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i WASHT E MAW COUNTY pir-3 m pam panpSëjjpêJjj itlNOtARY PUBLIC AIMQ 4j Jij GENERAL W ,L_ j J b_. "'"■■■'" '.i" REAL ESTÁTE EXCHAKGE I ! Thcundersigned liaïinp a perfect Record hifitory of 'M of Real EUt Tttie In thii ;ity, aml in tha OotiBty of Wwhtcniw, take pleasurê in annnunciug to thp public thftt he 111 t'xnmitiH titte.gire abstracts of Kenl Kstate title, makc oeciis morrgftttB, contract anl otter lejfal papers on the ihorteflt notice: Will aUo make mio of CllJ propertj &Dd farms , rent house:s, and foreclose mortüTBeM l'erSODI wantlnjí a hÏHtory of Real Estáte tille, willi'collect that his Books'tHkein Tax ïitles atid al! co.Uleral inntlcis whlch touch each particular decription; aii'l all mortgairea, ancient or modern, which ap[ear to be still subsistíug of record at the present time. I offer the following Real Estáte for sale : N'o.100. Tlio Malooy House aul Lot on Divisi.on Street. Mo.101. Houée and Lot in Hi.scock'i addition. Vi cc $2.000. N'o. 102. Two Story Brick Honise on Spring ?treet. No.103. Two Story Wood House on Spring Stieet. N'o. 104. N'ie House. Lot and Barn just weet of Law College. N'o. 105. FinO House, Outhouse, Baro andöncrfis of I.dI, VVatup Fount, &c- very dosirable Property. No.106. House aud 3 acres of Land inside corpora tion. No.107. Hou xp and Lot just aouth of theUuiveraitr l)uilding. N'o, 18. 15 % acres of Land ;east of the Uuiyeriity (ïounds. Xo. 109, City Lot a nearly opposite Dr. Chase's l'rinting Establistiraent. NTo. 110. One Two Stoiy Wood Dwelliug on State Street. No. 111. One elegant Two Story Brlck House near Univeraity Square. No.llS. -10 acres with building just northof the City. Xo.113. One To BfeDTjr House jast north Cemetery Oronnds, N'o. 114. Two Rrick Uousen west sideof üniveritity Square, N'o. 115. 6 acres jupt west of the City. Xo. 116. ÍS acres with buildings just west of the City. No. 1J7. 160 acres with buildings and inproveraenU 5 milcH north - good situation. N'o. 118. 320 acres- fine farra in Shiawassce. Xo.119. 2,000acrosof Wild Lands in the Counties of W'ayne, Monroe, Sagina w and Bbta wassee, ly Abstract Bouka aropostedto dütt'. Xo. 120. One elegant Three Story Building on Huron Strett, west. Nflulïl, 175 acres on Vliddle Road to Ypsilanti. No. 122. 40acresonScuth Road with Buildings and improvt-ments. Xo. 123. 240 acres on Xorth Dexter Road. 2}$ miles out , with t nip ro vemen ts. Xo. 124. And much olhor Ilesl Estáte not herein included, There are mnj ol+mortgaies in Washtnnaw County undtocharged of Record, and tho laws of Limita tloniafl t" UortgagM i.s diiTerent f rom tlut applicu" biet" Kcal KstateTerms of Commissiou on Halos of Itoal Estáte, one f. if ale made, Rates for search of U-n Bstat Titl 6 cnt por ycar tor Deeds aad alxoentsa jeatfoi Mortgjijrcs until chanco tf notïce. No charges will be made for examination of litlc, making pnpersor recording, to partios lending mouey thruugh me. Money wantod to loan on unincumberedlieal Estáte frora out to five jears, at 10 per cent. fcnttrMt net (O the hnder. Aun Arbur, March'0, ltJ7O TRACY W. ROOT. Ë7 J. JOHNSON, At io. 