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What Is The Germanic Confederation ?

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Tho Germanic Confederaron has & very different meauing nuw from that which it possesscd in 1800. When Napoleon Bonaparte marchod aeross Europe, oreaiiDg plebeian dynastios and making a now geograpliy, the Anctent Empire of Gerraany was brokea up. - Before that lime tho hereditary miers of Austria wcro ex vtficïo, so to speak, Emperors of Germany. Beforo the irresistible armies of Bonaparte the German Empiro waa dissolved. Tho Emperor of Germany became eimply the Enperor of Austria agaia. IBonaparte eracted what ho called the Confederation of the Ilhine, aud the Germán Sta tet, oac luokingout for itself, waitcd, in a state of abcyance, for resulta. At lust Bonnparte's "fortune" dpserted him. At Waterloo bis name lost the last of its enuhauting powftr, and the al lijs, &t tho treaty of Vienua, d imi is..el tho territnry of Trance, estabüsbed atiu the independence of Belgium, aud ertctcd auiu tha Germauic Corjfderation, governed by a German D;et. Thia eomposite monarchy - tho Uniled Staten of Central Europe - existed from 1815 t 1SGC, after Sadowa, whea Austria was eschüled. During all this half eentuy, the Confedcration comprised ono Empire (Austria), five kiugdoins "ia, Bavaria, Saxooy, Hanover, aud Wnrteinburg), fourteeD grand ducbies and duchies, eight priaaipalitiaa, and the f'our free oities of Frankfort, Hamburg, Lubeclr, aud Biemen - in all, thirty-two indsjecdent statea and sovereigntie, beidcs Hesso - Hamburg1, wbich bad been iocorp irated with Ihe grand dunb-y of Hcese-Daruiotadt. Austria was tbo President of this league, haviug n a gentral way the direction of the Diet. Undur this Confuderacy each Slato w is independent, and tlie uuioa cxiated chieBy for tho common defense. It wa8 governed by a Houe of Kepresenlativeë or plenum, coinposed of members iron ehcb state, the aggregato nutnber beiü aixly-ail. It was hold together by a luoaö eoir.ijact, not greatly unlike that which bound the American colouies tofro'.her for fredom aud war, escept thit the pleuiim, instead of consisting of men ohosen frora tho peoplo, was composod of diplomatic delogates appoiiited by tho different 80 vereigns. nnd forrniog siuiply un ambassadorialcourt. Meanwhiio Prussia Lad beea growiog in all diicutions. It io scarccly 200 years sii o the now powerful kiugdom of Prussia was a íeeble stute knowu as the Eleotorate of Bradeaburg, wih less powur than is wielded ly some of the little Germán principalities. ïheu Frederiek I. oame npon the s'age, a hard, odd, stingy, ambitious, tyranoic&l man. His eldubt eon was Frederick the Grcat and tho heartless futhcr beut, cuffed, [icked, a:id starvcd the boy rito siibDiÍ88Íon to liimsclf, and iato a shrewd corapreheiibion of his own unscrupulous designs. So sarao tha great Frederick to the throuo - with au immense army, a matcbless u:ivy for so sniall a state, au OFcrflowing trcasory and a covetoua .■-pirit. Ho vas a politica] brígaud, and ho was nut backwsird in entering on bis Without any excuse, save the high waymao'a he sizjd upou Silesia and held it, and aftcr a long and bloody war with Maria Teresa, of Austria, b led in onnesing it pi raíauecüy to bis own dominiong. llejuiüe ! Cathatine ■ f Rusia and the subjugütiou and divisiou of Poland - another ro'ibry. And when he died ho had ruised Prassia to tho front rank among military powers, although bis kingdom was Btill smiill in arca and population. S noe tho tKali of Ficdericlc, Prussia has contiuucJ her poliuy of absorption, r.d has bee-n gainicg relativoly on Kuropean Datioun. In the spring of 18C6, King Wil! am, the present monarob, proposed a radical reform in tbe Confederaron and diet, looking to a oloser coiiHoiidation of tliu federal league. It virtually suggestcd the formalion of a Boud empire ol Gentany ; the e!eniou of representativas by the popular vote ; tho reguhitioii of tariffi, customs, causulships, coitiage, coininerce, and the anny and navy by tho general Diet, iustead of by the separate sovercigntiea. Austria violeutly resisted this luovcmoot, and under her lead it was vnted down. Theu Wilham boldly deolared tbe Con federa tien dissolved and placed Pn:sia iu an attitude of open rebel ion against the Dict. Eis withdrawu] was followed by prinoeafter priuce, and the %ar beg.iD. Tho Prussian army crossed the borders of Hesse on Jumo 15, and on August 30 dictated terms to Austria in the treaty ot Prague. Tha old Ootifederaoy waa liroken up, Austria was driven out permanentlj. Two new conffdi-rations wero formed - the North. nnd South Germán, to the former of which Prussia bolongs and of both of which William is virtually Kmperor. - Tbc North Germán Confederstirm ia mainly Protestant - the South Germán, like Frases and Austria, is etrongly Catholie. Aftcr Sadowa, Prussia annQxed five of the largest and most populous German states, and withio her present limiis includes '24,000,000 of peoplo. Tho right of Buffrage for Deputies is given to every man of twenty-fivo years of age, and the tendencies of the King of Prussia follow the teodencies of Gtrman thougbt - tow:;fd the liberty of the citizen and the eolargemont of constitulional government. - Chicago Post. Tbe style at 8arai"2a is to get up at eight o'clock and drink a quimtity of frater before brenking your fast. A very fino thing if the inajoiity of persons only knew bow to drink ! But to watch a man at hnsixth glass full beforo breakfast, and then fee hiui take six moro glasses nfter brcakfast, hod the cext tinio you visit tbo same spring seo tho same mau diiukiüg thero apiiin, ycu bc. come skeptical, vet. to such bihts is one ciaily Pubjected. Suma people Lavo no idea of qualit.y, b:it have faitb iu quantity, aad wil] drink tilt they can liardly Bta&d, and llieu sittiog on tbe veranda will boast to their friends of buvmg drank water enough to have sunplicd a camel for u weck. The people of Gascony aro paricularly sensitivo as to tellicg tho exact truth. A gentleman Irom ibat loealitv last montli told a person nauoed Seboll bo was eo tired wkm lie arrived in Paris, that sleep seized him wbilo he was rubbing hia iiosi', :md bis band was in the sanio pliise in the morniOg. " As for that," replied Sulioll, " when I went to tbe South, I was one nipht 60 slcepy, that in leaping into bed I feil fast , and in the moroiog I fot:cd mysolf sti'l tupported by iny l'aiuls, and ed iu tho act of gettirg into bed." Soboll, you havo betri redding tho Yau! keo papera. This in no mor your own than your are the author of your tuother' ■ cxistetKC.


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