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Progress Of The German Arms In France

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Loudon, Au. 29. Tbe following is a resume of tlis progress of the Q-erman arms sinca tlio conincnoeuifi'it of tbo invasión of Franco : Alur tlio oiieok cncounteivd by tbe French vanguard ncar Surbraek, Aug. (ïtii, fo'lowcd by tho route oí McMabou, the Frencli inaiii body retirad on the line of tiio Blüsella. The fortresse3 of Tbionville and Motz, defenaet of ihe first order, and wcll supplicd and intrenoheJ campa whtob cnustruotod, giivo gr''at Btrength to tbeir uew position. A direct uttack would havo buen diflicult, aud tlierefore tho Uermun arniies passed to tho eouth of Metz, toware the Moselle. T(y cross it above the city and discover thu euctny's tnovemculs - bucIi great masses of Iroops, covering a wide región - required special precautions. Tho first srmy was to flauk tho enomy's line of moreh, and was direoted to take ft new position near the River Nied. Moantimo the tirst and sooond anuits approached each othor, a división passing over the MoselU). Tlw samo división on the 9lh took part in a ligiit in whicij tho Fiench were repulsed and pursued uutil they reachcd the prcioction of the gut a of Metz. This couilmt reratttfd greatly to tho advMÍage of tho Prussians us it retardüd the Prendí retreat, and the ad vantage was easily followed up. Tho ronda connect Metz with Verdun and Verdun with Paris. Tho second army, refrainmg from the passaga of the Moielle, and Pari tbu thieatened, tho Friiieh were obliged to withdraw frotu the right bank of tha Moscllo bsfore Motz, not being stroug csongb to stop the Prussian moveuionts. The advance of the first army, observiDp tho tnovements of tho FriiDoh, attaclcod on August 14tb thü Fronch roar, throwing it upou the maiu body, whieh was comuellod to soud back sevcral divisions to support the rear. Tbo PruB.-iao first and eeventh corrs went on the south Bido to compol the French to faco about. They succeeded afier a bloody but victorious conflict. The Pruesian fifth divisiou attacked Gen. Froward. 13y degrees the entiro Frtnoh fuioo became engaged and of the Prussian foroei the other divisions of the third corpë, tho teiith corps, a regiment of the nintb corps aod a britrud ■ of tho eightli paiti ipated. Priuce Frederick CÜiarlos had taken command. Thu inoemont ïtbi successiul, and the boutho ly road lo Paris was intercepted. The Prussinug foujjht heroitally and their lctses were large, but thosa of tbe eueiuy, espcviully of the 'Imperial Gunrd, wero iuameime. Tbe Freuch ofü-i:il report cstimato the Prusáiao forcé engaged at doublé wbat it waa. The only way fjr tbe Emperor to escape fatal isolutiwii frotu Paris ud bis Kupplie now lay on the noi thern lino. Tbe Prusïian ariny in the aoutb, fioding no enetny bofoie it, feil back, combining with the other army. A joiutattaek on tbe French wav tben planued. The Frencli, ceasing lo rutreat by the nortb eriy line, took a poïition on the heighta before Metz. Tha gecond army instautly movrd to the ri"ht, fixing its ctuter and left at Verneville and Armanvilliers, whilo its right ret-ted in ecutact with the first army. Absoluta readiness for a siinultarieous moveinent along the eutire line was requisite, as tlie Freiich positiou was a atrong one. At the start tbe nintb corps encouutered an advanced detacbment, wl:o opened with artillery from tho Verneville side. The right army, tlierefore, was ordered to engace the enemy iu front, an'i, at one o'clock, opened a well-sustuined and effectivü cannonnde, whicb lasted till broad daylight. The FrcDch replied with vigor. About 2:30, tbe infautry engagod tbe enemy, wbo was just tben atrcngly reinforced, his lino reaching froin the St. Marie aux Chanes to the La Cuisee wood. Ui position, naturullv of great trengtb, had been eo l'ortified by oarthworka and ditches that it seemed alinoMt impregnable. There was a brief delay before the assault, in order to muke ure that the enemy bad ttopped Lia retreat on the Dorthern route. The ooiubat wbich t'iisue;! was long and terrible. On the left the guarda and Baxon troop fought at St. Marie, 8t. Private and Douitouro. Meaowhile tho otber wing was engoged uoar St. Ail, the La Cuisso wood and Verneville, as far as tbe north side of tbe northern rond from Met, and Verdun. Thu eightb and, iiinth corps partioipated in the action at Gravelotte, and the oontest spread from Vnux to tbe Mosolle, wbere a brigade of the third and tenth with artillery were engaged with tho entire French army, Mo Miihon'e corps, aud Failley's división excepled. After sundown tho Pruesians took tho heights by htorm, flinging back the French along their eatire liuo to tbe ebelter of Metz. DESrURATE IIGUTIKO TUEBDAY AND WEDMUDAT. Bouillon, Bklgium, Aug. 81. - A fearful battle was fought yesterday aud to doy by tho Prussian armies of tho Crown Prince and Prinee Froderiek Charles witb the forces of-Marshal McMahon. ïcsterday inorning McMahon fommeneed a general movement toward Montnieuy. He was attaokcd near Be;iumout and was driven back after obstinate resistance toward the Belian froutier. The Prussians occupied the line of road and captured a large amount of camp stores. They drove the Freoch from position after positioa until night closed. Early this morning the battle was renewed, and continued all day. - During the night a large number of reioforcements came up, but tbey failed to turn the ecale of victory. The Pruesiaus were also reinforced largely, and attacked in ovorwhelming uumbers. MeMabou retreated to Sedan with the remnant of his foroe. Tho elaughter was immense. It is impossible to estímate the loss. The Prinee Imperial is said to be in Bclgium. The population are flying in groat terror.


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