito, a '- ovlock p. u , t rti8 to contract for the cODStraeHon ef druin. to be known as Pittsflclil No. 5 Drain, on sectlonsil . rad 3:t. the bonxe of John Clark, on lat, I8T0, at 2 o'clock p. té, t : wil! exbiblt majwof iho proposéd drnin, and descriptloTifl of th hereby, ■ amount and descrlptlonS by divisions and subdivisión 8 of the i ' ilroin, apportloned tn the ownere of eacb ili"u-riptlon tó constract ani to the townrtilpof Plttsfleld to oonmt of Buch ilr.iin beneftllna hlehway, ■ snd tó hoar rt-sotis. if any are oflered . woy boca [onmeni shonld be re iwed or corrected. Ann Arbor, Jiily aoth, ' JAMES 3. PAH9HALL, 13T0w3 Couuty Draln CominiaaiODsr. JOB SALE C II KAP FOK BEADY PAY. Thè weet half of ttiE sonihweBt qnnrter of portion t.wo ra), tn wii of Salli e, twenty aeree una r improvement. the b1 timoer. [nonire at L.O. ■ Hardware store, ai South Main Street, Ann Ar""r' L. C. TTSDON. , ISTn. l'-'TPmatf _. pARBIAG :S ! OARRIAGJBS ! I.wUl bH ono (jood Single Top Bacgy, for IT5 . rij new, for$150; one Donble Iwo-teat Carriage, nearlj ncw, cu ijeara time. A goodingle Horso j). HENNIXO. Ann Arbor, Julj 14, 18" ). !" - , TAMILIES AND PARTIES CAN CKT Tlirili ICE CREAM AT WHQLE SALE t !!"■ City Arcade, and it s admitted by pootl j_ i tke n'.H i t. Aleo ibiit ie iSOUA ROPSET.


Old News
Michigan Argus