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An Extravagant Administration

An Extravagant Administration image
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Tlic fol i iraeis ar taken fioui Mr. Boutwell's labórate f-tatement of our expeuditures duïing the laat tea yoars : Years. lüxjioiulil [860 ■" '; 1801 8 1862 47 186=5 7! 1864 855J284087 80 1,390,312,982 4Í 520,809,416 09 't?8 71 82i,4W,i 1870 892,118,269 81 Total 5,303,700,811 23 Vi'e invite our leaders and tho wbole country, to compare the experxlitures ;for t&e twp years, 1860 :md 1861 and and ÍS70 respectively. It wil! tbus be seoa fchat uur rulers expended, during the last two yeara of prsfounc peace, 1613,808,867 06. Fioin this must be deducted in rouod nurubers about 8240,000,000 as interest on tbc debt dtrriirg llio two yeBrs, wliichlcavch $373,603,867 cspended in orryÍDg oi the poverament. Jjrom tliia anoiher deductioB of about 840,000,000 (or pensions during the two years must be made wbich the lato war eotaikd, anü Ibe balacee will bo fouud to be $333,603, 807. The total amount expended in the two years Of 1860 and 1861 was $129,675,916. Frora this must be dedueted, for i o teres t jiaid in tho two jears, viz : ?■■). 177,314 in 1860, and $4,000,172 k 1861-17,177,487 ; wbioh will leavo a balance of $122,499,429, expended to carry on tbe governrnent duriug the aforesaiJ two years of 1860 and 1SC1. Now, wo have incroased during these ten years, or, ratber, only eigbt yoars if stricily reckooed, say one-fitth; and the expenditure should therefure be increafled me fifth, whioh, if addod totho 8122,499,429 (being $24,499,885), amounts in a sum total of L146,999,314. But tbe party in power havo exponded after giving theui credit for tho pxtrn iulerest on thé debt, pensions, and a fiíth ncrease for tho increaso of population, 8333,603,807 against SI40;j99,3H or, n otlicr words, for every dollar exponded, exclusive of interest and peo sions, by the government in 1860 and 1861, the riders in 1869 and 1870 ex pended ns near as possible $2 27. Well msy all reforaiers of revenue or olhcrwise %o witb the abovo irrefutable I bcfore the country, aad let our people givo their verdict. Every French soldier cnrriea n pisce OÍ canvas iibout five feet long by four Lroad, and a stick; wlicu two of thcso pilcos of canvas are joincd together tboy form a shelter ; when six aro built up tbey crtistituto a, tent closed at botii onds. The French Foldier is thus for bis bouse aocommodution independent of baggago animáis. The 14,000,000 francs eeized by Ihe pólice in Pari last week belonged to Rotbsr-hild, llirscli, Raphael, Biacboffehtilm and otber Jewisb baukers. It is Hsserted that tbc eeizuro was suggested by the bank of Franoe. Tho ünancia) cirelps of ICurope arü niucli iucensed at what is docmod a great outraga ou somo ut' tiieir meiiilieia. A Willamsport, J'a , psper eays a ccüt-iis ruarslial rejiorts tliat lio found an old lady in Forest couuty 107 years old. When he " intorviuwcd" ber sbe was cbopping wood ! ltockford, 111., haa a manufactory wbioh turas out 3,000 doseu glovcs and mittens imnually. Seventy bands aro eniployed, eixty of wboni are young W0II1CII. The firet Baptist Churcb ia tbe country, tlmt of l'rovideuco, was founded ÍI31 ycurs i


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Michigan Argus