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A "home" Insurance Company

A "home" Insurance Company image
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We copy the followlng '''oin a IWD nnmber of the Detroit Tribune, and comraend lt tê out f rienda wautlng lile Insuranee,- and a!l Bhould want lt. Witli sucha healthy hoine instltutlon tlicrc is certalnly . ui oeed of patronlztng easterncompaoli Michigan can al last boast of a flrst cUbs Lile [nsuranee Corapany, organlzed ander her owu luw, control led by her own aliste, and posse Bed of all the aüvantages md Becurltles tliai prtaln t the best iratlons of thls class. Ju 1807 u few ut' the leadlug meo ol Detroit concelved Uie Idea of urgttüizlng I-üe Insurance iny, In order to cheok In part tiie largc outflow of money for li:'1 Insnrance preininma tVom the Btate, and the resalí was the incorporaron ol the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company. lt issueü [te lirst policy on Novi 2, 1867, but trom the start lt labored under great disuelvantages, froro the fact.that do Uie Insurance law thrii exlstvd thal w:is of sufflcleot Ibrce. At flrst meeting of Hio Leglslature therealter, an act relatlng to llie Insurance companies was passed, modeled atter the Massachusetts and New ïork aws, and c mtainlog all the good pointe ol iciili, thua tnaklng the Michigan statute upon this matter nio of toe iisi In the ountry. A.s soon as thla la was slgned, tho rliectors of the Michigan Mutual adoptad a calling in the capital Stock in menta Insccordance wlth the anieles )f sabscrlptlon. The full amount ba now een pald ín and the compány lias jast tmended lts articlefl of assoeiation, and ■eorganlzjd onder the new law. lt now 00,000 ol capital paid In, whtch has wen lnvested in United States and Mlchljanbondsto the amount of $60,000, and n bonds and mortgages (whlch ure flrst lena on real estáte worth doublé the imoiint loaned.l to the amount of $50.000, Il of whlch lias been deposlted wlth the State Treasurt c for the securlty of all policy-holdora as requlred by law. [Inder these amended inicies a meeting of the stockholdere was Leid at their office In this city yesterd&y and the foilowlag Board of Directora wus elecu - : John .1. Bagley, George Footc, G. Pop.Mz, C. D. Stevens, Wm Oakes, Ueorge W. Lee, Willlam Dunoan, E. S. Helnemao, J. S. Farrand, W. A. Üoore, H. Kelfer, R. Y. Klng, T. A. Flower, A. C. Porter, E Le Favo dr, T. H. Hlnchman, W. F. Reynolds, all of DetrolS ; T. M. Oooley, Ann Arbor; F. W. J luid, Plint : K. O. Grosvonor, Jonetville; W. 8. Wi'ccx, Adrián; John Johnston, Port Huron; T. J). Gllbert, Grand Rapid.t; IJ. Ji. Loomts, Jacksou; N. G. , Lanslng. Tlie Board of Directora met Immedlately and orgaulïed wlth tlic chelee ol the followiog offleersand commit ees J'retitltnt - John J. Bagley. Vire PresicUni - Jacob s. Farrand. Bscretary - John ï. Lijrirctt. j 'nara - Prof. James 0. Watson. Unxeral Agent - L. M. Thayer. ittee - Jno. J. Baeley, Jacob S. Fan-and, A. C. Porter, R. W. Eng, Wm hikes, Wm. Pmican. Insurance, OommiUee-1. M. Cooley, G. W. iee, C. D. Stevens. Amhting C'iimmittee-TA. Le Favour, G. Doeltz, E. S. Heineman. Tlio company, whlch nöw starts oil ander ïcw and lmproved ausplces, lias already, indcr all its prevlous dlsadvantatres, chleved a remarkable success. Considerrfni; tlic anionnt of terrltory and of popuation whlch it has had to work upou, no ompany Ims ever raatle better progresa. - )nrlng lts flrst 80 monthg, it has issued pollcles, Insnrlng to au amonnt of bout iio.öOO.OOO. lts receipts for premtims In the sanie time have been $110,811, andfrom interest f8,117.80. lts loases iu this pi-riod amount to $11,023, and lts ns ets, at the present time, to i;l! 1,812. The excellence ot this record will be understood when wc mcntlon the fact that the Equitable Company, of New York, fwhtch was rganized In 130, and is the most prospi rus of the yonnger companles.) in the flrst !) months i üs existenee, lsened 1,667 polInsnrlng to an amount of aboat 4,00,000, its receipts from premiaros belng 49549, and from Interest $13,449, its loss ggregating $10,500, ;ii!'l its assets at the oncluslou of the perlod named, belng 310.636. It ■will be seen that the Mlcbt'tui Mutual starts oif wlth about as prorasing success. TLo following from tlie Pucijïc Medial eind Surgkal Jovrnal is about as appllai.iie to Aun Arborasto Ban Francisco or }aHfori}la. It is no on usual tbing to sec a Is in oar Btreets sucklng nt the end of a Igar as large as they can well balance, only omlitlng to pnff to cmit anoath or obscene expressioo : Effects of Tobbacco-Smoktkq ox Cinr.)RES.- It sfcms t luit the habit of smoking ïas taken possesslou of the boys in France o bucIi an extent as to ellcit serlous Inquly as to lts resulta. An able wrlter describes hts experlenee on the subject, and comes to ihe followiDg coMcIusions ; 1. The pernlcions tl'octs on boys are incontes; 3. They consist of pallor, chloro-anemla, lalpltatlons of the lieart, dlmlnutlon of the lormal nnmber of red glóbulos, and imlaired digestión. :;. Tlie ordlnary treatmBnt for anemia, ■te, is neSectaal so long us the liabit of smoking is ))crsisted in. 4. Boys who are addlcted to smoking exhibit awnnt of intellijarvnce, ond have a i k liir, more or less decideil, for strong iriuk. 5. T!iosc tvIio abandon llie pfacttöe beore any serlons organlc lesions are produced, recover thelr heïlth perfectly. 'l'his sulijcct concerns hnndreds and tbonsands oi boys in California. We may see daüy, in the Btreets of San Francisco, scores of little human apes, scarcely old eooogb to dispense witii diapers, pufflüg cigaritos and loiiir nines, wlth all the airs of their exemplary parents. Beardless youthsstrut everywhere In thoronghfares aml public places, sucking thelr Bweet llavanasand metírschaiitns, and lllustratlng the bêneflts by :i diogosttng display of snnken eyes, lank eheoks, and bestial mouths - degenerating into animáis, Instead of growing up to manhood."


Old News
Michigan Argus