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Saving Seeds

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Tlie seeda of vegetables should be attendcd to as they riped and be eurefully taken care of. Thns peas, when ripe, shonld be pullad, and after becoming dry in the eun. ought to be immcdiatcly tbreshed and spread in aomo airy plaee to soason. The same rule will apply to beans. Top onions should be out and huns; up, or laid in rows tocure. Blaok seed, potuto-onions, and sballots sbould be pulled wben the topa aro genorally dry ïut not yet wHSvered, and placed in wiutows to mature. Garlio should be tied in bunches, and bung to dry ia the sbado. Lettuoe, parsnips, oyster-plant, etc., ehould be cut and dried in the shade. If poösible do not wait until the saeds ure all ripe. If you do, many of tbe best eeeds will be lost. Corn sbould be plucked as eoon as the husk begins to dry and traced up feo ripea. Tonaatoea and otber pulpy fruits shonld be aïlowed to become entirely ripe and broken, and then macerated in water to separate tbe seeds. Cucumbor seeds should be washcd in this way. Do not allow undue fernientation, however, as it biackens tbo seeds. In oleaning wheat, oats, barley, and otbor small grain, save only the best for seed. The time to save the seed is when you are marketing your graia. Pot herbs ehould be eut wbile green, carefully and thoroughly dried in the shade, and thea laid away iu paper bagu for future use. It will pay every farmer to grow egetables, and to tve some of the more important seeds tbereof. There are few seeds tbat will nol germinate as freely the secoud year as the firfct if kept in a cool place, and not exponed to either a too drying or too dampened atmosphere. With the exception of parsnips, onioos, and leekt, I would just us soon eow soed two yoara old as when fresh gathered ; but there is a limit to the vitality of seeds, varying much in the different species. Among those that are only safe for two years are beans and peas of all iinds, peppers, carrot, egg-plant, okia, ialsify, thjme, sage, and rhubarb. Tbose Pafe lor three years - asparagut, endive, lettuce, parsley, epiuach, auil radish. Those safe for four years - broccoli, oauliflower, cabbage, celery, and turnip, Those posüessing the greatest vitality are beet, cucumber, melon, pumpkin, squaeb, and tomato ; tho time ranging from five to ten years. We ofton find this knowledge very raluable; for examplo, in procuring the stock of a seed said to be good, of a varety that does not sed the season it ia mar 'et:. ble, such as broccoli, caulitlowtr, cabbügt;, or o'ery, we procure enough to last at Iea6t two seasons ; the firet season only a little is sown to tett the merit of tbe variety, (for we are Dever incautious enough to risk a full erop with one experiment). If it provea valuable we have enough in reserve to sow for a full erop, knowing that it ia sure to genninate.


Old News
Michigan Argus