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The Democracy In The Field

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lhe Democratie fctate Convonüon, held at Dotroit on Wednasday, was lurgely attondod, and by tbo roprosentativö and wording men of the party. The eosaion was harmonious and enthusiastic, tho candidatea nominated with groat unaniinify, and tho platform adoptad without a dfeaentiog voice. It spoaka in plain languago of tho issues of the campaign, and can not be miseonstrued. The ticket placed in the field is a good one, and will cominand and roccive tho support of every Democrat. It is as follows : For Gournor - CIMBLËS E. COnSTOCH, For Lieuienniit Governor, JACOB A. T. WE.XDELL. For Secretary of State, ISAAC H. ílilSL'. For State Trcasurer, PHILIP J. LORASGEU. For Auditor Oenend, CHARLES W. IIMLEU. For Attorney Oeneral, JOHN AlhHSOX. For Commissioncr of the State Land Office, JOH C. HUBltüEK. For Superintendent of Public Imtruction, MJAWE DOTÏ. For Hember of tht State Board of Education, W. IUVIJ IiE.WETT. The nominee for Qovernor, Chas. C Comstock, is a prominent business man and manufacturor at Grand Eapida, ia thoroughly identiiied with the intor e, ís of the State, and neitherhis capa city nor integrity can be questionec It is a good nomination. Mr. Wen uell, tho candidato for Lioutenant Qovernor, ia a resident of Mackinaw a man of intelligonco and worth, an an experionced logislator. Ho will i: olectod fill tho uhair of the President o the Sonate with dignity. In Mr. OuA.ïfE, for Socrotary of Stato the Abous readers will recognize the gallant candidato for Congress in thi district, in tho campaign of 1868. No better seloction could havo boen made Mx. Butleb, named for Auditor Gen eral, haila from Lansing, whoro he ie known as competent for any position He has seen service in tho Audito Genoral's office, and would bring ex perienco to tho discharge of hia duties Mr. LoKAifGEi!, for Treasuror, is resident of Monroe, whero his name is a towor of etrength. The finances o: tho Stato will be safe in bis hands - if the people are wise. Tho candidato for Commiasioner of th Land Office, Mr. Hcbinqeb, rosidos a Saginaw, and Í8 a worthy representa tive of the Gorman Democracy. Those who know him endorso him " withou rocourse." Col. Atkinson, of Port Huron, th nominoe for Attornoy General, gradu ated from the Law Department of th University in 1862, and is one of th rising young lawyers of tho State It is a good soloction. Por Superintendent of Public In struction, Duane Dott ia just the man He has no superior for tho position in tho State, and ought to be elocted. The candidato for Mombor of the Board of Education is W. I. Bkicnett now Superintendent of schools in Jack son County, a competent man ia every respoct. Such in brief is the ticket. Now Demócrata, go to work, as one man, and elect it PLATFORM. The following rcsolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, 1. Thut we recognize, now, as ever, the right of the people to decide all questionsrelating to the distribution and exerciso of their political power, nnd we render to their decisión, wheD coDstitutionalIy and logally expreased, a cheerful obediooce. 2. That we denounoe the dominant political party for its corrupt use of the power aDd tnoney of tbe pcoplo; for its unnecesaary multiplicatioo of ofllcers; for its unpreoedented extravagaace ; for its prostitutioD of tho publio trust to subservo private ends and persooal interesls, and for its utter failure to adminibtcr tbo government in acoordacce with tho spirit of our institutioos or for the benofit of the goveraed. 3. That tho destruction of our commerco, the proatration of our agrioulture, and the iucreasing Btringenoy of our üuauciol affairs bear common witnees to tho incompetency of our rulers. 4. That n tarilf for protection is a eystem of plun Jer whoreby labor is compullc-d to pay tribute to capital, and that a tariff for revenuo only ia all that is warrantcd by jubiice or the Federal Co;)6titu'iin. 5. That the pubüo dom aio 'u a great publio trust, whioli hIiouIJ Lo admiuistere 1 in the totora il of tbe peopla, und publi'j policy, as tv-1 1 fi comiuoD interest, requires tliat tlio trust ehould bu held fur purpoBes of ucttlumont aud cultivation, aud in its dispositinn the landloss tho homele6S, the soldiors and sailon of the United States, sad those inado widovvs or orphans by the wars of tho Uuion, should be preferred to epeoulators and monopolista. 6. That to uiaintain tho honor and good füiili of tho nation, it is cecessary that tho public dubt bo paid etrictly in accord&nuo nitli ila term. 7. Tliat tho present systeua of so cali ed national banks is a monopoly, whercby favored Statoa and favored persotiB are unduly beneíi ted ; but if the uystum 'm to bo coutiüucd wo dernand, on behalf of Michigan and tho West, that it hall be so moditicd as to make its privileges free to all. 8. That specie or ita equivalent is the onlv Büund currency, but we ïliould roturn to specie paymont no soouer tiiun it can !)e done consistuntly with tholaws of trade and the interestB of the great debtor oUss. 9. That the best financial policy for tho times ia houesty and frugality - honesty in tlio appropriation of public monoy for proper purposes, and a rigid frugality in ita expeuditure. 