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A Special Meeting Of The Board Of

A Special Meeting Of The Board Of image
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ajenia as held on Tuesdayevenlng.caujw act upon a plan prepared by the Xedicftl Faculty tor opening the Medical Bepírtiucut to ladies. All the Regents ex ;s. Burt and Stockwbi vrere The pian provldefl for a full arscoflectures to fcraale matricúlalas, ,ke saaie to be concurrent wlih that to -allanen, and the Uduru idéntica!, eacb , bc slir.ply repeated to the ladies' jUS iu a separate room. It wis jjcarly uantmoosly adopted, ouly Regent WillUDïoUoguo. üefavored joint lnutrucOnln a portion of the conree. For tue repfütiou aflectures each Professor is to have ,e oi salarj in the sum of $500. j(owftraioflnx oí yicipient fcm.ale 31. D'iMark W. HAJSWisaTOlf, assistant to ?-.,'. V.iscnELL, was appointed Instructor jaJIathcmatics atl French, at a salary I any otber Important business Tvas Busacteil it lias uot yet trausplred. _Tlie expected resignatlon of Prof. , grijswas not presented. Tbc semi-aunual meeting ol' the Mipbigsn state Teachers' Assoclation v.ili be bddat Grand Raplds, August lOth, lltli mdtóth. Ou Wednesday evenlng, lOth, líere ffil! be a public address by Prol'. J. J1.B. biix. On Thursday, addresses wlll be iklivercil by Prof. E. A. Stkong, Sup't pfthe Grand Raplds Schools, Miss Katb i, ol Lansing, Hon. Z. B. Buocktiï, of Detroit, and Prof. A. A.. Giuffith, ofthc State Normal School, ün Friday, II be addresses by Prof. II. 8. Tiebell, of Detroit, and Prof. E. -V. Fk.vjca.áup't Ealamazoo Schools. Tlie meetkg promises to be an attractive and lnone, and Teacher generally are lav.ii:i to attend. Eutertainraeut will doabtless be provided for tbose in attend, Sesire it, and efforts are making toicewc fre.'Te'.u:1!! tickets over tiu; railroads !or all nrembers of thd Associ.Uiou. Our citizijiis who at cmied the reoeot ífi.Tifí of the Datenport Bkotiieks in tliis tílj, od who couldn't account for their retlly wonderial performances, will be I in readi#g fo towlng para paph (rom a recent Bay City lettor ty the ïne I'ms : "Friday night the DaveEport R,rotliers secoud cxliibition ui tlioir ' ■r ü. Daring the performance in the cabine.t aecnee, 3i T. i-Hurdiug, a jyb-priuter, vvlio had BuppllIhiOBelffürtte qccsIod witta a Binall qiiuUt; of printers' Ink, ur)ng upplled it to bis hands secrttly, grasped one of tüe hands as It appeared at the apcr ai i, and when the brothera i i the sticky substauce nis round d on tUe band oí onc oi' utliers lett Saturday, disgustad wltb Bay City, and the spirltuallsts are Nghly iodigDant at tliis public exposure." The weathcr for tho week has beeu Kceiiivily hot, witli frequent heavy rs, accompauied by llghtnlpg and teonder rivalliiig any late display of celesWarUIIery. Today, Thnrsday, a Iarge Wutityof water is falliiijj, wlth a nortliWt wind and cooltr atmosphere. -Wlieat, barluy, and graas have not lbceasccui-ed, thougli the most of the tsrvost has been gathcrod and iu as good uüitlon as could be expected - for the RUOn, What is iu the shock or open Hack to-day must suffer sevorely. Tc are indebted to DoiHB Dity? tóe popular Superintendent of the Detroit OtT 8chools, for a copy of the "Twliüv. 'iiiuuil Report of the Board oí -iou," Includlng his report as Bapet '"tindent and otter reports of Ijoterest. BUtlstlcal tables and informatiou liere '"Juglit together by S.uperintciKkyit Doxv i'cvery valuable, and we shall find occasun to refcr to tlK;m at a future time. Wsl Republiean politioians are rcry ""S'iycngaged just now, aud cvcry cooutryaaüisbuttonho'.ed as soon as he makes iiuppcarauceon our strects. The polnt : atteck iï "Our Jïlaie," and the ll:ls gonc ibftli- tUut Is frora ono wlng ttte Radical aroiy- tliat uot aBumman allgofromthis connty to the Congres nalConvontion. And thii tbough tlic '"fierkoows oo cajadidtte except The Courier of last week had a reada etter from its "silitor abroad," datcd Jjtus5c'ls, Juiy sa. Bro. Bbai seema to be ""ïtoseeingthesighta. „""" r' Bbal returncd yesterday, hls conRental tour having been cut short, we "PPO8cbythebrccdin; war. ie nsus taker at Jackson has coraü "ree of the four wards, but refuses i; e " iaterviewcd." Yet the OUaen sayi : eh?e reason to believe, however, tliat ntral City contalns as maiiy Inhabltas 1U most zea loas üieaús have iiued," Paim alKl crct]Uity are gome. ""nearnelghbors. - - .- .. ..■ - U rda' aftmoon a span of horses '"'"g to C. D. Colemaï, Esq., san 6evJ' a"d made a free dtatrtbntion ot the cral paris of the carnaje in different CJ ' ■'■ oo partlcalan as to tbe i injllre' ancl üo uot har that the horses vere Eu &, Co. Lave Eaton Rapidi Mag ui atcr on draught. said to tast '"tlanatthe welig. MiGÜW ls lll tiiao to subscribo for th liir ll e'Ves more reafllni; matter tlia J otner liaP publishcd in the county. The followiüg letter will explaiu itself. Ve congratúlate Trof. W.vrsox oh the oiior conferred upon him : [tkanslatiox.] Imperial Inbtitote of Prance, } ACADKMY OF SclKMTS. Pakis, July Tiii, 1870. ) ■■! to Profeuor Jame O Watí " r of the ( "í Ann Arbor, i IK: I have the honor to Inform you tha Lcademy ol wlll hold ts anuual ublic Bession on Monday, wo o'clock, preel I nviti.' you, SIt, In the irinic of the Lcaderay tobe present at tJiat meeting, lu nier thftt yon ni:iy hear there proclaimed leLulande Pr'.ze, wbich hasbten decretd o you lor the discovery of niue planeta. I avail mysolf, Sir, of tliis occasion to ffer you my' personal eongratulations :inl i tusUfy to yóo the verygreal Interest iik-h the Academy takes in your labora ïxl in your success. A.ccept, Sir, the assurance of my most Istingulshed regard. L. E.V. Tr. 12i:.vrMONT. The prize consists of a gold modal of the ahie of 512 (rancs, which is decreed frora me to time to the persou who shall malte ie most important diacoveries or produce ie most important work in the adviuiceïeut of sciencc.


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