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CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., 1 CHAS. A. LElTEli&CO, d OHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Gie?ory Block, No 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Gieg-ry Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, CS Si?n of the Gilt tar Siga of the Gilt Mnrtar " i 3 &S Sign of the Gilt Mortar "8 CST ign of the Gilt Mortar "3 II VVF. JÜST O''EXKD IIAVE JDSI OPKNRO II ivfi rcST OPÜXED tlAVü JCíif ÜPENÜU Tlie TTinest StooU ot Tila Kinefit títoclt oí Tlie ITineet Stoolc of The tPiíiext Stoolt of DRUGS ASD ÏEDIGIXE8 DKUGS AXD SEDICIHS DRl'tiS AXD HEDIGISESI DRUGS AD HBDICIEKS i íV 77e crr. i y tu e ar y. TN THE CITY. IN TSfi OJTY. PITRE WINES AND LiaüOE9 l.r treiílinitl Purpose?. Tlic Toinilsr Patent , Meillclncnuf ilie dy, aad rverylhing kopt n a I obla Dros Blwe. An EXCELLENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TBY THKM. Solo A gren tu n thíClty fur Otto s Ileynder'i celSÜRGICAL AND DENTAL INSTttUMENTS. fW" KSPECIAI, ATtKÑTiON GIVFN TO THE COMPOl'XI'INO OF PHV8ICIAN8' PKKSr-RIPIIONS nd KAMIl.Y HBDICtaSB. 1208 rR. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, fi a rover failini? cure fr OjWptfplfA, ?Íok-Headaclie, ÁgQ and otfaerdlsftftse a:ííing from InUigestioD or TorpMUy of J.iv-r. P TOÜ PEEL ■V7EAK OR LANÖUID, Piillanil Onimbllloús, use rr. Kcilogg'a LIveiInTlgoratorand regain your liealth. . rjlï. KELLOGG'S Liver Invigorator [s a S'an'iiiríl Medicine, and 19 composeti o( medicinal proper ties extractefi trom orno f the most cora[■ d it : t íelvs f foo i comb(H{c with the cancuotrated uíoh '■ fiinwua Roota anl Uerbs. Tl. KBLLOGU'S Indian Remedy, Nerer fatis to cuio COÜGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, an3 othcr aEfections of tlie Tliroat and I.ungu. A 3 A LINIMENT DR. KELLOGG'S INDIAN REMEDY. SíftDtis unrivftlpfï as cure fnr nll difleases attended with tntiammtttion, anrtn equally good for inau or btast . pHE CATHARTIO PRorKRTIES of Út. KKtlOCG1? T'IT.I.S are extrotcd from an artic'.c of fond, hloh naakea thetn p refera bla to any olhcr, They care Con tí pit on, khn 'ti -ni, and shouU be emp'.oyed n all casos of billoufoess, ALL KINDS OF rV. DIPKASES OF TIIE SKIS Aiecurwl by Dr. Kfllopf'8 CHAMI'ION OIN'TMEN'T. rR. KELLOGG'S STANDARD MEDICINES, Are lOld bj Drug;-rn evcrywliere. Til TEA. TEA. G. A. LEITER k COi OÍ' No. 1 GREGORY BLOCK, hold tlie Solí tgpncjr of ihe Great United States Tea Co. 01 Kw York. for ilie Cuy of Aun Arbo- Tlill ('"inpnny loa! (xdusively in TKA amK'OF PEE, auil iiirc).ase:lnir Tfa b v tlie Cargo. Thcir .Superior Knowledge cl' (.'luns oí Goodtaod unusual fácil íit-H for purcliasing TtiiF, give tliem A GREAT ADVANTAGE iver Bin&llfti dMlen. Tiics Teas are put up to Pounl l'ackagfftjídowo weight,) aml the príce an-1 klod marite-1 In piain print and figures by tbc Company on eacli packngo, no therealiall be NO PARÏALliï L PR1CE OR QUAI.ITV. ANY TEAS PURCHASED OF US NOT MEETING REC0MMENDATI0N3 MAY BE RETÜRNED AND THE MONEY REFUNDED, Aswc fchall not ficU iiny adulterated article know Inglj'. We feel contident that 25 to 33K Per Cent, can be Saved By I'urchasing These Tea. T IR "Z" T I-I E isA. 1 Aun Arbor, June Mtb, 18T0. C. A. LEITER &CÖ. 12T5tf OW OPENINGr, WIW. WACNER'S, An F.le;ii]ta:i.l Lnre Stock of SPRING AND SUR GOODS, ÍNCLUDING CLOTHS, CASSIMERES,1.! VESTINGS, &C. LATEST 8TYLES AND BS8T QÜAL1TIES WH1CH HEOFKRS LOWER tlian EVEE Alio i Store a large stock of EEADY-MADE CLOTHING AND aents' FÜENISHING Goods. O ÍRMENTFMADETO ORDEMN THE BEST STYLE, Alio LADIEVan.ICKNTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. ' .South Mala Street- Est ald. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILUAUWAGNER, Aan Art-or. May, l70. fOB PRINTING. ; .at tïih. &RS0S JOB OFFICEi J8 THE PLACE TO GET YOUIl POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, 1ALL BILLS, YOXJR .AW BRIEFS, RECORDS, AND BLANKS, YOXJR JILL-HEADS, LETTER -HEADS, STATEMENTS, YOXTK JinCüLARS, BÜSiwSSS CARD3. WILL'L'lKÜ bñUUb, YOXJXt1 CHECKS, OZEtZDEJR-S;, REOBIPTS PLAIN AND IN COLORS. WITHJ 11 1 W O lij JL ViS # i " FIHST-CLASS riCESSES, ■MM AXD GOOD WORKMEN, SATiSFACTION 'IS GL'ARAXTEEDCorner Main and Hurón Sts ANN ARBOR, MIOH. ■RJOTICE! The firm of O. A. Gibert & Bro. wa disBoWed o the 2d rtay of July. by imauil corjuent. The bue nf willbe continueiiby E. N Gllbert, whuwill ee tle the account of the late flrm. Ann Arbor , July 2Uth. E. N. aiLnKUT, O A. UILBKKT. P. 8.- AH piTBons Inilebted to tho lato flrm are re queted to make imracdiate scttlement. 1ST9M lyiINERAL SPRING DISCOVERED AT THE CITY ARCADE. It throws up 3 pontul of Old Oov. .Tavajfor Sl.CM Tea nght from Uhina i .oj per poandi aml Snii from Oub.i lor 1-2U pur pound. Coma un ye who ur sickof UlQUPHIOKSaudgetCURKD CLABK&CROPSEY. pEOPLE'S DRUG STOx.i R. W. ELLIS & CO' J A1T1T AKBOR


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