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The Extra Session

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Tlie Legislatura convetied in extraorJiuary ses-sion on Weduesday at noon : .hat is ïf so coraruoc a tuing, in these atter days, as a decisión of our Supreme Jnurt holding a leg'slative act uucoustitutional, inay ba cousidcied one of those "extraordinary occasions" refcrreJ to in the constitulion. Nevertheless. tho Legislatura con?ened, as aforesaid, a quorum of eaeh House baing prescut. Ou roll cali 27 Senators aud 82 lleprescntatives aoewered to thoir huidos. After tbe usual prelimioftry business the two Houses mot in joint convcntion, at 2 o'e'ock i. M., aud Gov. Baldwin appeared in persoa aud read liis special BMMge, of wliich wo bave only a uioagoi lelegrnphic synopsis at thÍ3 wriiiug According to tliat syoopsis, Gov. Baldv!x teccommends : 1. Tho submission of an amendnien ander whlch muuicipalities will be able to pay ai;l voted, tlio work bcingdoue aiul tha bomls passed into third bands. 2. Au ameurïmcnt onder wMch bonds abw in the hands of the State Treasurer, t.o the credit of companics which have "partlaily earned them by work done on their roads," inay be provided for and paid. ;!. The GFovernor advlses agalust anyprovlsion for future aid, and ''questions the soandnesa uf principie on Whicb t is based," but fjenerously leaves the (juestiou to the Legislatura. Cousklering that Gov. Baldwin could hnvo prevented any amondment authorzing future aid by simply declining or refuaing to allude to it in Iül message, be has ilacod hiinself muoh iu the position of the good deacoa who, starting for church on a Bunday morning, left this iujuDction behind hira : "Now, boys, it ie Sunday, don'go uear the river, but renieruber, JW does love Without lbo message itself beforo us, we are uuable to say whether tbe 2d proposition above in dosigoed to iuelude the bonds - amount'iDg to frooi 2,000,000 to $3,000,000- now deposited iriUfce Treasury to the credit of couipanies wiiich have doue no work exoept to make prelimiDary surveys, work up the aid, and get the bonds issucd, voted, and deposited. It will be a very diffieult question to determine whcr'e the "pariially eamed" line runs, and a persistent effort will be made to provide for all bondg now on deposit with the State Treasurer, with what result a few days will determino. - As an amendment rauet reeeive a two-thirds vote in each House, 22 Senators and 67 Ilepresentatives must concur in and give their votes for any propoíition. Tho presont general railroad aid bilí pai-sed tho Seuato by a voteof25to4, more than two tliirds votiüg for ii. Iu the lïoufe, the vote stood 57 to "2S, being 10 .short of a twothirds vote in its favor. It is also statec tliüt throu nti-railro(j pueinbers havo beeu elccted in placn of tiireo member who voted for the bit). Wo think th prospect slim for anything but a do ainendment, and that wild-catiing in th future ou municipal aid bonds will uot b indulged in. - We Euggest for the consideration o mombers au ameudmout substautiall as follows : Section, - . No couaty, city, tpwusbl or othui' QiunicipaJity shull ever beconie subscrlber to the capital stock of any rai road or othei" private corporalion, n" mak donatloD to or loan its cruclit iu aid of any sueli Corporation : l'roi-Uled, that the Leislutyre may, by general law, authorlze any sucli mmiieipaliürs as had voted aid to any rail road and Isstied iis bonds therefor prlo to May aOtfa A. I). ÏN7Ü,and all the eondittanSof frhloh aid, staUilory and otherwise, liml hten fully coiuplied with prior to .Iniy 2?th D. ]87(), to vote an appropriatton at any recular election, or special lelectloo called for such purpose, to pay BtAa bonds a.s they may mature. ïïu take it that do amendmeut nol coupled witli fulur prehibilion stands a ghost of a chance of being ratified by the people. The tide has turned. The great " orinal impeachist " Asiu-KY hasu't exactly " gonc to pot,"' but Uien Pora has gone to Montana, to be Governor tbereof and permit Asiii.ey t} como homo and prosjeute liis vocatiun - that is e.ek for anot'jcr office. The Detroit Ti ibunt ïays : "ín Ihe Third iiiáiri;t the constitueuts f Gov. Bi.air aro i) wcll saiisíiud willi liim, lie liaviug t;ik(Mi a really hígli positíon in osH, tlnit if he deslíes thu retioiM:natioii he can have it, sulttantially without opposilivn" O tho other haud, the Vpfi'aijti Commercial taya of 1laii : - lio has luid four veáis of trial duriug timo whflD imporlant (.juestiüria cf naoiial interest wcru discussed, jiroblcnis f recoiiHtructioii and (inance Iq be boIvd, and wlicu evory opporiunitv tiau vo iti'.i itself to a 8tni!:í man lo show lis streng! I:, ai:d yet v. e aro ccicpolled o gio ulterance to ího Cfltnmon sentííenU of hia cunstittiouts, tfaat lie has 'ailed to realizo their Ligh expectaions." Thoro's two sidiis to that porrait. A to tho "ubBtautial unaüiiniy" iuggcsted by the Tribune, the Comiercial propuse ;-hu nomiiiatiou of' Hod. 8. M. Cl'tciikon, audíays: "VVo boeve llie Ilepablicau of Wtislitcuaw vïll, wiih great unatíimity preseiit liis ame to tho c"nvciilioa." Wo uiny iid, wo liavo "prívale advices" - we beievo ll)Mt is the general iiowspaper torm 'or what comea to the w riíor througli ?ub!ie report or secret ooiiiLüiinieatious couñdcJ lo overybody - ihat "tho Waaheuuw dolegilion wil] bo sclid for JuTCHEdN." Wo shall neo The Instancea are not lew, In tliis State, vbcra filies bave voted aidto rallroads,tbe oads have been built ; tiic citics are in Uir njoymefits of the beuefl ts of fchem ; Innocent bïra i'aviiis Ikivo giren them tbemoney on heir bouds ; and up to tuis time the Interest ias puuctually pald, without mea&ure. Sliould Uirsi.' places nów suoak out of tlieir del)ts undcr the infamotis decisión of he Suprenm Court? If the extra sesslon slioll do Dothlng batadjust these casus, it uill nol have been called iu vain. - XjsilunU Sentinel. All of whicli will sound vcry wel! if .he reader doesn't chanco to remeniber that up to the time tho Supreme Court nado ts "infamous docisiou" the Sentinel - couduoted by the game editor - was a )ersietent and bitter opponent of tho whole railroad B3'8tem, denouueing the egislation as unoonstitutional, aud tho jroposed taxation robbery, &o. If tho Sentinel cau'l be ou the coutrary side it s in purgatory - uo matter whether it relieves the coutrary side right or wrocg. In fact, the Stntinsl delighls in being like unto odq of tho d - l!s cff oxeo, - if' there aro any suc.h perrwse animáis iu bis mjaesty's dominions. The Republicao State Convention is to be held at Detroit, Thursday, September lst. - "Ilepublican Congressional Conventions are calle'i to be beid as followa : lst District - at Monroe, Friday, September, 2d. 2d District- at White Pigooa, Wednesday, September 7'.L. 3d District - at Jackson, Tuesday, August 30th. 4th District - at Grand lïapids, Wedlicday, August Sltt, 5th District- at Puit Huron, Thursday, August 25th. - Tbc Ilepublican Convention for this county is to bo held at the Court Houag io this city, on Thursd;iy, August I8th.


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