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gDEKSED REeoJf [ WA ikWCOUMTy. I - - -m ■BmM la pIBHI pNOttRY PUBLIC I GENERAL IIIJ U _ ï rHEalHcOKVEYANCER jlLZt-ï!ÏÜJ]3S5!Ul -l AHH ARBCR rzzr i'iiini'iniii!'i..i_ , ...... i REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANBEÜ Tlicnn. ring ti perfect Reaord history of II of the Rftnl lístate Tule ia tl Fa the ounty ol' 'ïi l v, , (i!. ■-. ple&sure in si nouncwe ab1 éstate litl . I othor legal papers od shi v,,i alo mabe naïeofCtty prop er tj and trina , r. . l foreclo mortLgu Pera history of Real Bátate title, will rï. h l B ■'!) ! . t-rn1 matti(t wlilcïi touch öaoh particular dé ion ; aud ill roortgag or mo ii-i-n, whicfa ppear to ie otitl subslatlug o record at thfl - i ui e. .- tlio tollon-ng Real E.-itatü fr salo : Vo.100 Tho Malouy flouso aud Lt 00 Dlvfftton Stn io .101, HoDte and l,ot in Ilincok's atldition. l'i ioe .. ïo. 102. Tu o S;ry Bricls House en Spring Streoi. N'o. 108. Two Sou&e on áp.íng Stieot. N'u. 10-J ' ■ . Lot And Hui i) ju.t wtst of Law Colli fu. 105. Fine . hoasetBarD and 6 aorea . itr Foiiat, &c- very desliable iu. 10(5. Houae and ;; acres of Laad ini-le corpora tio. No.lOT. Honsp a ml Lot Jast ónth of tba Uolreralty building. Vo. 108. 13 . ;,■■' ut 'Luml least of the Uuivorsity lío. 1P9, City Lola n-n '.-. ■ Dr. Chase's bmeat, N'o. 110. One Two Siuiy Wood DwelÜng on State ■ et. So. 111 ne elegant Two Story Brick Uoue uear Ünivrsity Siiuirt'. !io. I"t2. : ii buil liañ fust north of tbe City. tto.HS. i'no T.vo Story Houso jast iiorth Cenï-t"ry Gi c. N'o. 114. Two Brick tfoufe sideof L'uivertiity ; .re. N"o. 115. (1 aciesjuft west of the Cjty. No. 116. 5 acres wRh buildings just west of the Xo. 1J7. ICO acres wüh bailáhin and inií3OTeiiioiii.s ij miles nort fa - good Mituation. N'o. lig, 320 aerea - Stw farm ia Shlan i Mo.llÖ. 2 ,000 acrs of Wild ai 'oud tl es ot' Wayne, Honroe, Raglnaw and síiíh y Abstract Buoka urepustedto N'o. 120. One elpgant ïhree Story Building .n Huron Istreot N. 121, 175 aerea on Uiddte Road to TpMlantl. 5ío. 1-. d Scnth "load witb BaildiDga and ImprovemeaUi No, 128, 240 acres on North Oextei Koarl. 2}' miles out , wil b irapro ejneat s. NTo. 134. Anï much olher lïesl E.uate oot h olui Tl ie ri' 't re m mv (il il mor' il on:ir CounBi cnl , nd the Is tluDsaa to kiortgages i different trom ■ 'C, OD6 pront. ti sale made. Ratea fur search oí Real Ea tato 'J 1 1 1 1 (; per j ev for l) c oenta a yec.r '■ 0 f litle paper? or ree ig mono) loa :: ii ii UU rom to Uve jears, ut lü [ er e-nt. Lntei Aan Arbor, Maren -0, lÖÏOj THACY W. ROOT. ËT J. . JOHNSON, At JVo. 7 South Main Street,, STILL HAÖ" A HAT OR 2 LEFT, LATEST STYLES, AXD Just the ihing for the Season Whieh will bosold ALSO A LAEGE STOCK OF GL.OVES, COLliAKS, NECK T1ES, HAXDKliRCUïEI'S, SATCI1EL.S, CANES Umbrellas. Parasols, &c. rail and i-xamine my goud bcfors purchas vh-re . M:iy, 1870( ATONEÏ CAN NOT BUY IT. FOÜ SIGIÏT 1SPRICELESS THE DIAMOND (iLA-íi.s, Mitnafactored by -T. E. Spencer & Co., Ni Y.,wbtob nre no offered t- tk pabUcftre prwnouocA by uil the ceUhraf I Ihe World to t the Most Perfpct, ■ ArlUoial help to tb bumaDeye evf !■ fcnovrn . Tliey ■ unl uuaer thelr own supervirfon, 11 , ii i;i i -I ! derive theim&met " Dlam luoto) thelr burdi.l brllliaDcy The Sclentiflo prln e coostructed bïingN tho core orcenI y in Croatof the jp, productinot visión, ■ in 1 1' -' n lieültljy HÍgbt, itiui previ ring if siiïht, ., peculiar io -i! I I 'Iiiey aremounted in tbe KINEST WANNER, iu of tl. e best ,uality, uf all inateriats usctl for Thetr fiu h anti duraliilHy cannot bq Rarpasrted, [ON. - Nimf geauine unti-.ri baxUi t!i(Hr Irade mark itamped ud erery frame. J. C. WATTS k BRO., .l.iv.icrs and Opitlana,are ■oleagenta lor AUN &RBOR, Ml.'JI., from whom they chii only bv obtaiu These goods are not Hupplifcd to PcdlerK atany price. l-67yl JPURNITÜRË OHEAP! Tïif Largeat and litst e!'-'-k i n Hiccity, ofullvii rietii-s and tv les, ut t: ■ O. M. MARTIN. OEOPLB'S DRUG STOx. R. W. ELÜS & CO1 JDÜY YÜUIÍ Loolvin; GUasses W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOK. 3 KKASOJÏS. ■ of lm port 6(3 i tj . - eilfl CHEAF1 i wurk , umi oan alïórd to suW CHEAPEB, 1 Ihirdljr, Becaus he naanafaetiircs thra, and mb uncí will Bell t'-e CHEAPEST 1 f any oncin thecity. Hcalfio ecll PICTURE FRAMES! hecheupest of anybody in theState- asfar as hcard from . HICE OVAL FRAMES FOB SO CTS. ?icture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FRKVCH G1AS9- Dj thelight or b(x- For l'ictures orfor HOTT8I3 G-IjAZíIWG ! 33 BAST IIUUON STREET, ANN ARBOB, - -f - IICK. B 8 , S I .Si5 8 . 9 izi a sa h W S5 A CE] Q L H UI h S s "SiB ss i HSï h tí) E ftíBo P 03 u ■ p-j 1 Ö S M a Hl h (Ni O Ph pOR CASH YOUCAN BDY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BAR6AIN, AT THE YARD OF C SUTHERLAND & CO, AnnArbor,Jamiary,18T0. 1252 T VMBER YARD! s ■. ■- Y;inl , on Jef tr1 . i ii tbe 80uth pftrt ol tli. City, anl wil .. in trxculknt varicty of LUMJBJETl. SHÏNGLESr, T.ATFT, &C. liirli will bo soM as low ae can be aflurdt-d iniliih mal t't. ijunlity aud pricessucb tiiat bo ono need to go te Detroit. CONKAD KRAPFi Ann Arbor. Oct . Ut. !(:■. 9S6t Í "T"Ñ"nARBOR AGAINSr THE STATE IN THE FUKNITUnE TRADE, Ancl O. M. Martin against Ann Arbor Don't Foiget his Old Stand. PnYSÏClAKS ' Prescriptione i Accurately and (Jarefally J're cd by Ji. W. ELL1S & Co. I ADIE8' FABHIÜNABI StíOIü HOUSE. 