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yïINEBALSPKINQ D16C0VEKED AT TiTE CITY ARCADE. 3 ponndi of OM Gov. .Inv.i lor $1.00, l for i .00 per pound, and Kujrar r pound, Coma on y? who are : tIUfi3andgttOUaSD CLARK & CROP3EY. Murtgagtí tíale. DICbWULT haviru boen made in the coudition of Lalo unir ,ui;o, whereby the power f sale therein contaiaed has become operative, excciUed .y . tuin .i. Roller and Maria Magualene Holler, his wife, to Augie Kice, tiftreü tlie uiucteenth day of beptem d recordedlo ihe oftice nf fUterof 1) tuis for the County of Wavhlcnaw, and Sicttu of Uicbigan, on llu; Jist oay uf ScpLuniber, V l65, aï tl o'oh'Ck a. BC,, Ln Mber 34 oi' Morti! paffe 210, hlch nid ttortgagfl was, on th .tin tl: v 1). 18 5, d.iy aaugned to B-iijamin t1'. Cuurter aud VViliiam 11. ebttcr, which ; ■ recorded In the oilice of the Register of Deeds aforewdd on the Itïth day of at l- o'clock M., in Líber i of AsMgm i i:ij;ee vn page ' 30, DpOD WW h ■ aimed to ok due bj vlrtue ol the cunditluufl itu-reof . umi remaiiüB& anpeid ut the tlate of thÜJB om of tbree huiuired and thirty dollars and forty-fli i i an attorney ice oí forty dollars, provided lor in ajd Mortgage Ln case oí fort closure. maki&jf a tutnl sudi ol ihrce hundred and Btvi-i.T) dolían and forty-ñve oeota, ucl no Balt or proo&fdiDg at law.having leeB lnsütatfld ttrccoVer B&d -ain or imy part Utereof Notl e ia therefore b that on Balurdav, the twenty■.(- iicr. a i). i8T0tat loar o'clock in the aft all al public aactloa to the high:;nt door of tho Coart Botue in f of Ann Arbor ín ' ■ County of ucnigan, to eatisiy the sum due by virtae of said condiuoninclading Bftld attorney b Beren per cent interest ana lega] coste, eell the preinisee described ii niú .iurtga;e or ptch part thereol as muy y fop tnat pnrposa, tüatiato eay : U'ii - descrlbed parcel of lami sitaate Ei ■ Connty of D8W, :ii,d öl ■' ".ui, vir. : Part of lol number iwo in section fouriu Baid lllage, bonna line commendng at a polntthirty-feet weet ■■■uwer of Baid lot, thonce west parallel with Chicago Streel tw nty-elpht fret, sontb t-ixtv hix leet, theoce west at riht anglas live feot to the west üue of eaid lot, and tlituce sootberly on the line of satd lot ciit roda to the ence eat on ihe line of sRÍd lot thi ' t, and thence nortieny on tte tr Hoos ir'i lot and oi beelnningi re■ : lio lane tot mgn i tai ol said lot, and ihc rieat of the ase ol a íaue In hls deed to !i A . i k, L851 ied land la the rilingeof Saline jifíjrr a ■:_- hi a pointunthoaontD-weBtefr l hicago rood at a dtetance of one hun■ rly fi om i in' Boaih-weaterly corner of the Chicago Rond and Adrián Street or Aini a and rannlcg ihcucc f.outhïrly ., , :■ I i ■■ '. ■;. -i !.t ft'ft tO the nortlt Hne of on alle; twelvo leet wlae, theuce -L' the liue of í i enty-four tVet . ttieiu-o corth ry parallel witn aaid Adnan street elghty-eight leet to the louth line of eaid Chicago along the aoatherly line ■ twenty fouriee} to the place ording tothc recortled plat of !-ni(i Hoe. Dated Jaofison, Augnst 2d, 1STO. rANTN P. 0 TRTER) .. I WEBSTER, Wvieignee. Cosïlt ASjiAaf Attorncys for Assinecs, Chtheei'v Notico. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. The Fourth Judicial Circuit. Tn chancery. Saltpendlngin the Clrcnlt Conrt for the County o( v ashtenaw In Cnancery, wfaeretn Adele M. . tplainanl :.ud UarrfHon Jewell Is defen dant at Aan Arbor, ( oauty and State aforeaaid, thia STO. on reading aml iÍIIijí; due proof by nfllclavit tht refeudant, Qarrison Jewell resides out of this State and resides tn the State of New York ou motlon o( John N. Ooit, Solldtor for Iiiant it is ordercd that the said defendant. ÜMrci on Jewell, cause liis appearance to be entered in said canse withln two monthfl froni the date of this order and 'm case ofhia appearance be