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ÜETaoiT, Sept. 7. Notwlthstandini: the fact that " to tem ts a fa miliar placnrd on stores and shops as wel! as dwel! iugs, building enterprises are being carrled forwar quite as brickly as at former period. WWl all bns: mum is dul) for tbe time being Hiere U a contiden reding that the demauds of tho State ou Detroit, n the chlef commercial emporium, will In time fullj tax her Ir.isiness faclüties. Money in the city is quit eapy. Thurc is plenty of money obtainttble ou mort gajje securlty for city property, hut louim are uo made on this cUse ofeeciiriiies outside the city.- New wheat begin' to move eomewhat fnely, but at prloM quite unsutisfactory to holders, and the mar. ket iüdeclining, and gales restricted All trraiui are necesBarlly Irregular, ano will of conrae contiuu to ï)e so iintil the course of eveuts In Europa comea to ba indldtsd with some ertnintr Probably fruit and ve;ftal)lc wcre ncver before as plenty in this marktt as at the pre-ent time. Mclons, tomatoes, and tluMiiure periühable vegetablt'H ate not worth the freijrht wiicn shlpped from the interior. The erop of pcacbea ís an exception, and will bc Hght.good bnng tl piT l.usbcl. St.le pars ÍJ.5 iK(4. Apples per bbl. $1 .'■■■■il. . i These ans all store pricoi. Butler ts ftriner t 23a lor food to clioice. Kggs firin at quotulious. DETHOIT PRODUCE MRKET - The followlng anotatlonoreprexcntthe current net priccxrealized bycommislon dealers, and rccarefully revisedeverj week.ftir the Auous, by our Detroitcorrespondeut. Ded:iclins Irom these prices 6r cmmlssiins and ehargea . will shuw the net rale ti flrst hands : Apples,- Drled,' SO9c; Green, $1.50J$l.;S per it.'irlcy- psrewt. , $l.TJ@I.LOforNol Becswax- pcrlb. 313. ' ' " Hemis- white. I.T.Vnil.SO Kuiter- Roll and crock Ï4'g2!5. Eirkln, 90(351. Cheegc- Michigan Factor?, KisiH. Dairy, S1J. Corn- perbu., old 70@7Sc., new 107i'c Egga - -pcrdoz. , lfi(qlI7c. Fluur- white enpcrior. 7.00i37.76. rt modium,tí.26(gi6.75, " ambcrs, S.26@C75. " low rndes, 4.6U@5.50. " rye, 5.00(0(5.60. Hidc- dry.perlb.,16@17c-;srecn,6)ic. Calf Skins- Greeu, lSWlfic; dry, 22@ïr. Shcep Skins- 60(g!1. 60: lnuib skinttoiso. Hop - Nftw.pcrlb., 7@l0c. Lard - perlb., 17c. Rye- 9U(1 00. üat- No. 2 itate 39c, No. 1 tate 4Jc.,o]d tate 40c. Oninns- per bbl. S CO. PoUtoeB- 1.766)2.00. per bbl. " 5"c. per bu. Tallow- 6i@S%c. Turkfyt - dressed ,pe r ! b., 19(20c . Wheat- citra whit, 1.14Ö1 34. No. 1. $1.24(31.55. ' Anb'r 1 LVsl 1. " Kegular AV AKBOB PBODICE niRRETS. Aaus Office, Sep. 8, 1Ö70. We qn.ito thls'afterocon a follow i WHEAT- White. 115; Red, 120c COKN- 75c. OATÍ- 'iSc. BEANS- $1.15 BU'l-rKU- 25C. EQOS- I5c. LARD_16c ' íl0jí$13. Al'PLES- SOÖ40C. POTATOES- 40c CH1UKENS-15C TÜRKEYS-lSc.


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