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CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITEK&CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Oregory Block, No. 1 Crregory Block Na 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, E" Sign of the Gilt Mortar 53 E2T Sign of the Gilt Mortar "%3 I3P Sigí of the Gilt Mortar "3 C#" Sign of the Gilt Mortar 3 HAVE JUST OPEXED HAVE JUST OPENSD HAVE JUST Ol'ENED HAVE Jl'ST OPENED The Einoat Stock of TVie P"ínest Stoclc oí The Finest Stock of TJj.e !Fin.est Stoolc oí DRUGS AND HEDIGISE8 DPS AND MEDICIXES DRLGS AND MEDICINES! DRUGS AKD MEDICIEIVS IN THE CITf. IX %HE ClTC. IN 7.HB CITY. Uf THE CITY. PI7RE WINES AWD LIQUORS Kor Mvilicmul I'urposen. The Popular Patent Medicines tr tlirilay, and OTerjthinr kepttn a flrtlm Drug Store. ja . ..i EXCELLENT RAND OP CIOAR3. THY THEM. Solé Agenta in the City for Otto & Reynder's celebra ted SÜRGICAL AND RENTAL INSTRUMENTS. IW ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COMPOUNDINO OF PHYSICIANS' PKESHRIPTIOXS aDd FAMILY MEDICINES. 1206 J)R. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, Is a norer failing cure for Dyrpeppia, Siok-Heftdaclie, Apue and other dtfieaKe- aiitiog f rem Iiuligeti&D or Torpidity of Liyer. L)R. kellx;g s Livor Inyigoratori Is a Standard Medicine, and is componed ot medicinal proper ties extracted f rom nom of the most commnu articlea of toxi comhined wi(b the conceutrated juicesof famous Kouts and Uerbs. Indian Remedy, Nc-Trr f.iils ts euie GOUGHS, GOLDS, BRONCHITIS, and otber affect inns of the Throat nii I.ung. ASA LINIMENT DB, KELLOGG'S ÏNDIAN REMEDY. Stand unrivaled as & eire for nll diñases attended wltítt intiamination.andis equally good for man or beast. [F YOU FEEL WEAK OR LANGTJID, Oull and Unnmbitiou", e Dr. Kellogg'g tLi7ei Invigoratorand regain your liealth. HARKIAGES ! CARRIAGES ! FOR SALE. I will sol] one eooiI Single Top Baspfy. for $75; one Single Top Busp3.nearly nw, for$150; one Donhle Two-seat Carriage, nearly ncw, cot Í4"fl for $'250, on one jears time. A guod Siuffle HorBe wanted. D; HENNIXO. Ann Arbor, Jnly 14, 1ST0. 1278tf POR SALE CHEAP FOR READY PAY. The west half of the sonthwest qnarter of pectlon two (2), town of Saline, twenty acres umler improvemvnt. the balance coort timher. Inquire at L. C. Riedon's Hardwaro Store, 31 South Mam Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. L. C RISDON. Anc Arbor, May 18, 1ST0. momStf "DUTTER WANTED. 1 WANT AI.L TUE GOOD BUTTER Offered daring the BeaBon, for goods or raoney. 1274m3 JOHN H . 9IAVNAKD, AJOTICE. My wife. Francia F. Trlpp, havinp left my bod nnd board without jnst cnuíe. all p;rÉitn are forbidden to trast her u my accouut, as I hall pay do dubt of her contractiiie. ROBERT O. TRIPP. Saline, Auff. 2óth, 1ST0. 1284w2 TÍYSICIAM' PRESCRIPTIOÑTí ACCURATELV AND CAREFULLY PREPABED BT I R. W. ELL1S & CO., VRVQGIS18.


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