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jfclOO REWAHD And no questions asked! I wlll pny one hur.drcd dolían reward to m.y who wlll return the tin box, and paper tüiiuJw tbereln . taken ram my. bonse. The pen re ,J uable to me bnt f un ase to any one che, silroïï precaations have been tnki-u to stop payraeiu 3 i ly onc bond of one thouíanrt1 d&a&'wiffi Anu,Arbor,SPt.S,18T0. D "gJ 0 T I C J The jbllowliw porson? l.ave certificatos nf uj in the Washtcnaw Agricultura) Socitw nd can ubtaln them at anv time by ctlliuir onfl etary.irij.: George Jedele, Jóhn Lewi Fld ■n ii. Whltsker. JobnJ. Downer, Jacob BiJ A. U Uillar, J. P. Gillen, and Michael Stein. . , CRAMElt, Secrctjrr. Aun Arbor, 8, 1S7U. l28Ewi ; QE1ÍT8 V.'-VNTKO (hr Ksjhtemnr nnd ai Cuuihjcí:. tor I he New Jfaniily Jledual Work, ' ■"""" ""v"" l'.v Dr. Geo. M. IWnl, of the Cnivcrsily of the ei of New York,asgts ut medical proTej-ton, Bndorsed by leadiii!; medical authorltiea I ir;!s. [t ia fall m Itynstrated T Ha bi w ii got well, how I and wbt to üo Uj everj emetgeocj. Inthai ii ir. ; tn'at and wilt -ave doe!' :e. thii book i'll rnpid y nm I for fall ptirticnlar8. Addr itáCo., Pnbltehen, 0i"4 Br-dwy, . Y. Algo wauw ntií'iití; for onr Farmers1 and MucIi-idkö' Book, Ppll of fnct ftud ilun-s for ■■. nf .'verytrarfj nnd occopaüou. Prie to Miit tlie linies. 211 enruvi lj.'i w2. Estáte of Thomas Bentlcy. OTAT1Í OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Washteniw.a] O At asession l' the Probate i onrt lort! of Wasntciinw, holden at the Probate OlBi City of Ann Arbor, on 'Bueeday, the day of Anstist, in the year óne thöusand ei drvd and seventy. Preseni . Hi: ;i;n -T, boai;Cí;. Jjdíje of Probate. In the matter of the Ei.ta.te o Thpinns I!clLs deceaaed, if, Shnrtleff, Admlnl tr.itor wlth ihe !! aiineed of s ;,1 de :eaed, comes Into Conrl resen is uow preparcd to reader . tratar. Tbereupon il ig ordered, SIoihIst, ttis linl day of ütïoher, nest. at ten o'clock in i,c (on uoou. be assincd lor exaniiniii" and alluv accunoti and that tba'lëgateeR . teviseos ai lawofsald deceaaed and nll other j)erpon :r:r ested iii said estáte, are requlred to ,ippe;ir il im alon of Batd Conrt, thon to be holden attheProbe Ollice, iii the City of Ann Arbor, In said Conntj.ut show enne. if nny therobe, why the sahl acfcin should notbeallowed: And it i? furthcrordertiito siikl Administrator give notlee to the perron to' efteci in Raid eetate, of Ihe pendency ot sji ; and the hearing thereof, by caning a co] order to be published in the Mirhipan Argut, a ntnl paper printed and ciicnlating n said Concty.Um BQCcesgive weeks previo ns to Küid day of hearlnf. (A truc copy.) 311 RAM J. BEAKE3, 1'ibO Judse of Probstt Estáte of James S. Birchard. STA Vi" OV MICHIGAN, Couuty of Woshtpn. At aéeislon' of tbs Probate üonrt for thtOHl of Waahtenaw . bolden at !':;■■ Probate C city of Ann Arbor, on Fridiiy, the secon. ternber in the yearone thousaml eigh seventy. Preaenl niram .T. Beake?, Jadee of i,. In the matter of the Estáte of James S. BirduAl dect-ased. Harria N. Iïirchard, Adniinitrator of niö ?:?'