10. That the interest on all deposita of tho State funds beloiigs to the State Treasury, to bo used with othor State moneyn for the paymeut of tioDS and llie leductiou of tho Suite debt. 1 1. Tuxation of cit'zuns without tbeir consent for private purposes is n riolation of the fuudaiucutul principies ol justice. The Republictin Oongfessional Convention for ibis district was held at Jaekson on Tuosday, and Was a one-sitled affüir, in fact a regular jag-handled cei'D, Ti;o lowporary orfjanizatioD was in the Bi.aih interest, Col. C. B. Grant being cliairiiiiin, oud the pennaneat oiganizution w::o of the same tripe, Andrkw itoBisox - Uuule AndrBW - being President, but a he assumtd tho clfhir uiter dinuer and is reported was ''loo full for uttcraoeo" we have not beau privi - leged to read thot "good old JDcmocrotio Bpeech" of his, which has oít-tiines so eulivened sucli occaBiuns. Before proceodiüg to ballot Bakbbr was withdrawn, Wii.laiid was with Jrawn, aud Cutcheon haring bcou withdrawn "jitviously before," by Fattison in the Commercial, a proposition was natumlly taade to nomínate Blaik - by toelamatnation and unanirnously. But II. C. VValddon, of Washtenavv, boing pluckier, moro obstinate or more obtuse thau t'ie oiher anti Blaik men, did not "bob it" nnd inuved an informal ballot, whieh motion reoeived oue-solitary lone voto - hit own. The motion to nominale Bi.aik uuüniiüuusly was then carriod, but not e-g-z a-o-t-1 y nnanimously, for Waldkon voted .NO! And po "pelend out" tb,6 opposition to "Our Blair ' aud he is again od the eourse. And when hasn't he been on the course sinoo the organization of tho Republican party "uuder the old oaks at Jacksou," or, to date fur ther back and "covor accidenta," sinue ho used to run as tho candidato ot Üie old abolitioQ and freo-soil parties. The fact is Blair has a life long habit of runnÏDg, and a Republican ticket without hii Dame on it niight be suepocted as spurious. - VVell, if it is satisfactory to the Republitans of the distriol, especially to tliat large and intelligent portion of thein who claim to laan toward freetrade or iu favor of revenuo reform nd ajainsi protection to monopolista, we have nothing to say. Sich is politics. In another column tlu reader will find u article on "The Tariff," frora the Chicago lyott, whioh olearly demonstratcs that "protection" ia for the monopolista Dot for the people; that for each dollar paid into the treasury as a duty on iron imported, the iron monopolists grah fourteen dollars - tho Dutchmau's l'ono per cent" fourteen times repeated, the pound of fleah exacted by Shvlock increased to tho goodly share of tbo victim's body. The Post well puts it : "a herring for the treasury, a whale for tho mouopoliats." That journal also sayg, and says well : "Tha pretcaso that the prices of food, or other articleo that farmors raise and iron-makers consume, are sonsibly increased by that oonsumption, is a swindlo upou tho public." The way to coutinuotho swin die is to rote for Republican candidatc for Congrega, whose opiuions are mad lor tbem by these protected manufactu rers, and whsoe votes are dictated by'th monopolista. Tho Republican party bas inhorited tho old Whig doctrine o proteotion, and tho man who claims to be for reveuue reform, a revenue tarif or free-trade, stultifies himBelf by votin for the Biairs, tho Conoers, th Stoüoutons, the Waldroxs or any oth er Kepublican candidato. The recorc of the eix Michigan members brand thom the williDg tools of tho protection ists. In the Republican conventiou, Fourtl district, held on the 31st uit., at Grunc Rapids, Hon. T. W. JTauny was nom inated ior re-electiou, receiving all bu eight votes, which wore given to Hon. O Towir, of lonia. In tbo Fifth district, Hon, O. D. Conqek waa re-nominated on the 25th uit., without opposition. In tho Sixth district, the Republicana iad a two day mili on Tuesday and Wednesday of thia week ; Stbickland was laid out on the home stretch, and Driqgs nominated on the 36th ballot, whereupon, the telegraph says "tho conventiou broke up in a row." Now, the Demooracy proposo to lust Ditiocs. ii m 1 1 In the Lenatorial race which reccntly camo off at Grand Kapids, the lumberng barque Wu. A. Howakd got a shot otween wind and water, no blank car,ridge eithor, but a genuine Ball froni a trim and clipper-built FlBRY-boat, armed and eijuipped for the spocial service. In less figurativo laüguage, and or information of tho uniuiliated, we may explain : Hon. P. L. li. PftlBOB, present Senator froin Kent eounty, and candidate for re-election, - a Howard