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In Memoriam

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lie was boni Id Pevonport, Eogland . Hls parenta emigrated to Pblladolphla ivliile hc was jet nu infant and, both soon after dying, be was ad by :i christlan famlly, and by them trained op n all the good ways of the Lord. At au early age be wasbronghttoaknowl of the truth, and unlted wlth the Sansora St,Baptls Church, then onder the care ol Uie lamented Wm. Stoüohtök, D. D. His mlnd w;ifl r.i uvr dlrected to the Cbristlan Mlnistry, and, after u brief conree of stady under thedirectlon of hls revered pastor be wasordained, and took charge oftheOumberland St. Baptist Chnrcb In Norfolk, Va., where lie opent seven yoars f most soccessfal labor. He was eqnally nsefiil In A.lexandrla. Va , where he Buccceded the late Dr. Cone, aud labored tlilrteen years. ir removed thenceto Moant Holly, N. .!., 17. There, also. he was grratly beloved, and greatly blessed. He re!gned )iif s lap?e of s;x years, anl becanio :ni agent of the Amencan Colonizatton Boclety for the States of New J and Co wlth eminent advantage to the society. The C'olonization Sn. r wlth the liaptist Mis8lonary Union of wblch he was onc of the founders, and Tlie Baptist Publlcatlon Society, whtch flrst orlglnated at hts suggestion, were all peculiarly deur to his hcart. Hts beloved wlfe diod In V'-o, and he .oon after removed to Troy, Michigan, where be spent about three yeors. Mo tlicu re moved to Detroit; and ü uring hls slx years1 residence there, devoted hlmself to the goneral interests of the cause oí God, and to ire of uDsnpplied and feeble churches In particular. Hls asefolncss In fbstering these infunt inteves'.s was in somc Instsuces, very marked, aml is held in grateful remembrance by raauy. Nor will tha stroug Influence he now began tD exert in adding to the endowments of Ka'amazoo C' l.ege, and in promoting the work of the Baptist State CoDventlou and other important In , be soon forgotten. The Baptist Chnrch at Ann Arbor, haring enjoyed his occasional labors, gave Mui a cali to become thelr pastor in t'ie Spring of 1860, whlch call hea ,and theuceforward, the numbers mul Ilberallty and efficiency of that church began to Increase When, In 1864, he reached his seventjeth year hc reslgned hls pastorate, feellng that sing Inürmltles forbade his retaintng it longcr ; but his labors contlDUed to be in int demand, both at home and abroad. ery assoclatlon, evcry councll, every board meeting the presence of "Father . r.irs" was welcomed, and hls praters and counsel and preachlng were ahvays prlzed. But he has now joined a nobler ossembly. On Sunday, July 8d, after retarnlng from the house of God, in Aun Arbor, lie was taken witli a severe pain In the región of the heart, attended wlth difficulty of bresthing. His dlseasa, however, was greatly relieve i alter a few days, so that he started wlth his daughtcr for Lapeer, whlther he liad been raaking preparatlons to remove that there, In the raldst of chlldren and grandchildren, he might end hls da}-s. lic arrived in Lapeer July8tU, and, althongh exhausted witli his joarney, rested comfortably throngh the night. Xo serlona apprenenslons were feit by his chlldren till the foliowlng afternoon, when .the alarming symptoms returned. In the evenlDg abont 10 o'clock hc suddenly expired. Al most his last worde were, "Father, keep me near thy slde." Tlms "jfed In faith" my beloved father, In the seventy-seventii year of his age and the flfty-fourtn year of his faithful and tnitiul iiiiuistry. The churches he served, the 8nrylvlng ministers who were his asociates, and, above all, his chiidrsn and jrandchlldren can never loso liim from thelr hearta. Tlie funeral discourse was ireached by Kev. S. V. Tires from the word of the apostle, "He, being dead, yel speaketh." Tlie body was borne to the grave by ministers of different denomiuations followcd bv a large concourse of people. Welcome the coming, glorióos dáy, whlch shall give him back to nsagain ! Ö. C. JR. . Wo chccrfully give place to tlie followlng tribute to tlie late Kev. bAMUEi, CORNSLITTS : Li reas, Oor Heavenly Father has seen fit U) cali from among us, and soon after (rom earth, our revered friend and fathcr In the gospel, Kev. ÖAMÜHX CoBHBXTDS, D. D., wlm bad, nntil within two weeks ]ast, contrlbuted so largely to the Instructlon and edifleation of this class; therefore, Resolved, That we, the merabers of the class, do feel ourselves called opon by all tbeclrcnmstances of the casp, to make an expression of our feellngs In regard to the deceased. Jiesolcdl, That father Corneliüs' character and Ufe, as showu among us, pri tralts worthy of perpetual remembrance and imltatlon iu our christian walk - especlally hts love of the gospel ; bis tact in commendinj; it on all occasions to those into whone company he was tbrown ; his exhibltlon of lts power In his o-.vil life and WOrdS, even down to his last lay witli us, and in taktag that leave whlch he feit wonld be iinal in this life ; the cliH'usion oí tiii.s love through that vehi ol humor whlch was so marked i feature of his inind ; and his most evident om from ill will, even when his wonis seemed other wise; and that we do hereby couirnend these traits to eacb umi to all who know the (laceased, for enduring remembrance and practical use. Resolved, That an engrossed copy of the abore' be sent to the daughters of father In Lapeer, wlth assnranc our hearty eympathy wiili his Burvtvlng famlly In their bereavement also tliat a copy be sent, for publicatton, in the Standard, at Chicago, and iu each of the papers of tliis city. G. T. II AUHIS, Leader. The T tli Bemi-annual meeting oí tlie Michigan Assoclatlon of Oounty Superlntcndents oí' Schools is to be held at Gtrand Rapids, August 8lh, 8th, and lOth, commenclDg on Monday evenlng, the 8th. Ou Monday evenlng au address will be dellvcred by Hou. O. IIosfoud, Snperinteadeot of Public 1 nst ruction, subject, "The Relations of the National Government to Education ; on Tuesday evenlng uu address 01 'The Motive Power of onr Educatlona . ," by üon. J. Sl. Grksort, Pres! dent of the Illinois Industrial Unlversíty and on address on Wednesday afternoon by Hou. John 1). PlEBCB, of Ypsilanti subject, " What and how mucli ought to be cxpecteil of our Schools, and are the; worth preeenrlng." Papen wlll be reai by a mnnber of County Supcrlntcndents upon Important topics, each paper to b followetl by a dlscnsslon. Superluten dents und Principáis of Olty and Vlllag Schools are invited to meet with the Asso ciation. -The State Teachers' Aaeoclation vil meet at Grand Rápida on Wedneaday evE ning, Au;;. lOth, and close its session Fri day afternoon. A new serial story by a clisthiguisliet American writer, wbose name is held in n serve, ík begnn In the Augnt 0 The tale is said to l)e fullol Incident, dram atic, novel in scène and character, and ad mirably adapted for serial publication.


Old News
Michigan Argus