'I South Main Streef, Desleí la LADSE'S BCOTS AND ShDES, THE NEWEST STYLE3 I3NT Kidj, Calí, and Clotfc, Alwayson íhuk. , ijí1 Stock and Work Guaranteed. IV VOL' VVANT A. BÜOT, .A. CJAITEB, A. KTJSKIKT, Oí i -a. sli t'PKrc, CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK BEFÜi . C1IASI.NU. PEICES LOWEK than the L0WEST. B. TARRANT. Ano Arhor.JIaj 1870. piSMLEY LEWSS, Geiitlcmau's Opera Bnots. " Furgeson lint ton Boots, " French Cougrcss Gaiters, " Oreóle " " " Serge " " " Scotch Tics.. " All Rights. " Oxford ïius. In short, a Full Line of Geutlemen'a Boots and Bay's and Youth's Bocts and Shoes i Üroat Variuly, and MBN'S HEAVY WORK, hand uailc uf all kinds. Ladics' French Kid Button. " Foxed " " " Serge " " " PolUh. Miases' Bronze, " and Button. ': Serge, " " " Child'e " " " " We aak the particular .itteDtion of the Ladic-B to OXJR FIE WOEK WIUCH FOR Quality is ïïnsurpassed, IN TtJJ-; 8TATB, md In ip PAR BfiLOW DETROIT FIGURES OUR WOI'K WARIiANTED A3 REPRIKENTEP. 1263 ÏF YOU WANT A SUMMEB HAT, IF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A "Hat as is a Hat," TF YOU WANT Hats Cheap-for Cash. TF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, G-O TO A.. .A. TERRY'S, IS Sovxtin Tilain Street. Where yon nill also liad a full line of Gent's Fuiniöbing Goei. 4tm Arbor, May, 1S70. 1249yt r fí% a KKcr.NT uipeovembhV k Keploes the USO of the IiiTTEU Sw-PHATE (:imm;, wlih whloli all aro-flmülar. Doso for dosGi it id ■w-jk.x.2ra.a.3xriiïiEïfc FULLY jOUAL IN fcUERY Wflï TO BITTEfqUININE, AND LLKS IT IS TUE ONE! KIA.T, POSITIVE aad HXfItX.IBÍG GVÏIZ FOrkll DISEASES of MALAEIOUS daQIH. X'j t,f and Aruc, lljtturiïiiitclit Fcver, Chili Fevtr, I ICcmlttcnt FeverJ 1 Jiilious Fcir, and tl S Ion train if disorders iS.owlng thusoirhen! leoted. I swiïiït ai)uiJt 1 in m rle soleïy froni Peravian Tlni !:, (so is ; ) tlierefore of V?t:iMo oi"i;:pi. r.ii'l not !l Bfinonü polson. bafon tho coiitr-ar1.' Ih provet] to lí once oá tbe t':in ata íoiu.l! iñ the Ijlüuil of uil healtliy ihb-uuj. SWEET QTIIsrSE I :V Wl antidote o, (:l well il :l curo iiiiinl-inl or iniusiuntlc iioiixu. Hm rntion of which by the lunga cu Jnií'i'iilliti BtO. The onlyl:ulvaiitago clilmctl i'or I sweet irrvixE ovor 7-iP uso 9(1 Bitter Quininells Iho entircí absence ofthat Inten! ix-i'tíiit blttwncsSf wliicli in the latter is nuluisiii xnoiiittable obí taclfl it i - uBe wlth iiil per Boïisfiuul aiwuy:) wi!U (.-hüiíicn. f SIVEET QIIXIXE ks ill two in ïV(ltr for ïhC VSO Of jaliylk-iiins mul Druggists, uml 1 lula, ibr deearns, Farr &6q [ MUFCTURING CHEHISR, Á I V VKW VORK. J For K:ilc bv Klicibucli & Co., drutgists. 1264yl QÖME AGAIN WITIl A FÜI.L STOCK OF CABINST-WARE, TO BE SOLD ('IIKA1T.R THAN' ANYV. IN THE STATE. AT 1US OLD STORE, ÜAIN IR GotoE.W.ELLIS& GO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines PaintSjOils,&c.


Old News
Michigan Argus