man, - was beaten in the Radical couuty convention by Byron D. Ball, who favors Hon. T. W. Ferry in tho U. S. Senatorial oontest, and not the cnrpetagging land agent of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad, who dcclined the China mission to beeome tho tcestirn candidate for Senator. Üminous. In tue Hillsdale Democratie County Donvontion held on Saturday last, the dclegates vrere iustructed to ask the norainaüon of G. V. N. Lotiiroi. A jottcr selection could uot be mado, aud the Detnocraoy of tho First district would do themsolves and the State a favor by nominafiDg Mr. Lotiirop and electing him. He would rauk bead and shouldera above any man Michigan has eDt to Congress - either House - sinco he Radical party carne iuto power. - Dou't let Mr. LoTHROPsay no, but put lim on tho courso. Tue Deuioeracy of Schenck's dirict havo pitted Hon. L. ü. Campbell gaiDst him. Wo suspect that a better man niiglit have beou found with whom o beat the "bo of Vieona." Bxbohsb aiys, ñutí ií' Bkbooeb doo't know, who does ? that "the uttur iguopunce df fiiiaiiL'u uud politioal ecooomy amopg our Coogrossmen ia appalling." And agiiiü : "Vi;h tho greatest liuanoial problema btforo it, Congress is as helpiess as a gi'oup :( childrën over an Arabio inseri)tiou." Aud with sucb "fiuauoier'1 in Ooogresi is Stouohton and SruicKi a.d and üiiandibr, uot to proloug tlic list. Is snob vilo insiuuatiou to bo toleratcd ? But once moro : "lts legislatiou is u more c-.hun3 of shreds and patohes!" and thiu witlisuch military lugi-lators and leaders as Banks und Butler and Farnswokth aud Bchknck who ought to ovolve order out of chaos. Not fatisfied with tho charge of imbecility hu follovvs witli a sly slap at the iutegrity of the niition's kgi.-lators. - What does this moan ? "Private iuterests maintuin r. bitter Btrugglo with each Other, and deface witb absurd iuconsistencies every generul tchome : titer it no consistency, no clearnesa, anywJiere." - Tliore ! ia Beboiikr g"ig to "awicg arouud tho circlü" guiu ? Via pause for a reply. WE coniineud au artiole in another colutun, hended "Dotuooratic Unity," copied from the Louiaville Courier-Jour nal, to thoso of our readura who are to Democratie that they lean over backward, who are determioed not to forget that time and the war havet-cttled tome tilinga and changed the political iasues of the day, in short to the Deinocratio Bourbous, who livo in the past rather than iu the present. If the Southern Demoeraey need the advice given by llie Journal bo do thoae of our Northern Demócrata who will persist in beiug chaincd to the body of a negro or a doad negro issue. The defeatod Iiadical oandidates for Congress down in North Carolina, aided aud abettod by tbe Founkys of thu North, are uiaking roady to coutest tho scats of tüeir suecessful opponents. Ol oourse they are. If the angel Gabriel shonld chanco to be elected to the uext Congress some Iiadical carpet-bagger would claim bis scat, aud get t, too, that is if the lladicalfl shull mus ter a working majority. The Chicago Post tabulates tho next Congress, and generously concedes a nel Democratie gain of 23. The Post claims but two Radical gains, one in Kontucky, aud one in Illinois, neither of which is its party likely to make. On the other hand the Democtacy havo good rcason to expeet a gain of two or three in Illinois ; but having the whoU Kentucky delegation now, can't well expect many gains in that Siato. Wibcoxsis bas 2ü,000 women iu the f uil of their rights; that is at work in tha ficlds, for all the world just like men folks. Cau't the women lecturers and politicians get their rights in tho eame waj - by stopping talking aud goiug to work, at whatever their hands tiiay find to do. We woulda't advise field labor, but then we go for wonian's rights. The Holly Water Works at Jaokson wei'u thoroughly testcd and put in opera, tion on the 24th inst., giving perfect satisfactiou to uil parties. Tho total cost of dam, engine house, eugines, street pipiug, hydrauts, eto , is estimated at about $120,060. The Prussians have not yot taken Strasbourg, Metz or Paris, but heavy fighting is reported near Beaumont on Tuesday aud Weduesday, und the defeat of McMaiioiü with great slaughler. - Foreign intervention is binted at, but peaoo is not yet. Tiib Deuiocrutio Congressional Convention in the Sixth district was held at Flint yesterday. Judge Sutiierland, of Sagiuaw, was unauimously nomiiiated. The Demoeraey of that district propose to take off tho hide of Diucas - his political hido we mean. By the last census, taken iu 186G, tbe populatioa of Paris was 2,150,196, at which time there wero resident there 34,273 Gerraans, 33,038 Bolgians, and over 50,000 other foreigners. J. V. Jounso.v, editor of the Charlotte Argus, bas bnen nominated for County Clurk by the Demoeraey of Eutou County. We hope that he uiay re verse that 1000 majority, aud wiu.


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