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""WIS. M. SINCLA] COMMISSION MEHOHANT IN GHAIN AND PLOÜP, BOOM 1, 1-1 USALtE STREM, CHICAGO. " Ó.Ñ7 MARTI X, pur1! IX 1 TUMITU : of 11 kinds, Psrloruml Slirroro, &c. 83 South Main IS' STORE, kopt in a fl.-etrill be fotrad h MACK & SCIIMID, ■i:s In "'■; verles, OreckiTy, soulli 5!iii" Slritft. C. A. LEITER & CO., DE1LKRS IN DRUGS ntul Medicines, Pare fl ïitl tbinnw tor Medidnal &c 'o. I Gr gory lllock. A. WIDENMANN, pilK;;; r Real Estáte andFlre ;.i!i Main Street. W. ROOT, ■:imv Conntv, aml e. N. ' Grpgorj I "ÜTlíELLOGO, p!iACTICIKO''ivskl!n.niid L. B.Ketlofrt Proprl ;m oí Iir .. . Ann . Mich. MOU11ÍS HALE, M. d7 18, oorner Wiltlame and Trio::: Rcpolsr office honre ' i' ,i .■.-. ■ .; Pree riptlona flpom 0to7P.M. to the peor. 1204 - &. B. FROTHINGHAM, M. D., 1AN AXD si'RGROX. Office over Uroí; . No. T Hurón strect. Rceidence, v I :ou.'S. S to 11 A. H V. M, HULL, ROBINSOÍí & Co7 (HOCERS, Produce ande ■ rchants,No. ..tli Main Str . ELLIS & KISSELL, ÍBUOG) -, ote No. 2 rbor. 3OHV ÜK.U.EIIS in Fum tSoatta . Street, Ala Arbor. J. Q. A. SE8SION8, ATTORN'EY and Cou I e and IlUQI ■ ■ IOU "!' . Ufül Buuk, up A.un Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, to C. II. i'orter. Office. ' Milu ■:.. (,f ]t. '. Bills i Co , Ann Ai letlcsadmlastwrcd if rc;:: W. I'. UIJKAKEY, M. d7 nyprciAX AND8UROEON. ( al reridence, comer of Hnron and División StreeU, Bret dour Mtol Preabyterian Church. Auu Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOIINSOX, DEALER IN BATS and Capí Fnn,8l öcntó' Foroishlng Qoods, te, No. T Suuih Haln sireel, Anu Arbor. 80THB RL AÑ 'd&""w1ÏÊ DO N," U7S tnd Flre Inaoi and dealere In Rea) 8 on Huron Street. Also ecll W. 1). HOLMES, AGENT for the Florence Machine. and dealer IUK: , Ac No. 82 Baat Hurou Street NIS C. RI8B0N, ÏKAI.n: In Hardware. Stovei, Honae Furtlshing Goode, Tin Ware. &c, No. Dl South MtJn 8tn BACH& ABEL, MALERS in I)ry Goode, Grocerii-s.&c, &c. No. 20 ouih Main Street, Ann Arbor. 8LAWSOÑ & SON, frROCERS, Proviidpn and Connnis-ion Marchtntfl nadealenln Water Ume, Lnntl rlmler, uud PlasterPtrU.No. 14 Baat Qaron Street 8. 8ONDHEIM, HOLKSALE rad retali dealer In Jïade Clothuur,Clotha, i';isiiQ ' Furtubiag Good. No. Somh Main Street. WM. WAG BKALER In Ready :de Clothlnfr. Cl MreendVcBUu, Hat, Capa, Tranke, Carpet Mg. Ac, 21 Sonth Main GIL MOKE & FISKE, SOOKSKLI.Er.S and il, Lawand e Trxi Booka. W.;iiool and Mj No. 8 NorLh Main Street, üreyory Block, Aun Arbor. FINLEY & LEW IS, RS in Booti, Shix-R, Gaitera, "siiniJCis &c , -No. 2 East Huron Street. K. TARRANT, lADIES1 FaMonab!e Shoe Houee, Xo. 24 South Main streel. QROCKERT, GUSSWARE & GFOCERIES. J. & DONNELLY il!!''""11'1"8"1"11 of CrocUerj.'ilassware, k?j . re'C"tIc'-' Groceric, &c, Sc, all Lg be 11 na Xc'l2L"ist llurrnStlict.Ann Arbor. iw8tf J.&l". ÜONXE1.LY. JOHN G. GALlT - DEALER IET FBESH AND SALT MEATS. I.AIU), SAUSAGES, Etc, Ji1""1"'1'1"1 "'"'■ I'r"'nptly (Tllpd with the best '"" themarkct. :1 Kast Washington trcet. Atl!Arb(,r,S.-it. 16th,18d9. 235tf LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. AXTEU, .Vc RAMAGE, Hopeibord wraand Uarnes, for sale. ï&iyl H iiMifacturer of lJ Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, ■íuriiLfí!?H8 of 6Terj 'tfU' ii""1" of1be bi'si nd „ ■ . "■ promptl, rr,r. D.t,..t etr k.: Go toR.W.ELLIS & C0's! for choice Wines and Lïquors ' for Medical Purposes. rsmE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSi COMPANY OF DETEOIT, MICÏÏ. (ESTABLISHED IN 1SO7 ÍOHN J, BAQI.EY. PrasiDiKT, ■ PARRAN!), Vc Hrslent. NO i UQO] TI Sorotrf. AMES 0. W.HSON. ícluary. 