7 Soutli Main Street, STILL HAS A HAT OR 2 LEPT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season, Which will be sold LOWEE Tïïuft.lT EVBB 1 ALÏO A LARGE9T0CK OF GLOVES, ((II.1JES, NECR TIliS, HANOKERCHIEF8, SATCHEÍiS, CANES, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. cali and examine my gouds beforc purcbasinff elHewhftre. M:!.v, 18T0 ATONEÏ CAN NOT BUY IT. FOR SIGHT ISPRICELESS TUK DIAMOND GIfARStS, Mnnu'actineil by J. E. Spencer & Co. , N . Y, , wbich ire imw olie red V the public, are pronounced by all tin oelebrated Opti clan ■ of Iba World lo be the Most Perfi-ct, Xatnral, Artiticiil help to the human eje ever known. Tliey are ground inier thfii r own supervisión, f rom min utrivBtal Pi-bhlc, melted topetber, and derive 11, ei i n.i in p, ' ' Diamond ," on account of their hardii ■ s 'tnd brilliancy. The Scienlific Principie on which the are constructed brinpH the core orcentr of 'he lf nu dirt'ctly in front of the eye, produeinff a clear and lühiinct visión, as in the natura!, li 1 ïi y Blgbt] anl prcventiDjf all unpleasant sensatioOH, such mí iílm:ii(iri)ii; and wa vering uf siglit, dizziuesR, &c.( peculiar to all othftri in ue. Tlipy are mouattd in the FIN'föT MANNKR, Ín of the best quality, of all matenalu usc-1 for i hl t t'uvpofie. Tlifir flniah and durnbility cannot bfl urpaspd. CAUTION . - None genuine unlens bcaiing their trade mark fitamped on erery frame. .T. C. WATTS k. RRO., Jewpler and Optician,re soleagpnta ior ANV ARBOK, HUIL, from wbom thoy can only be obtained. These goods are not supplied to Pedlern atany price. 1267yl JPURNITURE The rarget=t and Best stock i n the city , of all varicties and stylen, at the oíd Store of O. M. MARTIN. PHYSlcÏANS ' Prescriptions Accurately and üarefully j pared by 12. W. ELL1S & Co. j I)UY YOUR Looking: Glasses OF W. D. HOLMES, Aun Arbor FÜU 3 RËASONÜ. í4rat, bMftnne iif lte'pMhn bpt f Imported Qlasa Dil tt fuou atsortmeoiof squara aiul arclitop f raines, a n cl .-,!.' iU CHEAP1 Seconlly , bocAiifx they bolontf to M b'fnpsf!. H iu.ikcn lIh'mi ft ipeolalfy, dooi lus owniroj ani üid atiurl to kcU CHEAPEB 1 Tïilrdlj HocauK h inntmfacliirpK tliem, and cat and will st-Jl the of any one in the city, Iíealao eolís % ■ PICTURE FRAMES! Tbe cheapest of any body in the State - afifar as bear3 r from. NICE OVJL FRAMES FOR SO CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FRE.VCH GL. ASS-by tbe IlfLt or box- Forï'ictures orfor HOUS33 1 33 EAST IICROS STRKBT, ANN ARBOR. - - - MICH. 117fttf .;■;. B,l. a . g i? 3 b CD ■ í Sa h i S JH Wal co g . 2 s L 5 . i H O R 1 Mas pOR CASH YOUCAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF G. SUTHERLAND & GO, AnnArbor,Janu&ry,1870. 1252 T UMBER YARD! C. KEAPP Has a Urgfcad wellstocked Lumber Yard, on .Wferiion Str-jot, In the s'mth part of tho City, and will keepconstaotly ou hand an excellent variety of LUMBER. SHINGLES, LATH, &O. whicli will be solJ bh low as can be afforJed inihis tnavkot. Qualitr and pricessnch that ro onc needto go te Detroit. CONHAD KRAPF, Ana Arbor.Oct.lst. 18159. 98(!1f A NN AËBOR AQAINSr THE STATËIN THE FURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin against Ann Arbor. Don't Poiget his Old Stand. