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A French Republic Proclaimed

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Paius, Sept. 6.- The Prefect of Po!ice ha6 issued the followiug prociamation : "Poi,icr.Mi: and Inhabitakts of Paris - After bcing for eighteon years crushud nnder cruol blows, the traditions Dterrupted on the Sth of JJrumaire and '2d of December are at laat rosumed. Thu deputics of the Left, aftcr tho with! ra wal of tboir collo:igucs, have, by a najority, proolaimed a decreo of dclioance. Soon afterward n llepui-lic vas proclaimed from the Hotel de Ville. 'he revolution wliich has just taken )lace beoo i piicitic one. It was uuorstood that no French blood should ow cxcept )Q Iho field f battlo. It )ki 'or ts objüct, as n 17Í2, tho represión f a foreign foe. It botiooveR, thereforo, ie iuhabitants of Paris, by the:r pos9essio:i a.d the loanHacsj of iheir s tiiuJe, to o ntinua tü show tlieinsel eqoitl to tlie task tbey havo u:idertaken For tilín rcason, inresud ty the govem' ment with the power tbat Invo been , mach abued ui.dtr previnus regime, I invite tlie inhaliitnnts of Paris to'thec'j, ol h' ■■ politica] riglita whicli il,eI lime ttcqui e! to the 1 extent pj sibl'S consi tunt with wi-doni und moil. o B'i"U mui to show France and tt,J wirlJ that we ure in leed worthy 0 lib. erty. Uur dwy in the circuuistances i0 which e lioTe boen placed, is, abov8 all, to r.inoinber that tho cnuntry 9 ia danger, and tuut, uuder tbe aus. piuts of repub'icin liberty, prepaesto vanq'iish nr die. I ana certa'n that fflj powers will onlv be used to defend y,J trom i hc blows of thoso wlio aecfc tob. tray thu cüuntrv. "(Sigacd)" KEKATRY. A COltRECT LIST Oï THE NEW Q0V1RNM1 New York. Sept. 6.- A special cor. respondent of the Tribune senda the 0. lowing corrcctcfl list of the provison governmeiit, styled nulional Dcfcnte' Government : Etnmantfrl A,rago, Crein iuux, Joles Pavre, Julos j'cry, Gao. betta, Oarnicr Pugts-, Ghiin HW.on, pe latin, Ernest Picaid, Jleuri .ocirefuri and Jules Simon. 'i'he Miuietry ie ns followé : Minister of ForelgiiJAffilrt - rulea KmMinister of Jog tice - [saac @rem)eni ' Minister of the Interior- LeoVi Uiimbetu Minister of - Ernest Picard öuperlutendeut of JPublic Works- f ,r. Durlan. UlnUter of CDjnmcrce- .Toa. Hagto Bnperltttencteat of Public IustructlonJ Jules Simon. Minister. of Marln. - Martin Fouriclim Miniatciof War- Xewis Jules Trochi alo President of the Conjmlttee. Stevbnson aud Cauhy aro agua p(. ted ogainst each other in tlie Seoood Ühio district. In 1868 8tïvnsoh wS( elaeted kg only about 500 mij ri'y, 1D)j Gnn. Cahev expecta to traogfer tho m. jority to hiiDself, and incioaso it.


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