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The Republican Platform

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Tlie following revoluti out were artnpted at tlio Republican State Couvention, held at Detroit on the lat inst., and iuay be considered an autboritativu declaration of the principas of' tho Republicana of Michigan : lUsolved, That we acutere witb uniluumished coufidenee and prido to the {(■publican party, tliat ly its wudom, tielity aud courage eruíhed tlie sluveloldera' rebellion, ptoeetvei the Union, nd by a change iu the Constitution csablished liberty and ecjuality.; overlhrow rmed rebels iu the field, and achievcd ietorics at tho pol's ver political oploueuti', who tiot oniy prooDuneed the var tbr the uational life a fuilure, but uve tiympatby and support to tlio armed 068 of the country ; mui with the aid of ucli loyal Democinisad prcfcrred their country to tlieir party, crushed treason, ibolished slavcry, establiolied oijual sufrnge, f;ave ')e P"01' HM homcstead, )uilt the Paciiu; Kailroad, esiablislied he right of expatriation, viddiuated tliu tlonroe doctriuo, aud in spite of (ho combioed opfPUion of its poiitical oplouents, lias niaiiitainod inviolate the iücgrity, tho credit, and the honor of the nation. It8 achievcmeiits sinco the war are scarcely less important tlian it vic;ories in the field. It furaiahod no tirnied ;ritor duriug ihe war : it will loicrate uo repudiator in time of peace. Reaolmd, That tho Democratie party las been reercaut to paliiutisui and the looor und Dterest of the country, that t openly pympathized with armcd reaelliou in itucfi'orts todeatroy the Union ; that iü its NaüonaJ Conveution it proounced tho war afailurc; that it declured in favor of lowenog the national lag nt the deniand of traitors, and by ts prese and orators dencunccd tho Uuion soldiers as hirelings. In time of peace it Kas, by ta uuitcd voto ia Oon.'ress, opposed mcasures fur tightening tho bar(lci)8 .of taxaton and the reduction of the national debt, Lile by its advocicy of ropii'üalioü it has done its utmost to destr-iv our natioNí! credit. botU at hdiae and abrcad, and Blill tersistently oppoets the pactfic.ntioo of the country by keepng ahve tliü aunmomes and ÍF8UPS of the ji-ist, l.icii have boen settled by tbe bigbeet urbttraiuuut h&owu to human law. Iieto'ved, That Vo poiicy of roisiog revenue by a tsriif is a prt of tue history of tbe governmeot, uud lias reoeived tbe sancticn, n some form, of every party, and now, since tlie war has made large re.venue.8 necesíary, hli u!d bü ho atijustod aa to ba least predjudioial to ibe iudustrial and prudaoingiolerests of every class and seotioD, sccuringthe home producer a fair uompetitiou againt loraign capital and labor. " Resolved, Tbut w 1 1 rj ■ is Anietieans vufeel iu (luiy bound to preserve a just and equitable ueutrality in tlio eontest now taging iu Europo jet wc oaonnt forge' ttmt in our late war thu sympatbies and material aid of the Gemían States wero fieely given us, while tbe Frene!) Empcror sought to es'ahlish a distinot govornmoat od this oontinenl by the over tliTow of a Deigbb'iriog republio; and while we have kiudly feelinírs and sincere couiaiiseraliuii tor the Frunch people, wo doclure onr sympathy tor th Germán States and peoplu in defending their uatioual unit y in tlie war unjustly made against tunu [y tiie Freuch Empsror. liesolced, Tluit we coDgratalata tbe country on tlie ucClJS of tliu priseut ad mioislration, which haa', without tbe aii aud against tbc persistent eflorts of ü Democratie party, leduoed tin. oatiooa .1 .1 1 .,...„ .1 ■ ■ . ( si ind eeonoimcal collecuon ol the teveuue, and large reduotion of the expeuses of the gOTWÓUieBt, wliüo t tlij tanie lime, despite t!ie unitcd votes of the Democ:atiu Represuututivüg, it bas lessened iuteruiil revenuO taxatiuu aud taritl dulirs 30,000,000 per aunuw. Craut has ucliieved tiiunipiis at Washington as well as at Appcimatox. Resolved, That the publio lands sbould be held for actual setilcrs; that, while they shculd be uiado easy of aoqutditioD by all homclos and landless settlers, they thuuld, without restriction, be open ro preemptiün by suldiers and eailors of the late Union annics. Rcsohed, That our State administralion is justly entitled to tbe'thanks of tho eutire people of Michigan, The industry, skill and iutegrity of our State officials iu carryingout the polioy of the Kopublican party have K:d to tlio teady reduction of the State debt, uutil more thau $1,500,000 ol the boudcd debt ha boen paid, vvith a eteady decrease in the amouut of Slate taxes levied. showing a reductiou of more ilinn 8485,000 since 18G7 ; so that, Ly this policy, the people are called upon to pay Ies3 than ouehalf the taxes ueoessarily mpoBed threo years ago.


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Michigan Argus