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The National Game

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[orpioiAi ] ''lie most cxcitiug base ball match of this or, for that matter, ol any other season, took place in this city on Taesday, t!ie contestants beiug the city offleers on the one side uuil tho county offleers ou the otlicr. Tiie day was sucii as coukl have been 110 beller lor the sport, and the opportuulty was taken the largest advaatage of, both by the playera and tbe spectators. A large crowd, nciudiug raaay ladiee, wltnessed the game, all seeunlng bent on ha ving a merry afteruoofl ot it. Long befuio the hoor came tbe crowd bogan to gather, and at o'clock preclsoly the game was called by the umpire, the scorers and jre local Le Ing at their posts In ilue season. 'Die usual meana was taken to settle for cbotce of posltlou, ami tbe City Nlne winning tlie toss, ehoso the lield, jusl as the lied Stockiugsor Mutual w.oald ilo, and the game coniineuced, the County Nine at the bat. K1USÏ 1NNING3. Drain Commlssloner Parshall sent a "sky" to center lield, and got to secoud base, stcaliug to thinl on the pitcher. Sheriff Porter made asimilar hit, maklug llrst base and briuging l'arshall home. Tally one. Circuit Court Commissiouer Bal)bitt sent a "liner" over second bascman'a head, mafilng llrst base, and forcing Porter to second. Deputy Register Wilcoxsou then took the bat, and al'ter two fouls sent a "daisy culter " toward the left lield, goiug to secoud base, and Porter to third. Supt. of Schools Whcelcr went out on a "foul," after .vhich, wheu the catcher misscd hls ball, Porter scored and Wilcoxson took third base. Treasurer Bluin sent a "daisy cutter"to right lield, got to the second base, and Wilcoxsou scored. Porter made a foul, and then gave the right Helder a "daisy cutter" to stop, goiug to iirst base and Bluoi to second and third. Couuty Clerk Kobison "struck out," and Porter "stole" to secoud, Blum making a tally. Barry - Judge of Probate pro tem. - struck a foul, then gave center llelder a "daisy cutter," goiug to Iirst base and stealing to second. Prosecutiug Attorney FraiM "struck out," inakiug the third man out, wheu the other side took the bal. After a foul, Recorder Manly sent a "daisy cutter" past the short stop, and made secoud base, Marshal Robisou seut the ball away toward the "sky," making i "home run," and Mauly also scored. Aid. Chapín, after two or three fouls, "struck out." Aid. Leiand struck three times, but failed to hit the ball.gettiug safely to first base, however. Whlle Aid. Holmes was "to bat," Leiand stole to third base. Holmes got to iirst base on a "grounder," aitei makiug a "foul." Aid. Roys seut a "sky" to the center fielder, who made a spleudid "muff," Holmes scoring, and Roys golng to thlrd. City Attorney Kinne made a fine hit, sendiug the bal! in hot pursuit of left Belder, going to Iirst, and Roys coming home Aid. Joliusou was put out at Iirst base, after seuding the ball rather lazily to "short stop." Kinue Bcored, when Aid. Porter made a spleudid "sky ball," which was "mulled" in first-class style by center fielden He reached secoud base, but was torced back to llrst, wbbh hedid not touch. Manly made a foul, and Poner stole to second. Jlanly theij made a "sky ball," getting to third, and Porter scoring, Robisou sent the ball along the ground, past short stop, gettiug to sccouU, Manly scoriug. Chaplu took t!ie bat, and while he was vatttng for the pitcher, Robison stole to thinl, scoring while the pitcher was after the ball. Chapla sent the ball to center field, making secoud base. Lelaud seut a "sky" to tbe right field, and got to fint base, ('Jiajiiii steallng lo third. Holmes sent a "daisy cutter" to center lield, while Chapla scored. Lelaud look second base, and was put out at third by Wileoxsou, leaving Holmes on llrst base. "Third man out - skle out." SECOND IKXIXGS. Parshall made a loul and theu a "daisy cutter,'' making secoud, and stealiug to third, with Babbitt at the bat. The catcher put Babbitt out ou a foul. Wilcoxson gent tlie ball up in the air, making llrst base, and bringing Parshal! home. Wheeier and Blum each struck out, leaviug Wilcoxsou standing at third base. The City Nine theu taking the bat, Holmes sent a 'laisy cutter" through the' center, aud got to iirst base, stealiug secoud and thinl ou the pitcher. Roys made the saine hit, brought Holmes in, himseif getting Jcfürst base. Kinue was put out ou a loul, and Roys at lirsl base. Johnson "struck out," when the second lunings was concluded, and tlie City Niue agaiu took the lield. TU1UD I.NXINGS. B. R. Porter took the bat, sending a "daisy cutter" past third