cmise his snswer to the complainants bül of coinplaiut to lie fllvd anl a copy thereof to be serrad on complainanta 8 ilicitor wlthin twenty day af ter tho serrice , Baid bill and uoticsol thla order, aud in de fan ft thereof that sald bill be taken as confossed by the ajd dcfend atAnd ir is fnrther ordered that witbiu twenty daya plainant c&ose thia order to be published in'tht. H w a ïifwspaper pub ligbed in the sald County, And tint the said pabticattoo be conttnued iu nuid paper once ín ■v ix gacceseive wei-ke, Dated Ann Arbor, July l6th,187O. 1781 wf! " 8IBLBT G. TATLOR. One ol the Circuit Court Coramissioners for Washtenaw Conntj , MÏch. Jons N.OofT, Sohcitor and of Counsel for complainant - Estáte of Bobert llnoke, QTATF. OF MICHIGAN, Oomity ofWashtenavr, es. O At a aesslon of th turt for the County c ■ Huw. bolden i 'he Probate Office in the Aim Arbor. on Honday, the first diy of - in Lhe year one thoiiüand eight hundred i Hlram .1. Beakc?, Jndge of Probate In ihe muiter of tho esUte of Robert Rooke, deceasod. . Aon Rooke, Ezwntrlx of the last wlll and ent of fjjiid decaased, cometí loto Conrt and Dts thai blie if dow pvt-pared to rea:er her ■ulrix. Therenponltiaori Sionday, tho twenty ninth day of An;i:st. intant, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be assigoed for ezftmining and allowlns it, and that tliB legaties, devieees, and 1 l:iw of e: ■ . ad nU otber per■ons interested i eatd t--ie requlred to appear at a sesslon of Bald Court then tobe )oldcn at the Probate Office, In the City ol Aim Arbor, In s:iid Coanty, and my therobe, why tlie ibonldnotbcaltowed: And it is further "rdered, that said Executtix glve notlce to the peraonn Interested In saldestate. of the pendency of friid account, aw tbe hearing thereof, by caaeinita copy of fhla order to bepubilahed in the Michigan aewspaper pnnted and cirenlatlng In sniil Coa ■■■ weeks prevfoaa to faid day oí he CA trn copy.) H IKA.M J. BRAKES, 1'.81 Judjie 01 Probate. PARKIAGES! CA11RIAG1SS! I v.i'! ell one iood Single Top Bnggy rnr5T."; . rtearl; u--u, for$150; one Doublé Two-aeat Ca ■ ■. nearl] new, cortMOO 0(onone)ear8 liniy. A good Single Iltr8e waiitcit. D. HEXNING. Ana Axbor, .T'.lly 14, lTO. 1-7'tf r M. MARTIN IS AGAIN IX BUSINESS, With :i full line of Cboice Furuituro, Parlar and Bedroom Kets, Mirrors, &o. CM and seehim. 1268 tpOH SALE CHEAP POK BEADY PAY. The tvftflt. balf of the soathwest qn?.rfor of lectloii of S:iliin', twentr acres andar iinprovctlmb r. Inquirc at L. C. Hardware SLrcjül South Mnin Strcct, Aiin Ariior, Mich. L. 0. TUSDON. Anr Arhnr. Mny IS, 1ST0. J2Tm:itr ! PIIYSICIASS1 PHESCHIPTIONS lOOUEATELT AND CAREFULLY PRBPABED BY Jl. W. ELLIH & CO.jmUGGISIS. JOB PRINTING. Arr THE ARGUS JOB OFFICE IS THE PLACE TO ÜET YOUR POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, SMALL BILLS, YOXJXÏ, LAW BRIEFS, RECORDS, AND BLANKS, YOTJR BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, CiRCüLAÏiS, BÍSÍNSSS CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, YOXJIÏ. ORDERS, EBOEIPTS PLAIN AND IN COLORS. WITH New Styles LT:jpOf FIRST-CLASS PMESSES, ANDl GOOD WORKMEN, SATISPACTM IS GÜARANTEED, Corner Main and Hurón Sts. ANN ARBÜR, MICH. TJUTTEIl WANTED. J WANT AI.L THE GOOD EUÏTER Offered duriiig the ecason, for goode or raoney. 1274m3 .UMI II. MAYNAKD. jUOTICE! flnn of o. A. Gilbert & Tïro. was dlssolVBd on tin: -:n iiny of July. by in!ii;;;il cooej)t The bnal im-s s ill be coiiLtiu]'.-'! liy E N iiilbert, whu will &cttlc thn accoonta of tht-l:ite firm. Auu Arbor, July 2oth. E. N. QIUiriiT, A. ÖILBERT. P. S. - All pprnons lnclebted lo tho late flnu ar: rcaaested to make tmmcdinte settlement. 