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JOB PRINTING. AT 1 HE. ARGUS JOB OFFSCE 19 TDK PLACE TO OET TOUR POSTERS, SMALL BILLS, YOXJR BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, YOXJR C1RCULARS, BÖSINSSS CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, YOTJB CHEOKÖ, ORDEKS, RECBIPTS PLálN AND IN 00L0BS, W1TH New Blyles Tjb$ FIRST-CLASS JPHESSES, AXD GOOD WORK MEN, SATISFACTIOX IS GLARANTEED. Corner Main and Hurón Sts ANN AUBOK, MICU. j PnYSlÜlANSvPrescription8 j Accurately and üarefully Pre' pared hy Ji. W. EL LIS dé Co. MÍAS. A. LEÏTER & CO., :i[.s. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LËITER& CO., No. 1 Giegory Block, Nc. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, Sign of the Gilt Mortar ÍW Siga of the Gilt Mortar "% 1 t3& Sign of the Gilt. Mortar " :. ] W fcign of the Gilt Mortar "V, Ï [AVE .HVT OPENTPD IAVE .UT OPENKD [ya ,iwi' oi'KNKi) 1AVK Jl'ST OPKNKD The TTinPt Ptoolt oí Tlie JT'iiiewt fítoolc of The ITinest Btoclc oi' U'lie t'inest Stook of J DÍIÜGS MD MEDiGIXES DRUGS ASD MEDICIXES HNU A.D MEDICINES! DRLGS AXD IEDIGIENS ,v the crrr. y TI I E CITY. It TUK CITY. N THE CITT. PURE WINES AND LIÖIT0ES Yor Medicina] Fui-poses. Tlip Patent fefiicuirs of the rtay , und everjthing kept n a flnt las. MniK Store. An EXCELLENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TRY THKM. Hole ?énts in thoCItj for Oüo & Reynder's celbrated BURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. ■"" R8PKCIA1 ATTKNTIOV rilVKV TO TIÍK OMPOUN'DINO (iF FHYSICIANS' l'RKSRIl'no.NS od FAM1I.Y MEDICINES. 126S T}R. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, ís a npvor fni'int on re for Dyspapda, Píok-Readche, Aft in1 anñ othèr (Jiaease aïiing f rom índigosion or Toijií ily of I iv ■.-. F YOU" FEEL WEAK OR LANGUID, u11anl Unnnibitiñii , use Itr. Kellogg 'a l.Wet InviL'rMorand rogktn yoar bealth. rjk. KELLOÍiG'S Liver Invigorator I a S'anilnrrT MilicinP, un ti is componf?d ot meilirialproprtlés extmetd trom some f ib aaost eommon articli's of food comblned with tho concentrateií viict's of faraón Bootfl ari'l Herbs. nR.líKLLOGÜ'S Indian Remcdy, Nover fklji to eme COUGIIS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, an'l otbor affect iotis of tlie Throat and I.nntr. ASA LINIMENT DR. KELLOGG'S IiSDIAN REMEDY. iani's nrrivaipfl as a ruro for all dÍRcaRes attonded ith iullaiiinKitiün.andi equally good for man or teast. -pïlE CATHARTIO PROPERTIES of rr. KELLOGG'S PILtB aro ■ racted rroman arUcle ol food, whlch mtkes them r to m i v otber. Tli cy cure Contttipation, UiOftinfttlsoa , ftnd iboaid be dinplojod in all cases of HÍODflnM8, A LL KINDS OF f_ D1BEA8E8 OF THE SKIN Viecurcil by Dr. Ktllogg'e CHAMPIOM OINTMXNT. QR. KELLOGG'S STANDARD MEDICINES, Are sold by Draggi&tfl evprywhprc TEA. I TEA. C. A. LEITER & CO. OF Xo. 1 GREGORY BtÜCK, bold tbO Solé Agency of tlie G-reat United States Tea Co. O( Keir York.for the City of Ann Arhor. Thl Coropiny dea! exclunively n TEA nndCOF FKE, aod punchase thclr Tea bj the Cargo. Tlieir Superior Knowlodgo of tiii Class ol Gotulsand aunu&l fácil lies for pnrehasing Tea?, give them A GREAT ADVANTAÖE ver smaller dealers. These Teas are put up in Ponnd Packagos, (down n'oight,) an1 the price and iinil markíd in piain print and figures by thc Commny on eacb ])ackage, no Hiere aliall be NO PARTALITÏ IN PR1CE OU QUAI.ITY. ANY TEAS PURCHASED OF US NOT MEETING RECOMMENDATIONS MAY BE KETURNED AND THE MONEY REFÜNDED, Aí! we sliall not sc any adultetated article - bnoiv Ingly. We fe el confident tbat 25 to 33H Per Cent, can