base, and getting to secoud. Robison sent a "daisy cutter" to right field, making secoud base, and Porter scoriug. Robisou stole to thlrd, and Barry, ivhile in tbe act of admiiiistering a Herculean blow, broke his bat, which flew lu a rage at the short stop ; after which Barry "struck out." Frazer sent a "sky" to right lield, getting to secoud. Robison scoring, and Frazer quickly ïollowiug. Parshall, after two fouls "struck out." Babbitt made a íoul, which was narrowly missed by Holmes; then sent a "sky" to "center field," making llrst base, and stealing secoud. Wilcoxson went out on a loul. Babbitt left on flrst base, bule out. C B. Porter sent a "grounder" to left Beid, making sccond base. Mauly went out on a "foul." Porter took his thlrd, with RobisoD to bat, scmling the ball down to rilit flelder, briugiug Porter home, hhngeïf getting to thlrd. Chapín fonled out. Lelaud missed'again, but got flrst bast-, wblle the catcher was Iooking lip the ball, Hobison scoriug at the same time. Holmes fouled and went out, leaving Lelaud ou third base. FOURTH INN1NGS. The pitcher caught Wheeler's foul. Blum máde a foul, and theu sent a "daisy cutter" to center Held ; was put outou ilrst base by pitcher. Porter sent a "grounder" to left üeld, gettiug to the llrst base, Kobisou "to bat." Porter stole to seeond, Kobisou striking out, the side thus beiug "whitewashcd." Boys made a foul, afterwards taking flrst base ou failuiv of the pitcher to stop the third "strike," stealiug to seeond wliile the catcher was after the ball. Kiune struck a foul, llouisou stcaling home by ilelay of catcher. Kinne sent a "liner" to seeond .ic, taking the ilrst, and giveu the secoud ou a balk of the pitcher. Johnsou made a foul, and then & "liner" to short stop. Portur went out on a foul. Mauly seut a "liner" to center fleld, Jbrciug Johnson to secoud and liiunc to third, both coming home, aud Manly scoriugahome run. ]{obisou sent a "grouuder" to right Held, making third base, and scoring by the ball goinf; to pitcher. Chapín sent a "sky" to ceuter tkld, taking seeond base. Lelamt struck out. Holmes "to bat," Chapín stok: to third base, and carne home, with catcher alter the ball. Holmes sent a "Jiner" to left field, aud took flrst base, Roys strikine out soou after. FIFT1I IN.NINGS. Bifry went ontonafonl at the secoud strike. Fnuer sent a "grounder" to secoud base, taking.the first. Parshall took (hst base after two fouls aud a faüure to hit the ball at tliree strikes, Frazer Bcorlng, Babbitt "to bat." Parshall stole to third, and coral on a "grounder" lo rlght fluid by Babbitt, who took flrst base. Babbltt stole lo thlrcl, Wilcoxsou struck out. Wheeler sent a "daisy cutter" to right fleld, inakiug secoud base, while BI uin took iip the bat, and Wheeler tole to third. B!:im struck out. Kiniie sent a "sky ball tocent;r fleld, and made flrst base. Johnson sent the ball to secoiui base, Kinuc coming home on a "sky" by C. B. Poner. Johnsou stole to third b iso. Jlanly sent a "daisy cutter" to left fleld, Johusou scoriug, Mauly takiug flrst and stealingto secoud, and Porter to third. Robison seat a "liuer" to center fleld, niakiug third base and scuding Manly and Porter home. Robisou scored whllo Chapin was at the bat. Chapia took flrut base aiter fuiliug to liit the ball, the flrst buso man iailing to stop it and put htm out, Üually coming home oa a "liner" by Leland, who took flrst base. Holine made a "daisy cutter ' to left fleld, gettiug flrst and stcaliug second, Lelund coming home, falling ou his face and tendurly euibracing the base, with Roys "to bat." Ilolmea scored white the catcher was gone for the ball. Roys sent a "daisy cutter" to left fleld, raakíují secoud base and stealinii to third. Kiuue sent a "liner" to right fleld, making second base, and Roy scoring, Johnson at the bat. Kiune gtole home, while Johnson vlsited the left fleld with a "liner," which , was beautifully "muffed"by Barry. Johnsou took his secoud, C. li. Porter neudiug a "liucr" to center fleld, taking secoud, and Jolinson sooring. Mauly going "to bat," Porter stole his third. Hanly sent a "grouuder" to center fleld, making third base, Porter scoring, and Manly closoly followiug. Robison 6eut a "sky" to left fleld, maklug second base. Chapín sent a "sky" to right field, getting to flrst base and stealiug secoud, whiie Robison scored Leiand sent a "daisy cutter to short stop, and got his flrst base, flually forcing Chaplu home. Holmes seut a "liuer" to left fleld, making two bases. Roys sent one to left fleld, going to third base, aud scudiug Holmes aud Lelaud home. Kintie sent a "sky" to center fleld, where it was "inuffud" by Frazer. He made two