1 -.'T9W8 Finost Assortraent of Toilet Goods in the City, by I "-"- ' il il i I - i m-. CUAS. A. LBITBR & CO., CEIA.S. A. LBITBR & CO , CHAS. A. LETTER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER& CO., No. 1 G-iegory Block, No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 G-iegory Block No. 1 Giegoi'y Block, VW Sign of t'ne Gilt Mortar "v;2 ES1" Sign of the Gilt Mortar UW Sign of the Gilt Mortar & t Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 BATE JÜ3X OPENKD HAVE .IÜST OPENED HA VI JÜST OPENID BAVB J0S1 OPEKED rX'he Ifinot Stock oí Tlie Finest Stook oí 'Plie Funest Stook of 'i')io Finest Stock oí DRUGS AXD MEDÏCIXES DHU3S KM MEDÍCÍXES D8CGS AKD MEDICIESL DRUGS AXD MEDID Í.V THE CITY. IN TUF. CITY. V TIIE CITY. IN THE CITY. PTJRE WIKES AND LIQUORS l".r Mcrlicina] ParposWI. The Po;ni lar Patent Meíllctnee of the day , nX everj tbing kcijt in a 11 raíclass OruR Store. An EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TRY THÏIM. So!e Agent In tho City for ütto Ji Reynder's celSURGICAL AND J3ENTAL IROTBÜM18T& E8PKCIAL ATTENTION CIVFN" TO THE COMPOUNniNO OF PIIYS1CIANS' I'RKSRIPIIüNS aod FAMIl.Y JlliDIClMKS. 1266 F)K. KELLOGG'S LI VER I!ï VIGOR ATOR, Is a nerer faiMnp p-.ire fr Dyspepsin, Piok-IIeadaclie, Ague a ml othcr Hixr aii-ting froin Imligestiou or Torpiiiiiy of livor. rF"WÜFËËL WEAK OR LANGUID, Pull nnl Unambitiou, use Dr. Kellogg'i I.iver Invigoratoraml regain jour liealth. yR. KELLOiiG'S Haver InvigoratorIs a Síinilnr(l Mfrticine, and in composed oí medicinal propor tips extract ed from somo of the most common H!tifl's of Ion l rmmbiiu"! with the concentra ted juioes of famous KooIh anl Herbs. rR. KELLOGUS Indian Remedy, Neror fails to cuio COÜGIIS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, and other affectionn of the Throat nnd Luntrs. ASA LI NI MENT DR. KELLOGG'S INDIAN REMEDY. Stands 'inrivaled as acnreibr n dioesses attendoii witb inllamination, andU equally good lor inan or beaat. THËCATHARTIC PIÏOPEUTIFS of Dr, KKTXOOG'S TILT-S aro extractad from an articlo of food, whlch iimkos them prcfLr;itle to fin y olher. They cure Constipfttïon, m iti-iia , and sboutd be employed in all case of biliouBne.HS, ALL KINDS OF D1PEASES OF THE BKIN Aiecurei by Dr. Kellogg's CHAMPION OINTMBNT. jT)R. KELLOGG'S STANDARD MEDICINES, Are sold b}' Dru ggists everywhere. TEA. TEA. C. A. LEITER & CO. OF Xo. 1 GREGOUY Iïr-ÜCK( hold the Sole Agpncy of the Great United States Tea Co. Oi New York, for the City of Ann Arbo". Tli!eCompanylel exclusively in TF.A aoilCOFFEE, anii purehsne tbcir Ta by the Cargo. Tlieir 3oprlofSnow]edga of tbllClasaof Goorls, and uuusual fjicilities ior purcliasing Teap.give them A GREAT ADVANTAGE over smaller dealers. Thee Teas are put up n Pound Packages, (dmvn weïght,) and the price au 1 kind marcel in pinin print aoj tiiiures by the Com pany on each package, so plia 11 b NO PARTALITY IN PRICE OK QUALITY. ANY TEAS PURCHASED OF TJS NOT MEETING REC0MMENDATI0N8 MAY BE RETURNED AND THE MONEY REFUNDED, As we bhallnotfiell any adultérate] article - knowlngly. We feel confiilent that 25 to 33H Per Cent, can be Savcd By Iurch,iBiug These Tea; TR.'Y' THEM 1 Ann Artror, Juno 24th. 18T0. C. A. LEITER & CO. 1275tr TD E MOV AL. J. KECK $c CO. Havo removed their STOCK OF FÜÏtTÜRE And TJndertaker's Goede, To Mack fc Schmid'a Block, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARGEST STOKE IH THE CITY, AND BUIL EXPRESSLY FOR THE FURNI1URE TRAPE. TIIEY HAVE NOW IN STORE THE LAIKiESTan.l FINKST STOCK OF FUUNITURE EVEB OFFERED IX TH 18 COUN'TY.OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR BOTH ÍN QUALITi'ANDSTYLK, WHICU THEY HOVV OFFER TO TUE l'UBLICCHEAPER TIIAX CAN BEBOUOI1T AMY WUERE ELSEIN THE 5TATK. THEIR STOCK IN'CLUDES EVKRY ARTICI.E NF.EDËOTO FUKXISHTHE BES r HOUSE FROM TOP TOBOTTOM. TheirnM patronK and tho public gcnorallyare inTited io tri vo tbetn a cali. J. Kr.CK ft CO, Ann Arbor,'anuarj, 1370. 1251


Old News
Michigan Argus