be Sared líy Turchasing These Teafli Ann Aíbor, Jnne 24th; 1ST0.' C. A. LEITER & CO. 12tW npHE RICHE8T FARMING L4ND8 1,300,000 ACRES FOR SALE TO ACTUAL SfeTTJCEHS.' NEOSHO VALLEY, KAIÍFAS, Union Pacific Railroad Co., Southern Branch The Laqdi dow offpied by thia Compaan? an' sitaated mwiiily nrithls twtnty mih-son i-;u-)i stlu of the road, 0Ktenilng hundreí ftod sei enty milis aloDg th NEOSHO VALLBV- tberícbest, Bn8i ,aad moni j'iviu-ij v.i : i-v fox Bettienom In the ffect. Oof-thirdol Tli labor rquired al thvEast inthe cuitare of fi mis wil I i n m-' here do feble tli o amount ofj crups . Por ore h&r) i ur ■ t: culiure, and small fruitH i ti general) 1 1 Is tui oualed BUILDING MATERIAL AS]) FENCINO of évery Tarlel v nn in grwat abunda neo. TáOOK RAHfMÖ.- The nch niitive grasses of the prairies and Ijottoms. with the Urge área of iinrc cnpied 1 ;■ mis , n ciiiMii'c.iii'n w ith tho dry, miM ,n l open win ter, present hnequaled advantagei for the raisi&gof eattle shoep aod aorsw. DAfRYINO.- In sucha country, with ranpeft for Ptook unrestricted and pasture limitlivs, tin1 prodilQ tion of butter aii'1 oheese mimi boprofltabl6i FRUIT GROWINa is ono f the medúUtm, ■ dmOn trt d hy the Öol.l M.-lal awarddl t the Stalcnf KaQflafl by the Fennylvania Stite Hortlonltural ficiety for " A CoiXKOTlOS) of Frtits Unsükpasiíkíi for iSlZBj P.KAUTY, AM KlAVOK," l'H ft CLIMA TE AND HEALTH of Kairnn aro on■■! u:i!.-.i. Tbsetlndeecl, nreaittotu Ita dhlf exceltancles, aad are reeommendvtiuna '"r ''' lwati ['RIGES OF I-XI.- Trom $2 to $8 per acre ; oredil of ton (V) oar1 tim. TKRM3 OF BALE.- Onti-Unth Aovrn at time of purchftso. No payment 'li" Beoond yoar, One-tentb rvv vear aftot untllcouiplotion of nytncnt, with unminl i mL c-rest . THE HKAD LAND OFFICE (s1otod atJÜNCTlON CITY. Toall purchagera ot M.nafretidutê frora are given over The roa d. Kor furthvr i o'i , n'l'lros.i isaac T GOODNOW Liind Cpmwissioner. Urj m3 .1 ! N( I II N C1TV, KANSAS. ARTÏN'S Ie the. placo to got anylhlnj y du want in the FURNITURE LINE! nE Wll.r, NOT BE IXnERSOI.D. PÜÏSIDIASS' FRESCRIFTlOl ACCURATELY AND CARBFÜLLY PREPAPED BY B. Tr. ELL18 & CO., DBUQGI81S, IMl. (J. B. POKTE]?., DEKTTIST. Office ia thï NËW BANK BLOCK, AKN AEBOE ft.ll Operations on the Natural Teeth j I'KIIFOÜMED W1T1I CARE. UNSURFASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTÏFÏCIAL TEETII, to awv. EACii iNPiviiarAi,, Denturat of tfte prtiper ttixe, rkape , retor, J-mncs$ and vrtural exfirttsion. ÍB44 T IVË ÖEJËSE FEAÏHERS FIHST GJTT-A.LITTT, Constantlyonhnnfl nnd for saleby JiACIISr ABEL. The Michigan Central RaKroadi NEW TIME f ABLE. Train on the Michisnn Central llnllroad ncw leavo Ktutiuus namud as fullows : Mi VTPT. Mali Fiir-t IV.itcr Evc'i. rrific Train. Kx. Ace. Kk, Kx. nctrOlt, tf.VlAM ".UU AM 4 lf ;..4"I'M 9.0(1 I-M ïrallsntt, 8.88 8-Ï8 " 6.M " T.OJ " 10.08" Ami Arlior, f.57" 8.43 " (i (H) " T.25 10.S " Deiter, 9 25" - ' d.'.M " Ï.M " Chnlsea. a.4S " - " " B.U " 1 Jackon, 1045". 45 ' 0.1 " 11.45" Kalamasoo, ï.os r ii.:;t a m J2.ism i.rSAM Cbicag", 8.05 " 4 0(1 r. il C 30 " 7.10 " OOIVfl KAPT. Atlantic Nicht Dcxter Mail Pa( X. Y. Kx. Kx. Ace. Train. Kx. Chicnso, 5.tfrM !).oo p.m Í 00 AM 11.80a M Ralamuoo, 10.35 " 2.0Sau iojw " U-m JackKOn, 1Mam4Mu PD 5.4S " Cbeliea. 6.25" A.M, B.OS " __ Deiter, 5.4' " .10 :;.-20 " Ann Arlior, 2.2')" " Hl". 6.Í0 Ypillnntl, 2.40 " fi.20 " 7.10 4r.i 7.112 ' Detroit, S.45 " 7.30" 8.40 5 40" "55 " Dalcd.Mny SMli,187O. DEOPLE'S D1JUG STOxvjii R, W. ELLIS &. CO'


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Michigan Argus