1). O.FaukaMj.m.D., Uadieal EzUBlner. A !51CCI"Bful MichlgD Lifü IB MpilUV, orgnnizud for tbeparpo tr luruisbing Inarnce ujion iivej at THE LO WEST COST COMPATIBLE V.ITH Absolute Seeiirity? nd fot Um furtli purpoee uf KEEPIÏG ÏÖ1BÏ AT HOME, wblob Ucrvlufuichsi been sent Zaat, KATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PERMITS. EM'IiïJ: MDTAJL1TÏ AX!) STRICT EQTJITY Mark the sjsfem and prevail In tt distributiun ol .ANKÜAL DIVIDEKDS TO TEE ÍK8UBED While.liy Iravlisiuns of tlie State 1T, tnil bv uu ow" Urm, uLL POLICIES AEE KON-FOEFEITAELE. ÜigÜ&ASae FUENISHED ÜPON ALL UESIRABLE PLANS. Al! tlie r.Iv-T KK V'I'I.T. : ipaüics . TED.all tbeir F.RR0K3 AVOIDED. SECURITY. ECGNGMYj EQÜITY THE WEST, i ITTO. L3T For A gen des opply at tho ÍOME OFFICE, Banfe Blook, GiisolJ Sueet. JL3 I. M. THAYEU.Geni gen. Fnr.D. 1.. HAHN, Ag?nt. A. WÍDENMANÑT REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. ANN AR150U, MIOH. OPFEES rOS, SJLEí 3 eres o f liod, witlijn one hH mllefrotn ti v I ole, '"■ ' ■ 2-1 acre ■ ii Be ;1 lob L9, '.n llie tuwn oí' Aon Arbor' i CornwelJa' iiaper muís, and ou tho non Gurham road and tha saíd Cornwell Paotoi y roid . (Tíiis is i-ne of tlie bandsomeBt sitúa titiDs ni ihe ntgbborbood oí Ara Arbor ■) 13)á aeres hnproved Umi joinlng tlie above 15JÍ aore 'orty acres of Flrut Ciasi i O robar d nnd Bara, 2 raile frou i-li Court Houw , 00 [-.■ uppur Dixbnro 1 1 ere of land rlifa a oew two Btory framA house on Fbompai d, Bpoor ftThompson' aódltion to the City uí Aun Arbor. lnUof Tí acre eacli,on Thompson., Spoor &ThompBOtt'fl A-ddttloa. neres of la nU wííh a spl-nlil grove, Jolblng tbfe FiremeD'l Pari; ou the nut, RouA and I ■; lotí of land, wlth Barn, WaehKítcben, C mafte lI'Ut', d a number of modero improvemni . on th nortliwest eornei oJ l-'ourih aud i'a.cknú Streets 1 House and Lot lu th 2dWard, on South I.ibcrtv Btr - 1 Ilouflc fniï 3 Ixts Ín the2d Ward,noar2l Wrd School Uouse. 1 ílouseand 4 Lots,near thtj Ü.C.IÏ.R. Depot. :}20 aerea ofland in the souih of tlie Plato of Missouri , uear tho ilünnibal rtíl.Josfph 2 ( ji y I otb iit-iir 2-i Ward School Huse. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOE, BTICH. SELIS A1ID BUYS DEAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL I'I.ACES Ti.r,RF.ATI5RITAINT.;i:HMANV,KRANrK,-VITZ!RLANDtOtc. Hy direct oouoectiona srtl h Enrope 'iiMblemeto oiïer a f:iir r;ites aany New Vork louse Remember, I nm ooi ;: d ifrent 'i ny i' "in ttal ci'UDlr , but I urn bartog 'Hrect communicaiuii ivilh tbc bust huuees in Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE RY POWEK OF ATTOUNKY OR OTIirRWISE.WlI.L iiE I'UO-Ml'Tl.Y ATTIiNLKD '10. PASSAGE TICKETS inr Stcamertoamlfrnm New Yoik to all principal port ut Europa 1111 cll asfollows: F mm New 7ork to Sontbunpton, Hivre, London, Breuieu Of Hl I lttCllu. ïdClnss. Stei"-a?e. $140. 7Ï. $25 ia Ould. lïeturuticketn, 26. 188 61 " From above place to New Yort , lat Clan. 2101as8. MCiKi. SlïO tli. 840 iu GolJ. From New Yorkto Liverpool, Cftbin,$S0 1 $100 Currency. Steerage, $30 u Uurrency. Krom Liverpool to New Vork, (nbin, $100. . WIDENMANN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT AXZN ABBOB, Tor the Hownrd insornnee Co. .in Niw ïurk, on of the olUfüiand bci.tConjiiaiiie,iii tho oonotry. The Teutonia Insurance Cfunptnj in Clcvtlar.i Tbe honorable and safe mansgeinent ot tliin in l tu-ioubanmaileUoTie of the munt reliable Flr InsuraeccCoinpiinifMn the VVeBt.


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Michigan Argus