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JOB PRINTING. Ê . 'y j .au: 'i na ■ ARGOS JOB OFFSGE 18 TUE PLACE 10 GET YODR POSTERS, P110GUAMMBS, SHALL BILLS, YOXJR. LAW BRIEFS, RECORDS, AND BLANKS, YOTJIt BILU-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, Koxra ninnnr Ano binbULAlló, BUSINESS CÁRDS, wSDDíNG CARDS, YOXJR OEDERS, RECEIPTS PLAIN AND IN COLORS, WITfl New Btjles Type FIMST-CLASS PïtESSES, GOOD WORKMEN, SATISÏACTM IS 6LARANTEED. Corner Main and Hurón Sts ANN ARBOIt, MICH. pOIl SALE CHEAL' FOK READY PAY. The west balf of tne southweat qimrier of sectio twii (_), towo of Saline, twenty aerci uiulcr improvt m-ntT tlui balimcc trood tiiuni r. [naaire iit L.C Rlsdon'i Hardware Store, 81 Soiuli Miiu siruut, Au Arbor, Micli. L. C. ltlSDUN. Anc Arbor.ïIaylS, 1ST0. 12T0m3tf 1)UTÏEH WANTED. I WAMT All. TUK GOOD BUTÏER Offered durin the Bonsou, for poods or money. IST4mS JOH.v 11. MAfAill). Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by fl.3ü. filis &60., Shiggiisf?. j CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER &, CO., CHAS. A. LEÍTEli & CO., No. 1 Gieory Block, Nc. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 G-regory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, ÍW Siga of the Gilt Mortar íL Sign of the Gilt Mnrtar '% 2 t& Sign oí the Gilt Mortar IS" Sign of the Gilt Mortar "%J batí "sr o;'v:ned ffAVJÉ JÜ8T Ol'KXKO HAVE JUST OPBNED ÜAVli JL'ST OPEKKD 'J'lie TTinewifc Stook of The yineat Stooli oL '.I he Ifineet Stoolc of Tlie JTinoat Stook: of , DRCGS AKD UEDICIKES DHÜGS ASD ÏEDICIMS DRUGS Al 1IEDIGIKESI DRUGS ASD MEDICIENS f.V 77; E CITY. ÍN THE CITY. rV THE CITY. ín tiíe city. . I PURE WINES AND LldTJOHS For Medicina 1 Pur pose. The Popular Patent Hedió Q680I Hie day , and cverytlifng ktjjt io a flrst ilta Drug Btore. o EXCELLENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TRY THKM, Solo Agenta in the City fur ütto & Heynder'fi celSÜRGICAL AND DESTAL INSTRUMENTS. Ï'W ESPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEX Tí) THI! COMPOUNDINfl OP PHTSICIASS' PEESnEIPTIüNS and FAMILY MEDICINES. 1268 T)R. KELLOGG'S LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR, Tb a ncvcr ïaiHng care fur Dytpepsia, Siok-Heatlclie j Affue a;i'l uíhor diftease i iu Uiog f rom Iu di genion or Torpii'ity of LIver. F YOU FEEL WEAK OR LANGUID, ullanl Unarabitious, uie Pr. Kellogg Liver Invigratorand regain your liualth. Q it . KÊL. LOÍití'S Liver Invigorator 9 a Standard Medicine, and is composed of medidai propettlM extractetl trom snmo of the uioitt coroiod ftriiclofl of tooi coiabuted witlithe couceutrated aiÓBI of fiiiimus Koots and (iTb. rR. KELLOGGS Indian Heinedy, Xi -vit fallfl to cuiö COUGHS, GOLDS, BRONCHITIS, ml ollier affect ons of the Throat aud LungB. ASA LINIMENÏ DK. KELLOGG'S IWDIAN EEMEDY. t;ui'l. unrivaled as a cure for uil liseases iittcndod ■ ith iiiilaiuuKition, andi equally good fur mun or ' x.:ast. tthëTjathartio PROPERTIES f Dr. KKLLOG&G are pxmeted trom an acticle of (bod, wlilch oakttS them )reteri'lü to siiy thcr, Thoy cure Copsttpal Ion, thettmatiMii, anü tfhuuMbü Qmployed In all cases of iliuUBDOriS, A LL KINDS OF il DiPEASES 0T THE SKIN' ,18 curad by Dr. Kellogg' CHAMPION OINTMENT. QR. KELLOGG'S STANDAED MEDICINES, Are i'ld by DruggistK Gveryhere. TEA. TEA. 8. A, LEITER & GO. OF Xo. 1 GREGOIW BLOCK, hold the tíoíe Agfucy of the Grcat United States Tea Oo. Ot New Vtirk, for ihe City of Anti Arbor. ThieComiauy (ïealcxclusivM'ly in TEA andCOFFLK, and purcliase tlitir Tea by tbe Cargo. TUeif Suiit-ritjr Koowledge oí' tlns Clasa ot Soods, and fwcihtit-e íor purchasing Toas, givc thein A GREAT AD VAN TA ÜE over smaller dealere. Thee Teas are put up in PouDii Packagea, (down weightj aml the prïce sinA kiutl martffl in piain print &ai tisures by tbc Cuuipany on each package, so thert-tUili be NO PARTAL1TY IJ PRÏCE OU QUALITY. ANY TEAS PURCHASED OF TIS NOT MEETING RECOMMENDATIONS MAY BE KETUENED AND THE MONEY REFUNDED, As we shall not 8O11 any adulterated artielo - knowiugly. We fcel cooñdeat that 25 to 33M Per Cent, can be Saved By Purcliiising These Teas. TRY THEM1 Ann Arbor, June 2-lth. 1870. C. A. LEITER & CO. }2T5tf PHE RICHEST FARM ING LANDS - _L IN TIIIC WOItl.D. 1,300,000 ACRES FOR SALE TU ACTUAL 8ETTL&RS. NEOSHO VAJLLEY, KANSAS, Union Pacific Eailroad Co., Soutliern Brouclu Ths üuidi dow offpied iy 'hi s Goinpsnay are ultu att'd mainly witfain twentj iLileiion each nlde of the roari, exteffliinï ne huDred &nd seventy müej along thfl NEO3HO VALLEY- tbetichest, fluest ,au moat Invfting vaTlöy ftoï BOttlement ld t west. Ooe-thirdof tbelabor reqoiredat tb e Kast la Uu culture of lu rm wil í lohuru hure doublé tb amouD ofjerops. b'ot oicicmi, grïpe culture, and Baal i ru lis in general, ft Is uneqaaled. BUILDING MATERIAL AND FEXCING of Trj v;irj'-l.y .-iulÍ in ;rvl ;i h,i;itianco. TáOCK RAISÍNtí, - Tlie ríen n&tlvfi rassos of tlie prairlw and bottoms, w 'h the tAxgo arva of unoo cupii'i! landskin oonnectturïwitb dry, mlTd ,am opeo wii.t ■rs. pr-.-nt nut'íjuaitíd adrantagw for the ralaicgof naltU Bnéep and iioraes. li. I KYIX(i .- In suclwi country, with ranges fo ytck imr--st rieied and pasture tlmltleas. the produc tion of bat ter and ehees mu t noiitable. FKU1TÖROWINQ is one f the spccialties, ontitrated by Gold Üedal awardad to the Btat o Kun.-as iy tin Poonsjlvania tate Horticultura] Su cioty for ' A Coi.LKCTio.N of Fruits Uxsukpasskd Fob Sizk, Bkauty, and Flavok.' THE GLIHATE AKD HEALTU of Kansas aro un equaled, Ibese, tDdeed, are ammg its chief excel letiolee, aad hm rworanoBditloDs for ftettlemept. PRICKS OF LAM).- Prpnn $- to B por acre credit of ten flO) v-am' timo. TERMS OF BALE.- One-téntb döwfl at time puroliaw. N" paymeni ilr? sec md voar. Ooe tent ■ i-i'-v vear-after unttlcompletion of puyiuent, wit utinuul int t.T''st. TUK in a) land OFFICE iBlocatftd m .H'NCTION CITV. Td II i-urchasera o 1 lunds frtc tickets iroi iitT giren os er i he road. Kot furtbor InformnÜoOj adilreas ISAAC T GOODN0W LaEdCcmmissioncr. 1275 iu3 J DNCTlON C1ÏV, KANSAS. jARTlN'S is the place to got in'jrthlng yon want n the FÜRNITURK LINE! BL ttlIJ, M)l' BS XDKHSOLD. PÜYSICIAKS1 PRBSCBIPTIOSr ICCTRATELY ANIl CAREFULLY PftEPAPED BY R. W. ELIAS ib CO., DRUGQIS18. I I lll '■■ 'i II ■ - - ■■ -Mi - ■- - J- -1- rU. O. ]5. POKTER, DEISTTIST. Office in the-NEW EAKK ELOCK, A5H AEBOE ft.ll Operations on the Natural Teeth PBRFORMED WITH CARB. ÜNSÏÏEPA5SED FACII.ITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTIFICIAL TEETH, j TO GIYF. SACH INDIVIDUAL, Dcnturcs of the jrrrper sne, fhupt, color, firmness and natural exl.resion. 1244 The Hlcblgan Central Kaiiroad. NEW TIME TABLB. Train; on tho Michiijnn Ccutral Iiailro;i;l now lflftye stutiuus ïüimüd afj follows : QOJK41 Mali Fust DaxtV Bvei. Pncillc Train. Mx. Ace. K. Bz. Detroit, c fo a n t.:í'i a m 4 i1 p m 5.40 pm i'.O' pm Ypsilünli, S.:!S ■ 8-ÏS " 6.8Í " T.UJ ' 10.08" Ann Albor, '; 84S " 00 " 1 : " l.;.i Dexter, M" - " 8.SÍ " I.6 " Obnlsea. 0 IS - " " B.l " Jackson, 10 46 "9.4.1 " fl.15 ' 11.46 " K:il:iui!lzCO, 2.0.0 m H.8I AM 58. 16 a di I Chicjiyu, s.oö ' 4 06ru 0 0 " 7.lü " ÖOtNO KAST. Atlnntic Nlght Dexter Mail Past N. Y. Ex. Ks Ace. Train. Ex. Ohi(-an, SOOAKlt.l Kahunazoo, 1 '.:::." 2.0 A M 10.80" B.G2PII Jackson, 1.OÍ am i Sí " .''i " Chelsoa, 5.25 " A.M. 8.0Ï " - - Dsxter, 3.40 " 0.1 ' Ana Arbor, 2.2) " uní) " .4". ::.r,n " - Ypallanti, '-' ■■ " B.Ï0 " :. i V.(i2 " Detroit, 8.45" 7.:i ■ 8.40 5.40" 1.55" Usted, May 20 th, 17". pÓFFlNS AND CASES ! AFULL STOCK AT MARTIN 'S AI.I. CALIS PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. pEOPLE'S DRUG STOiu.i R. W. ELLIS & CO'


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Michigan Argus