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines Paints,Oils,&c. r ADÍES' FÁSHIONABLE 8HOE HOUSE. 24 South Mam Strekt , IHoler in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEWESÏ SïYLES IN Kid, Calí, and Oloth, 1 Alw.'iVKf.n hand, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IK YOU WANT A 13OOT, A GAI1T5E, -A. BUSEIN, OR A SLIPPER., CALL AND EXAMINE Hls KTOCK BKFORE PIR CHASIXG, PRICES LOWER than the LOWEST. R. TARRANT. Ann Arbor.Maj 1870. PinleVTewis, Gentlemaa's Opera Boots. " Furgeson Button Boots. " French Congress Gaitera, " Creóle " " Serge " " " . Scotch Ties. " All Rights. " Oxford Ties. In hort, a Full Line of Gentlerneo's Boots and Shoea, Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes n Grcat Variety, and MEN 'S JJEAVY VVOHK, hand inaüe of alt kiuda. Ladies' French Kid Button. " Foxod " " " Serge " " Polish. Miases' Bronze, " and Button. " Serge, " " " Obild'a " " " " Weask the particular attriitiun of the Ladie to OXJR FIN-E WOEK WHICH KOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IN' THE STATE, and in Price FAR BELOW DETROIT FIGURES OUR WOPK WARtlANTED AS REPIU&ENTEP. 1268 JF YOU WANT A SUMMES HAT, ÏF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A "Hat as is a Hat," JF YOU WANT Hats Oheap - for Cash. JF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, GO TO A.. JL. TEREY'S, If5 South Main Street. Where you will also Hnd a full line of Gent'p Furniüliing Goo'l'. Ann Arbor, Mny, 1870. ]24!)yl jSwéet Quiifte f lS RECENT IMlM;)VEMr. k Kcpl ces the uso of the Bitter Sw-PnATB ( ïMNii, wi:)i whlch all are familar. Du-r for dote, ii is FULLY ! QUAL IN EVERY WSY TO BITTEfQUININE, AND LIKE IT IS THE ONKf IM T, POSITIVE and ITÏF ILIIVG ( CURE FOEkll DISEASES of MAiABIOUS OBUGIN. Fci Ir and Ague, Vlntermiltcnt Fevcr, CIU11 Fevcr, Remittcnt FeverJ Bilious IcJr, and tl lonf? train of disorders fSio-wing these irhen neglected. SWEET ai'IiVIA'E 1 Is mirto noltly CrOm I'truviaii llnjk, (SO Is ■per Quimnt,) therefoi-e is of' Vrfiemble orijfk, and nota Mineral polBOn, bujon tho comhu-y is proved to be oneofthe fcinont9 founll in tbe blond of all healtb; jicfcona. S1VIÍF.T aniYIJVE I nrH ;Vi nn antidote to, (as wcll ni a curo I'1!. siulurh.l or mlnsmntlc poiAon, itio absornüon of which by t(Ki lunffi octusos Inteninttent Kevers, etc. ïho oiilylaUvantaye ciimcd for I SWHET QrrXlA'E over yac use of old Bitter Qulninelis tlio entlref Absence of that Intenne, ixrttHtrnt liit,7n-ss, which in tb6 latter i.s iintinsiirmoDstable obstarle u Lts use wit.h uiiAl perfioiibf and ulways with chiltlrüji. I stpeet tmnm 1! iiltwo forms- In Poivder for !he lise of Kiytiriitns aiid Drugslate, and Fluía, for uat mi t fainily umi ror tlie (f'-iiurulliblA. SJbeaü-ns, Farr &j6, [ MWUFACTURIN6 CHEMIn, A V VvKW VORK. y For Snip hy Khorbach & Co., drugsists. 1264jl QOME AGAIN WITH A FUI.I. STOCK OF OABINET-WARE, TO BE SOLD CHKAl'KR THAX ANVWHKHK E1.SE l.V TUK STATE. AT JUS OLD STORE, 11AIN ET, ANX AHBOB Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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