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gmsiinfft ittát% ""WK M. tiNCLAIR, OÖMMÏSSION MERCÏÏANT IN GRAIN AND FLOUR, gÖÖM 1. 134 LSALLE STREKT, CHICAGO. I (TUL MARTIN, f il IK IS FÜRSITTRE of all kinds. Marlor and Bed Room Sei8 Mirrors, sa South Main Streef 1 Farmers' store, Hoort Main Streel. Hvrrything kept in a flrstIsi store wlll be forind here. ""MACKr& SCHMID, HUILERS in Dry Ooodf, Groccries, Cf'ocfcery, %. 64 Sooth Main Stceet. ' C. A. LEITER & CO., CEUKRS IN DRUGS and Medicines, Puro Wines ñd Llquor for Medicinal Purposes, Cisars Ac, flo.lQrory Block. A. WIDKNMANN, MAM Bichan Broker, Keal Estáte and Fins iMoríoreAgfíit. No. '.'■ South Main Street. TR ACY W. ROOT, pflSDEXSED Records of Washtonaw Connty, and Rea) Estáte Exchange. No. 1 Gregory Block. DR. KELLOGG, PEACTICINOPhysician.aiiil UB.Kellon ProprirtorofDr Kollosg's Cek-brated Kemedies, Ann Artor.Mich,. MORRIS HALE, M. D, HBSIDEN'CE and Office No. 18, corner Williams and Tbonip?on streets. Reiular office honrs. 1 to S p. U. Advice aud Prescriptions from G to 7 P. M. eichda;, free gratis to the pooi. 1SC4 "Te. FROTHfÑGHAM, M. D., PflTSICUN AND SriRGKON. Office over Drng 5tore, No. 7 Huron Btreet, RoeidcnCe, No. 35 Thompson street. Office hours, 8 to 11 A.M , and I108P. M, HÜLL, ROBINSON & CO. ÏROCF.RSi Protluce andCommission Merchante, No. 1 South Maiu Street. ELLIS & KISSELL, DBCüGISTS, and dealers In Patata, Olie, etc. No. 2 Sooth Main Street, Ann Arbor. JOHN KECK & CO., DKALERS in ïarniture of all kinds, No.3S South Htm Street, Anu Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTOR.VEl'snd Counsellor at Law, Iïeal Efltateand inarance Agent. Commêat&RR and ('ollficUon of Ciaim? prompUy atteuf-ed to ou liberal terms. Offlee ooe door soath of First National Jïnnk, up Btsim.Souih Maiu Street, Ann Arbor. w. h. jackson" BENTIST, mecessor to C. B. Porter. Office, corner Xiln and Duron Streets, over the store of K. W. illii Co, Ann Arbor, Mich. AnaestheticeadminUteredif required. W. F. I3REAKEY, M. D. mSCUN ANDSUBOBON. Office at residence, roer of Uuron and División Streets, ftrst door Kut oí Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, BSALER IX IIATS and Caps, Fnrs, Straw Goode1 Mto1 Furoiehing Goode, &c., No. 7 South Mnin Street, Aun Arbor. 3UTHERLAND &WHEDON, IIFE and Fire Insurance Agents and dealers in Real UU. Office on lluron Street. Also sell firsttliMSewing Machines. W. D. HOLMES, WEST for the Florence Sewinp Machine, and dealer i Fktaree, Frames, &c No. 32 East Huron Street LEWIS C. RISDON, ÏSiLER In üardware, Stoves, House Fun.ishing wd, Tin Ware, &c., No. 31 South Main Street. BACH & ABEL, IE.UERS in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, &c. No. 26 Joh Main 8treet, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & SON,"" KOCERS, Provisión and Commiss'on Merchants o dealer in Water Lime, Land Piaster, at-d PlasUr Paris, No. 14 Haat Hnrou Street. S. SONDHEIM, WOLESALE andret.Vil dealer in ..(■■■idy Made Clotli'tt,Oloöw, Cassimeres, Vetó nes, and Gents' FnrnualngOood. No. 9 Soath Main Street. WM. WAGNËÏÏ KALER n Ready ade Clothing. Clotus, Cansi5ree and Vcstings, Hats. Caps, Truuks, Carpet E, 4c-, 21 South Main Street. GILMORE & FISKE, OOKSEIXEKS and Stationers, Medical, Law and wl'fge Text liooks. School and Micellaneons Book. No. 3 North Main Street, Oregory Block, Aon Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, MALERS In BooU, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippeis &c, o, S Kaet Huron Street. R. TARRANT, UDIES' Fanhionable Shoe Uouse, No. 24 South "m Street. QHOCKERT, GUSSWARE & GROCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY jj'lnftorealargetock of Crockery, Glassware, itl T WtriCutlery .Groceries, i:c.."íic.,all to be ""'lUDumallylow pricp. ,,, ''".lSEntHuronStrcftjADn Arbor. J8tf J.&P. DONNELLY. JOHN Q. GALL, iïtESHAFDSALTMEATS. lARD, SAUSAGES, Etc, cil;ted ndproraptly ITIled with the best "themarkft. 31 East Washington utrnet. ■"ArW,Sf!pt.l6th,1869. 1235tf LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. AXTELL de UAMAGE, 4Cot7.,r.Mll",an(1 Catharincütrcet. norsesboardteritnSV Second hand bufcies, Cut%nrne6 for sale. lïr2yl Jf , arkseyT ra Manufacturar of VuXjJ Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, fcuJLF?88 "' eTery "'. m' of the best Hl'' nd arnted. Repairing rtooc prnraptlv, Bjjftgawak."01 8trmióy;R-R; PHYSICIANS' Prescrip! r??8 -ccurately and Care, ;n% Preparedby R W. ELLIS & CO.


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Michigan Argus