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Anti Woman Suffrage

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The foloiring peiition is dow ' extensively sigued Ihroughout the country. The argamenta uscd are strong, as everyone will oduiit: 'llie petüion of U.i undersigned lo the Conyress of the United States protulmg (Kjuinsï au ex'.enston of sujf'ra lo uoman : We, tiio unilersicned, do boreby nppeal to your honorable body, and delire respcctfully to entijr our protest against. au extensión of suffrage to womeo, and iu the liiui belief ihat our petition represen's the sober convietioo of a majority oí the iiimi-n of the country. Altboneh we shrink from tbenotorietj of the public eye, yet we are too de-plj and piiufully impressed by the grave perile wbicli threaten ur peace and hup pinese in lhcs [irop.iscd changes in our civil and political riglits lougcr to ru uiain sileiit. Beeause Holy Scripture inculoates a different, and for us higher Bptiere, apart from public li te. Bacaa-e as wo:nen we fiiwl a ful! measuro of dutus cares, and responsibilities devolving upou us, and we are tlierefore unwilling t bear otlier mid heavler b irdene, aud tbogj unsuited to our'physical orgaoization. di cause we liold tha an extensión of Roirage would be adverse to thé ioterests of tliu working women of tbe country v,i;!i wbom we heurtllj pympathiza Becnuse ih-j-o change muit introdoc a fruntul element of disuurd in tlm oxiüting ruarriiige relatinn, which would to the iufinite detriment of otildren and iucrease tlie already ularming prevKlence of divorue tbïoughout the land. Because nogeoeml law, affeuting tinuondi ion of al' omen, should be framed to intMjt exceptionu] d ■ For tbuse, aud matiy nmre reasons, do we b'.'fi of your wUdom tliat no lsw xetending Buffrage to women raay be p;is-ed, as the las-aga of such a law would be frauglit with danger so grave to the eeoeral order ol tbc country . AmoL'g the lidies wh have nigued it, and wbo ure leaders in t Ij is movcnn-m ;uv : Urn. John A. Dahlgrou, Mrs. Jacob I' Cox, M. Jo-eph llenry, Mrs. Rev. Dr. Bojoton, Mrs. Rev. Dr. Samson, Mrs. tiev. Dr Butler, Mrs. Kev. Dr. Rankin, Mrs, li 15. Frenoh, Mies Jen nie Carroll, Mr. O. V. Morris, Mrs Hugh McGullooh, all of Washington, D. 0.; Mrs. Senator Sherman, Mancfield, Oliio; Mrs. Senator Boott, Huotingdon, Pa. ; Mr. Senator Corbett, Porllaod, Oregon, Mrs. Senator Edrounds, Burlington Vt.; Mrs. Lnke P. Poland, St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; Mra. Samael J. Kandall Philadelphia, Pa ; Mr. Catherine E Beeoher, iev York City. Tlicro is one family in Barlioi Vt., cons'sting of fatlicr, motlier, :uid '2. ohildren ; the father is 41 yearo old, bdi the inother c!S another family of tevoi childrou, and tho tnoiher ouly 1Ü yoan old. Iu th first fiunily tliere are four pair of twius ; ia the sccond threc, am tho chiidrea in both families are all liv iog. The firet violin was made io about G00, and was iniroduced into t!io concrt room about 200 years ngo, when i as oonsidered an instrument inoapablo f being ueed witli any snoceaa.


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