base, white Roys scored, he Sually coming in before the next batter. Johnson seut a "liuer" to riirlil lield, making third base. Porter did the same for right fleld, golug to flrst and Johnson to third. Mauly seut a "sky" to center fleld, taking secoud base and Porter third. Robison put a "dalsy cutter" uear the shius of secoud baseman, aud run two bases, scoring Mauly and Porter. At second base Robisou spraiaed his anklc, and A Seyler took his place the remainder of the game. Chapia Bent a "sky ball" to short stop, ïnaXiug flrst base. Leiand put oue to flrst baseman, who showed his efficiency as a "muffer," aud Lelaud was safe, Chapia forced to second, Robisou to third; Holmes put a "daisycutter" to center field, goiua: to flrst, the others scoriug, and himself uuwarily put out at secoud. Kiune put the ball in left fleld, and got to secoud base. Johcson's ''daisy cutter" seut hint to flrst and Kiune to third. Porter 6cnt a "sky" to center fleld, bringlng Kinue home, and gcuding Jolmson to second, himself goin to flrst. Manly sent a "daisy cutter" to second, raakiug two bases, Johnsou sc.)riug, and Porter taking secoud and Manly flrst. Seyler (Robigon), not knowing thft game, failed to ruu on a splendid "sky" and was put out on flrst Chapín seut a "daisy cutter" to left field, madeflrst base etealing to secoud while Leland sent a "liner" to secoud base, which he took, Chapin scoring. Holmes did the same for ceuter fleld, while Leiand scorcd, Holmes golug to flrst aud Btealiug second. Roys seut a "daisy cutter" to right fleld, and Holmes scored while Roys took his third. Kinne put the ball in center fleld, and made flrst base, Roys coriug. Johnson made a "daisy cutter" to left fleld going to flrst base and Kinne to second. Porter sent a "i;rouuder" to short slop, getting to flrst, Johnson to second, aud Kiune to thirdPorter forced all the bases, creating much merriment amoug tlie oíd playera, llauly was put out on the flrst base, aud the long exciting Inning was ended. TIJK OTIIKK IX.MNGS. Tha six tb, seventli, eiglith, and ninth tnnlnga were much tke same as the others, and we shall not go luto further detail re. gardiug the movements of the several players. It will probably be suffleieut to say that joms good plays were made, as well as some poor ones. Frazer made two or toree "fly catches," which were loudly applaoded. Manly made one excellent doublé play, putting two men out, also making a fly catch or so. A "sky ball" sent to center fleld provea flnger smasherto Parshall, who made a noble cfFort to catch the ball but let it catch htm where he did not wish to bc caught. The following is the scoro COCNTT NINB. O. R.i CITY K1XB, O. R. Parstaall.'Jb 3 6 Manly, p 2 II BabbiU, 1 b 14 Robisuii, 2 b 3 10 Wilcuxaun, 3 b 'i 3Cbpiurs8 4 8 Wheeler. ss 6 3 1.elanil, 1 b 9 blnra, r f O ü Holmes, c 1 10 Portee, c 0 Tltoyi, c f 6 7 Ku'jiinn, p 4 4 Kinne, 1 f " 8 Harry. lf 4 3 Jnhuson. rf 5 6 Fiaxer, c f '2 6 Porter, 3 b 19 H 3l :t "3 Iunlngs, 1Í3456T89 City, 10 1 3 0 35 3 10 5-79 Cunnty, 613U4347 0- 30 Umpire - C. Hooper. .Captains - B. R. Porter, County ; C. II. Manly, City. Scorers -I). Webster and L. F. Uoban. Time of giinc, Cour hours. Aflci' the game was flnishcd the victors neartlly cheered tlie vamjuished, and the latter rcturued the compliment, the crowd sooa after disperslng from the grounds. the scrrER. Meeting at Cook'a at shortly after seven( the porties eugaged in tlic sport partook of au excellent repast, gotten up in the lnimita. ble style wliich has alway charactcrized that liouse. The tablo was spread with all the luxui'ies of the season, and all ate heartily, the scène being enlivened by joke and jest, and the exercise ol the afternoou glrlng all a good appetite. After supper they their way, feeliug no worse for the day, and ready ior another bane ball matei) .(?) The Michigan Adcanc ha bosa conBÓUdated with the East Saginaw Courur, under the name of the Michigan Adoanc and Courier. The new paper is a Hum lookIng ;iü column slicet. Mr. A. D. Rust, fonuerly ot the Advaace, takes an editorial politlón on the new journal, whlch is certuinly worthy of a liberal suppurt by the Deniocracy of the Sagiuaw Valley. - Tho Michigan Tribune is the namo of a new paper, pnblislud at Battle Creek by the City Printing Cumpany. It is Democratie lu pjlities, because of wliicli we it will Itica hard row to hoe in that bouighted cl y. Uut success to it. Tho wife f Prioce Salm-Salm, wbo is reported to havo fnllen in o:ie of the roceut battlcs, has just given biith to a son. Sha has jut pus-od au eiamiuation for surgery, and is doing good work iu the hoapualE.


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