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Thoughts Of Great Men

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What a comfort to thousands havo thoso preaioiu words of Jean Ptul's been ! "Happioess sits on your iroiw' door step. You Deed not oven go rouufl tho corner to look for if. It can stand j n rudo blítst and a rongb fall, aiul is wanmitcd to keep in the liotlcst cliuiate. Treaeurc it, preserve it, piokle it, but cali no man happy wlio gocs to rost with a single bill unpaid." llow sublima s t'ils thought of Goethe'e: ''Tho Ocean of Exister.ce has never yct been hydrogrtphod, and its deeprst (ecrets aro p:ut dredgÍDg for. We gaiher M t'ew tender tintcd shell8,a few tufts of bright weed, and su;i off costly mulInsks ; Lut tbe Sea and Wo aro real 8traDgerP, wo and the Sea niako no )iígreaï, aud life sinl;a behiud tho h(iri,oo beiore tho Bud of Acquaintanec bat burst into tlie Bloom of Friendsbip - Walk by tho Msrgio, and listen to ilie Waters moaning t.h(:r straoge seorct to tho t-yinpat!)iziiitr Stars, and takuanother oigar before you turn in." Milton well knew that tbc oxperienoe of all middlo oged men WOU ld amply corroboruto this cluiin ot corollaries : ' INcver exceeit your ïnooinu. "Never orcoed tbe louuda of decorum. 'Always brush your hat whcn jou .uko it off. l'Io careful how you ntorfmo wil!) another tuau's firo. "Do not sit iu damp clothes. "Sludy the polity of tho State, and )0 at your post although of tbe meamjst order, when the walls of the Rcpublic aro th rea tened. "The true citizen never omits to'havo ïis boota prcperly blacked cvery morntig." How thoronglily t hat wiso o!d lioathn, EpamiDondaa l:new tho workiug of hu human he;irt. Jjisten to few of lisgems. "Npver lend your borse. - Soem, ratber than be. Build your garen wal] liighor, f your ncighbor eau ook over it. Tread warily, if your palli s strewn with broken bottles. I3o ready o do small Iciu(!iio.-sc8 - always have )osta);8 8tamp8 in your pockut, and Meropolitao tinio-tubles, ;uid tho fincst Cau do-Cïologuo tliat mouey eau proure." Mark what Lavnter snid to Williaai 'ell, when thcy wero oomiog homo ia 10 dawn fnmi a post-mortcm, ovor the iridjio ol Siha, und talkiug ibcut the 'eveuuo returns. "Put a L001! liico on :e matter. If troublos risc, staro thotn ut nf counletianeo. We all wear the aiuo uuiforiu, only the facings aro dif'erent. The rioiieat man cannot escape ie tootbacli?, iiid th e poorcst may enOj u BUD8 t and :t alad. Bc content, ui (ill up jour Iucome-tax-paper witli onscicmtious ü.iclity, and yiu will be neuuiea siuuug nieTw. Goklaii words thoso of Bacon 's: - I The weakuesscs of men are often the reogtb of States, and the favoritos of rinccs have bofore iiow bccome the intt'ecouks of veugeful Furtuno. lioiue ïea aro boru and otbets die; but none in escapo ei t her the one dny or the tli er. Between the begiDning and the r.d there lie manjr intercalated staou, whero we may reet and recréate, n pather strength for the ventures mt Fortuno btftb yet in her wallet. - jiind as fho is, she sotuetiiues drops :ie bandage and catones the epeaker'a y e ; but lier ïiiynnidons are a host, and ter followers a groat army, and to be otorious over Fortune your weapons nust be keen, weilteoipered, and brigbt. 'our arma atrohg mid resolute, your ourage dauntless, your eodurance mryr-like, and your wife's relations


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