■ i comea uto Court and representa that he is nowpnl pared to reuder his filial account as such Adnuvl trator. I T herenpon it is ordered, That Monday. the ttis day of Octler, next. at ten o'clock in the fr noon, be asstgned for examlnin and allorii such accoant, and that the helrp at law offi dooeaaed, and all oiher perrons intereted lnwji estáte, are required to appear at a gorrión off" Conrt. tlicn to be bolden ::; the Probate Office. im" City of Ann Arbor. in sriiil Coanty, and shpwcae if anv there be, wliv the said account sf'.onld not tl allowod: And It 1 further ordered. that sld f mlnütrator ive notlee to the persons interjeKO aaid estáte of the pendency of said account, ana heariusrthereof. by causiOK a copy of this order 1; be published in the Michigan Anjti?, a ncwspif1 prime.! and eiren ■:■ Connty. threesacKt ri vioas to aiil day ir hearing (A mie copy.) llIiiAM J JiKAKES. Jude of rVbK. Estáte of JuIid MasoD. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Wnshtensw. Ataseeslonof (heProbate. COurl for ofWashtenaw, bolden al tht Probate onicc, 1 City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesdav, the ixth (1 September, in the year one thoasand ctglitu dreü and aeventy. Preaent, 11 i ram J.Baake, Jadgeof Pfobate. In tbe matter of the estáte of Johu Ma!t decearad. On readlng and flllng the petltin dnly TcrlW'l Saunel Maaon, praying that hc niav be appoitwl Administrator of the estáte of said Ie Tbsrenyou it is Oidered, that Mondajr, J tbird day of October, next, at ten o'cloek il l'ori'noon, be aaalgnjed for the hearing 'j petition, and that the beirs at law of snicl lwl and all other persons Interested in s:tul ?'ly'; tqQired to appeai m of sai(!Cojl then tobe holden ai the Protate Office, In theeitj"! Ann Arbor, and showcanse, Ifany tbere be.JI the prayér of the ] louldnot be fin'?l Andl t Is fitrther ordered, thttt saidpetilionrt giw! tice tothepersoxisintereBledinsaide8tateoltliFC of said petition, and the hearini therf ag a copy of this Order to be ptihliheo 'ïï , a newapaper printed and circti"JI in said connty, thresancceselve weeks previcii said dav of henrlng. fAtniecopy ) JIHÏAM .1. HEAKKS. I USó JodgfofProtw Estáte of Calvin Lamb. STATKOT-' MICHIGAN, Oonnt of Viiihtoca't U a egslon of the I .:■: for theCo'Jjv of Waahtenaw, kolden at the Probate OiTlcc. . city of Ann Arbor, on Tbondny, the oiirUt aï. September, luthe year one thöusand eight nuw aml eeven'ty. Preeent, BlraroJ. Bealrea. JmVe or rrohstc .. In tha matter of tbe Eatutc of Calvia Ui0-" Coi'i readtng auó films the petltinn. flnly j'2 Hartln Lamb, prayinz thal o certain ■'-'r"'% Dovon fllc intnJsCoart, pnrportlngto br iV wIU ird testament ol raid deceared, may "'''j, o probate, utd tlu.t hemay be appolnteoi Bxcotor (hcreol. ,t„iiH Thorenpon It is orden ■■■ ■'■:■'■ l L? dar of October neit. at t ■ n tlie")!5ï3 . for the hearing of said !li" '""%■ r al law ' .""La, ceased' and all otner persons interestcd in "'"JSJi qnired to appem :t i ■ ' „B then to be holde e oilia;. {J; City 01 AnnArbor, and Bhow cause If any tnnj why tbs prayer of the petitloner ahonM "V,,. irranted: And tt ts fnrther orderod, that "'.'" yi tionorglve notice ii the persona uim-sic o eatatOiOfthe pondeiicy ofsald pelttio. nl,ru hearlne thereof, oycausingfi copy ol'tlns 0"",, iKpablbhed Is the Uichtgm Arqvt a """Trt(. aad crrenladBg in o:u ConnU.uirCT eèfirre weeks prevleaa to iwidday of hpanu& ecopy.) ;;,. TPHE CATUARTIO PROPERTIES of Dr. KKIIOCG'? IfLI.f Jj from an artk-le ol, hlnh n"1-1' rabia m nv other. Tl-v n,"1"ilrf (V . m:iiim,and shoiiKl hc amployoo 10 au "


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Michigan Argus