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Carlotta, Isabella, And Eugenie

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Carlotta, Isabella and Eugenio ! - What a atrangc, Bad piu'.uro tuo tbree present to-d;iy ! Carlotta, ouoo imperial and worid-iamoua m tbo thronc of Max mi lian - dow bereft of her beauty and lier miod, and incurable. Isabella, tbo abdioated Quecn of' Spain, drivcn from her throne, and exilcd to aoythiDs bat a happy life. Eugenio, Regent o(' Fraooe, brilliaut and beautiful, frora her imperial tbrODO in Paris, compelí d to see lier own power not only tbreatened but seemiiigiy gradually fading away. - Thi.s is the situation of the thrce Queens ■ wbo leu veáis npo wcre the representativo women of tbc world. Wbo woald euvy tlieiu tl.uir present positiou i lio would be tlio homeleeg, faded, powerluss, suffering Carlotta - only tlio wrock of former beauty ? Or who would have tho tongue of Beandal whisper over the world it3 wretchf-d goasip nn t does of Isabella ? Or wLo WOuld daro to takc Eugeuie's present responsibility, watohcd by tjic whole world, nnd not uulikely to loso lier poMtion at my moment ? Botnotimep, wbón one's . thoogbta !o:ul him to wisbing thut his fortuno miglit li;ivo been c:t in grandor placen, lie may profitübly look around und nee tbc fortunes oí tliose who sit apon imperial tbronea. Victoria ig uudisturbed, but sbe is a glorious ezoeption. Tbe tbree wo havo uamed, all of wbom aro more at bomein Franco tlian elsewhere, have borne witb every kind of auxioty and BuQ'erinr. Tho bumblest cottage girl umi most obscure Bcwiug woman in all tlie land are moro to he envied thau aro theso three qucens. Does any one sdppOM tliat they havo not ofton sighed for tho retired lile of a private lady, away from tha trappinga aud inaohiuery of oourt? Alas! thoso secreta aro ncver known to the public, but we can neo in poor Carlottii's wreckeu beauty, lite aiul fortunes to what sad endinos queeus inaj' como. - Chicago 'Times. The Chiofof the Bureau of SUtietioe is preparing a synopsia of tho mouthiy report for August, in wliich is given a full staienictit of tho iaiports, oiports, &o., for iho liscal ycar of 1S70, This report will show tbat although our imporls exoeed our exporta thero ia an incrense of $54,500,000 over tho fiscal year oí' 1SG!) mauifest. From tho tablet the following tigurca ar tuken : Total exporta lor the fiscal year onding Juno 30, j 2S7O. $518,051,000 ; total re-t-Nports for the fiscal .ycar ei:dmg Juno ÜOth, ISTO, -7,1 li-i ; total importa for the year Dg Juno SOth, 1870, $102,255,059 ; total cxces of imptiris, 11,408,074.


Old News
Michigan Argus