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Small Men In A City

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If ynu want to try a utan's stature, place liim in a largo city. It is surprisinti how New York redacta all who come iuto it. A tuau i:i tho country is ueiy rich if ho owus a farm, or a block of villago property, and has $30,000 at interest. But wliat is tliis 'm New York? A man may liave a fine education, and ba able to delivcr a oreditabÜB lecture or Four'h of July oratioti. He mny bc the village oiacle, and it tnay cxoite public wonder that ono small head should coDtaio so muüh kuowledge, but iet bim moet with somo of cur city tavants, and hu will sooa discover hifi utter deficieucy. New York, like nther great cities, oontains a certaio uamber of' very learned men, wiiose facilities of mental aequisition give theni great advantugcs. Great cities, like great oceans, iro tho only I plaoes where great growlb ia reached. Ouly the vastextent of tho South Se i c:in produce tliu immense spenn wliale. nnd only a INew York can producá a Vandorbilt or an Astor in wealth, or n Parker iu surgery, pr an Ü'Ccnnor in Uvv. Thcre ig a great disposition among tueoeBRful mei" in tlie cnuntry to move to ibis city. They tiiink it is just tho Bphcre for their abilities, wliercas it geuerally pioves the place of their ruin. I know in iodividual who reasnnsdif ferently, and ho thoreby ebows bis good judgment. "I am," says hé, "in this villuge : person of soine position. Ton thousand dollars' worth of propeity coinmands repeot, anil on $1,000 a y ear I live as well as a man in New York on 85,000. Ou this account 1 will stav wherc I am, for in New York 1 should Lo a mere nobody." Yi's, everything beeomes dwarfed when it comea to Nc-w Fork. A country mcrch-uit wlio sells ■■ worih of goodsin :: yaBr ia doisg a large business. Btowart retails twioe tbat amouDt in a (!ay. A dwelliog bou se which in the country appears of rot-pcctublo size will ba found on meiisuieuient to bc smaller tban the poroh of the Astor Bnase. A country bank with a capital of $:-!00,000 is a lartíe affnir, but bere ] we have seveial banks euch with a capital ot ten times that atnount. On tbia account it is well for those men wlio in tbe country have size and ntüture, to stay thcre, for hero they will become


Old News
Michigan Argus