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_ . , omine, iu the ttalrd stoij1 PaMIshed every Fridí M.lhl „nd u, r... e;i!i'-irt ■"■,c;;rl:nrü,e un Uuron Stnet A.NN AHU'Hi, MU o M Year iu Advance. BATES A.DVBBTISINQ [H lino iís con9Íd0rf d s (lullre-í „ - - --p' Om ljtii'i;' , , .(ri_ij.í:oo i J55!f5 . 'i 1 20,00 0 U.OOIM.00 BO.C '■'-' cuI'"": i 01 "Í2.0() W.Ofl 2.0fl 10.00 I! 75.WI "ícoll""!!1- - DIKEUTOlty, not to excetd fourlines CAKD? í4ltli " 1% to the citenl of n q nar ter colnmn on a A'IvcrVai. i , Itl le ntltied to har their carda iejrlTcV wthout uxira charge. iD"C"iiír ton cents perlino for fhc first naertoet collte ., une for each pobeeijaeut Inaer'i0"1 % U"tio nserted for lcss thau $i. """' Moties oucc and-a.bnir the raten of ordin. Cemento. m jdTrtler8liaTethe privilege r.r cbsnirinír Wí.rtiíeui' nts three Additioual chan.cinirgrtfor. l_Ilvertl9f nnaccompanled by writton or SSirecllon wi" be lbliatleli thre0 'o'llbs "ud ,cco.dingly.,íverti8eineiitg. ral insertlon 70 cents per Ií! " ,„ per (olio f"r w pubseqncnl In -ertlon. .an advertís n w hole vrill be charg 1 e ime as íbr first instrt.1 JO3 FRINTING. „ .Mete Pnstfrs Hand BW, Circular, Cr.r.í". EfSSteB. Label. Btaoks, Bill Head, and other ÍSjfcfof Plain nd F.inry Job Prln los, ex.-cuted !,wmptn-.a..:nniheN-timyf.1l.l,'t.-.! f usinas inátfítL. '"""wil M. SINCLAIR, COMMISSION MEROHANT IN GRAIN AND FLOUR, ROOM V', l-; USALLK STREET, CHICAGO. Ö. M. MARTIN, „riTVR IN FUENITÜRK o f all kinds, Parlor and DEjíd Room Set, Mirror. Ac. 33 Suuth Mam J:reet. . MACK & SCI1MÏD, neiLERS in Dry (Joods, Grocexies, Crockery, i M South Main Street. ""cTaTleïteu & co., hvifRRS IX DBÜfiS and Medicines, Pure Wines d Ui" for Medicinal Parpose, Cigars _c., Ho. 1 Gregory Block. A. WIDENMANN, iilKMSÊïchsnscBrokor. Real Estáte and FIre F Snee Agent. No. '25 South Main Street. TKACY VV. ROOT, i__H_CD Records "f Waabtenaw Contrty.and Reilfctate Exchange. No. Gregory ISlock DU. KELLOGG, PR.ICTTCIN'G Phyiician.and L. B. Kellogg ProprlrtorofDr. Keïiogg's Cckbrated Komedies, Ann Arbor, Mich. ' 1K)Rr1s HALE, M. D. IHDBNOH ad Office No. 1S, corner Williams and Thompson Street. Regular ofllce hnura. 1 to 3 p" )1 Advice and Prescriptlons from C to T P. M. eic'h dj, frec gratis to the poor. 1204 Q. E. ERÜTHLNGHAM, M. D., PUTSICIAN AND SÜROEOS. Offlce over Drnfr Siore, No. 7 Ilnron reet. Residence, No. 35 Tliompson street. Office tours, 8 to 11 A. M ,and T1O8P.M. ' R. W. ELLIS & CO., D'XGOISTS. and dealers in Paints, Olls, etc. No.2 gMtlMaiii Street, Ann Arbor. "john"këck & co., DBALERS in Furnttnrc of all kinds, No. 52 South !Íua Street, ticd 4 Wc-t Liberty, Street, Ann Albur. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, iTTOUEY nd Counsellor al Law, Rb] Rttatesnd iDinrancc A'-iit . I ig nd Collection of Clilmspromptly nttenced to on uberal terma. OfSiemDoBiiel.Vs Block, npatalra, lluron Street, Ano Arbor Mi'ch. W.H. JACKSON, DE.VTIST, roccesior to C. B. Porter. Office, corn elinfa floii lluron Strneta, over the f ture of R. W" BUI 4 Co., Ann Arbor, MIch. Amestlieticc admln istercdif rcquiri'.cl. W. F. BRËAKEY, M. D. PUTÉCIAN AND SÜRGEOST. Offiee at n-sidence, comer of Hnr ■ Brit door Kast