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"health Is Wealth."

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Messrs. E. 1?. Treat & Co., Pabllshen of First-Clasa Subscriptiou Beoks, No. 654 Broadway, New York, have pont us a copy of tbelrJVíW Famíly Medical M'ork entltled Oun üd.mi: l'iivsici.vx, a ncw and popular guale to the art of preserving health aud treat Ing rïlseue, wlth plain advlce for all the medical and surglral cmcrgencles of the famlly. By Geo. M. Beakd, A. 31., M. D., Lectureron Ncrvous Dlscases in the Un'.versity of the city of New York, Member of the New ïork Couuty Medical Society, asslsted in the varloua depnrtmeuU by eiulnent medical authorities. In scope and chnracter this work is ueiv, ftlll and comprehensivo ; in style, clear and lutelliglble ; and throughout jt is emphatically common sentc and practical. The sec Uona relatlng to hygiëne - the preservation of health, preveritlon and treatment of discase, etc., etc., - arefull andexpücit, and Ijionght down to the latcst dstes, and seem to us especially good aud adaptcd to the wants of tlu pcoile. We know of no other medical guldo for popular use, that at all approacbes it. The work Is fully illustrated, and is sold through agents, (either local or traveling), and we besjieukfor ita roady sile In this comniunity. AVe presume such of our readers as deslre copies, can, by wiiliug directly to the publishcrs, arrange lor the same. AYe close our review of tlils moot excellent work by quoting thefollowing (rom a late number of the Jfew York Evening Post : " Dr Bcnrd lias hp.en esistel In this work by a numbi'r of uiniucnt roen ; and has succeedcd iu makui: :i popular trcaüse uu theecicuce of raedidueYcry Far eaperlorto mi la existeuce. Ie teaches wheu and how the ]h fndan ought to bc conBuJted ■ in what spii it liiü ülrucliona re to hé followed aud hit efforta oaindéd ; aud it puta ín a striking litjht the dangen er quac'kery aud tenorance. There are thoneanda of boiueboidi whicli havo do acwas at all to physlclana whom tüny irtíet, nhd still more which ar(: s i:ir frum their medical advlaera tbat It iakci much Ümc to aammon them. and thcy are nat called at uil ezcept iu preeaina need, nnd often too late to be oscfol. To Mich famili. b thia work will bc inral. oable, ►liowing clcarly, as it doe, what it i best In all euch cues to do, whcu the physidan muat bs called, and what muat be done In the iuterval bcfore bUarrival. The c.-ireful etudy of the book my be confldenüj rccuinmènded to all who drsire to understand the cderal principies ota oieucè ,o ívhoae hands our lives and dearest interesti are go ofieu contided. 'Our Home Phvaician ' may be confldently recommended to those who nre aeeklng uch Information, as containinir 1! that anv unurofeesional man can neodj er care tü Ijarn of me'dica! sclcucc." The A.mkiucan System of Govkrnmf.nt; lts cliaracter ami working?, its defecte, outslde party machiucry and influences, and the prosperity of the peoplc mider its protectlon. By Ezra C. SeiiAx, Ooancelor at Liw, and uthor oí Bssays on the Progresa of Nations. NcW Vork : Chas. Scribneh & Co. 1870. Iu this volume of 282 pp. wc finddiscusse.l the character and complex form of the national and State governments ; the workings of thesystem and its dependence upon O" subjectioi} to outsido influences M party orgaqlzatlons, witU a suggestion oif some remedies for admitted defeets ; the elective franchise, its marnier aud mode of exercise, the defret of the present basis of talion, witn a discussion qi cun;ub,tive votlng and the othcr modern suggestions or Inventlona for protecting the rights of mino.rities ; v.oman, lier rights, social and politica!, hor ciiijacity, physical and lntellcctual, lier sphere of actlon, and herclaimi to tlic electivo franchise ; the expansión of popóla tlon, extensión of terrltory, increase of States and power, accutnulqtiori of wcaHh, and the"i;;aiiüost destiiiy" ; revennes, taxation, finances, coin and specie, free banklog, etc. The writer has Indostrlonsly ínvestigated the various important topics congldered, has done liis own thinkInglnstead of bümlly adopting the conclusions of otlii-rs, and hajglveq a bopk to the pnbüc wlilch will bearcarefal rea'diug and study. Wii have no ebjections to our coteraporary amnciuw itself in constructing "liemocratic slates," but befpre it enrolls our name tiiereon lor nny office it should verif3' i'.s rumora. If its other supposed candidates are no more genuine the list is not relia'jle enough to bo vvorth anytliincr, even as a auest.


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