of Presbyterian Church. Ann Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, DEALER IN II ATS and Caps Fur?. StrawGoods Gents' Ftirnishliiü (Joods, &c, No. 7 South Main Street, Ana Arbor. SUT1ÍERLAND & WIIEDON, UFEnndFirelnsaranre Agcnts and dealers in Real Bsute. Om on lluron Street. Also "dl first'dusSewiug Machines. W. D. HOLMES, iGEXT for the Florence Sewing MacWne.and dealer in Pictores, Frames, &c. No. Si Baat Huron Street LEW IS C. K i S Í O N : DEALER in Hardware. 8toves, Honao Fnrr.ishing Goods.Tin Ware. _c. No. i In Street. BACII & ABEL, DIAUCSSInDryGood s, c, &c. No. 20 tíoath Main Street. A I BLAWSON & SON, CR0CER6, Provwon and Commlsslon MerehauU nd dealere in Water Urne, Land Piaster, and PlaaterPari?, No. 14 Kunt Iira'on Street. s. sondhe'im, WHOLESALE and retal) dealer in Reaéy Made ClothInc. Cloths, Uassimerep, Vest In es, and Öents' Furlithing Good. No. 9 South Main Street. WM. WAONEU, ÏEILER in Ready Mode Clothlng, Cloths, CaiisLmeres nd Vesting, HaU Caps, Trant- , C'arpet Bijs, &c . '1 S uth J1 .in Sire t. GILMORE & FISK B, BOOKSELLERS and Stationers, Medical, Law and College Text Book, School and Missallaneoo Books. No. 3 North Main Street, Gregory Blouk, Ann Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, DEALERS In Boots. Shocs, Gaitcrs, Slippcia 0., üo. 2 East Huron Street. R. TARRANT, LADIES' Fashionable Shoe Uouse, No. 24 South Hain street. (jROCKERT, ÖLASSWARE & GPOCERIES. J. & P. DOXNELLY 8tp in ?torea Urgestock of Crockery , Glaxsware "tedWare.Cutlery , Grocerie, &c, 4c, all tob ■ftkituousually low prieta. „ Xo.l2KiBtHurcnStiet,Ann Arbor. ll!8tf J.tH. ÜONNELLY. JOHN G. GALL, DEALER IKT FHESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, S.M'S AOKS, Bte., Ordere olicited and promptly tilled with the best mU in the market. 31 Kant Washington street _Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1SC9. US5tf F IVËRY AND SALE STABLËT J. F. AXTKLL, Corner Main and Catharine streets. Horse board !"'ü '"Wonablc terms Second han d busuiea, cut TOwidhaad harneas far sa'.e. U6ïyl J ARKSEY, oMÜËfc Hanutactnrer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, mi1.""? SLKiriIIS of evcry ïtyle, made of the best JJl od warranted. Repalrlng done pjom ,tly ïeoift i" re-oniMc Detroit Street, m"Pot,Aun Arbor, Mich. lSTOyl LIVE ÖEE8B FEATHERS PIEST GiTjy-LIT.r, OüBtantlyon hand and for sale by BACII &,- ABEL. Go to R. W. ELLIS & C0's for choice Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes . rpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMFANY OF DETROIT, MI0H. (E-TA'!I.IHKU IN 1807.) OHV J. BAGI.EY, PstaMNT, JACOB S. FaKKAND, Vico l'reiidcnt. JNO. T LI8GETT, Secretar}-. '■ U'Ai-(i, Actuar. U. O. F ARKAND, U. IJ., Medical Esumlner. A Succiv-sfu! M.'cliifr.n I.ife Insurniice Compmy, organized for thu turpube of furnisbiug InJurUM upon lives at THE LOWEST COST compatible with Absolute Security, and for the further purpose of UtNIfl MONBY AT DOME, which heretofcre bas been sent Kust, RATES AS LOW AS BAFETY PERMITS. EiNTlRE MUTAL1TY AXD STRICT EQTJTTY Mark tbc pjtem and prevalí in the distnbution ol AOUAL DHIDEKDS TO THE INSUBED Wbile.hv I rovisiona of the State Lt, an by their own torms, ALI POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITABLE [MAITRANCB rURNISHÊD UPON . ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All tlic BEST FEATUKI'S of the Old Companies ADOrTED,alltheir ERRORS AVO1DED. SECUR1TY, ECONCMY, EQUITY AND THE "WEST, ITS MO'ITO. J52L" For Agencies apply et the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Street. 5?3i L M. THAYER.Cen'l pent. FRED. L. HAIIN', Ag. nt. 1289yl A. WÍDENIVSAWN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, ANK ARBOR,MICH. oP'E.s :fo:r sa.le = 53 lerei of land, wltbin one ha!f mi Ie from the city, tobe sol1 in whoie. Of pftrdell, 24 a (-rot - ïeetlon 19, in tb e tOVB of Ann Arbor Morderlo g on tbe easi on - road Icadtng to Cornwt'lls' paper milis, a ml on the kou h on :tufitpd fn n.. : coroM of the (..iham roftd and the Mid Corttvell Fctory rod (This is one of the handsomeat situationfi in lbo nighborhood of Ann Arbor J ZM aerea Improvéd land jointng the above 15K ami EronOng Gorham Road. Port; t o! Fitst Claa Farmlug Ind, with Kon3 Orobard and Ba &■ froui the Court HousCi n tiu: appr Dlxboro road. 1 acreof lund with a new Ivo story frame house on pon, Ëpoor o Cbompson'fi auditiou to the Citj of Aun Arbur . 71ots of yt acreeach.on Thompson, Spoor ii ThonapBcn's AüJuiou. 0 aert-s of land, witb a npleudid grove, joiniog the Firmen! Park on tbe eei. 1 House aml % loU of land, with B&rn, WaahKiiclxo, Carnagf H"u, :,m.:. a oumber f modem iuiprovtimiit , cn Um nurlhwebt corner ol Fourlli aml Pacicard Lret-ts. 1 iiuutM auü Lot iu the 'd Ward, on South Uberty Street. 1 üouse and 3 Lots in tho 2U Ward, uear 2d Ward Settool UouBG. 1 IIuu=cand 4 Lots, near tlie M.C.R.E. Depot. 20 acres of land in the south of tbe State of Missouri , uear the liannibal Vtít. Joseph Hailroad. 2 City J ots near Sd Ward School House. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, MICH. SELLS AND BUYS DSAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES In O HEAT BRITAIV. GKRKANY,FHANCE, SWITZKKl.AND, etc. My direct connections with Bnrope enable meto olTer as fair raten asany New YorK Bon -?. lï'ineii)LiT, I am nol ao atrent of any heuse i 11 thli oouutry } bul I an it.i vi ng ilirect coruinun ication wiili tbc Ijft houses in Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY POWER OF ATTORNEY OR OTÜERWISE, WILL BE PROMPTLY AITENDKD TO PASS AG 5 TI KETS pel .-teamer to and from Xfw York to all principal ports oí Euiopü L will iend as jollows : From New York to Southampton, Havr, Lonilon, Bu-raen, or Hamburg, lat Clasa. 2dClat. Stecmge. $120. %'l. $2Sinüold. Return tickets. SÏ5. 125 61 " " 'ram &bove placel to Kew York, UtClasB. 2dClasü. 31 Olafü. 120 (72. $40 in Gold. Gabin, S0 tn$TO0 Currency. gteerage, %3d iu Ciirrcncy. From Lirorpool to New York, CaUn , SKiO. Sttcrane,$37. WIDENMANN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT -AISTIST .ÜBOH, Forlhe IIowarOlnurance Co , ín New York one of tUe oldevt and bt'et ('oiiipariitis in the couatrj. The Tcntonia TnsuraDCn Crmipany ín Clevelan!. The honorable and saíe muña gtment of this ímkiítutioD h as roadeit one of the moet reliablt Fire loiuranoeCompanies in the Wpt. 1257yl


Old News
Michigan Argus