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SPRING AND SHHBRi S. SONDHHM HAS JVST R CTÜRNED FROit NEY YORK WITH A. LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING BOYS' AND YOUTHS' C1XTHING ALSO THE PISE9T STOCK OF CL O TH S, CASS1MEEES, VEST1NGS QENTS' FURNI8HING GOODS, CUJTHS OF ALL COLORS, SCCH J BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTHER COLOHS TOO SCMEEOC8 TO MENTION. CLOTIIING MADE TO ORDER, ON SHORT NOTICE. I IV THE BEST STYLE, AND FIT "WARRANTED. Cali and Examine for Yourself N. B.- OLOTHING FIFTY PER CENT. CHEAPER TIIAN AT ANY OTHER HOUSE. ALL PERSONS ISDEBTED TO LATE FIRM OP [.GUITERMAN k CO., WILL PLEASE CALI. AND ETTLE AND SAVE COSTS. S. 8. 1266 A COMPLETE STOCK OH1 1WA1SEWABLE GOODS, NOW BEING RECEIVED BY FiNLEY & LEWIS, WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BUYEES TO OOR LARGE STOCK OW Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BY HAND EXPRESSLY FOR OüR TRADE. f Mtl I ) 1 tlappJWnli TUiHiBiht mjst tlioruugh blood ptiritier yet tn co%-erei an'l n.rcf all humor s Inm the woi.-t Scrof' mía tn h cummon Eruption. I'inipk-s and lïinttliPH on the face, and icly or rouph Rkfn,vt)1ch nrp siieh anooyin blemifthea lo many janag pr$ni, )aM to the use of fw bottïei if this woiiaerfa] niedfcin. F rom oiir to eigbt bcttTps cure Salt Bbeum . Kry.ipelas.Scalti Heid, RiDg Worma, BU. Scnly Fruption of tbe Skin, Scrofnla 8ors, Ulcn and " Cnnkpr" in the Mouth anti Stomaofa It h a pure me1icin3 extract if Batirá rootfl and plaats-, combining ia harmiinr Nature's rooat BOTerfgB earttfve prr-rríies, whioh fol lias invulled int o the iffsetubl M-npdom for besltng the ick. It is a preat rrstorer ir the titrtntli and rigor of the s.vMem. Tbriw who are laDjH nul , slceploss, h&Tfl ■nrrrou npprthtutfiovê or fears, or anj of the atleet i on r mp(ftm(in of vmk. w5, wïll finl eonvineing evi lence f Itn rePtoriT power iijn.n trial, It yiti 61 vil. diemy, rftttH. 'atcd jind defpondtvt, have fi-''tnfí hTnchp. Tticuth trtstes badly in the moninp. nculnr .-ipnriitp nnd tongne eoRted, you ro niTorinpr from 'ioipi'H.iver or bilousDcss. In nwny cases of I-ivrr Cniplalnt only i part of thene tymptmng jr# pxpe'litced Lê a rt-mcdy for 11 Inch e s. ïr. Piert-t's GolóVn Urtical Discnvery hRhiio -qual. ns it cfTcct? peifírtly cures, lea vin (f tbe Mver PtTMigrihened mui lir.lihT. For the cure of Hablxtal Conrttpatlon f t)ip BnweU it II ii never fni'-in r-melv, tod lhoiewbohT sed t for this purposo aie l'uil in ite pofK6 In Bron chial, Tbroi a ml Lung DfaeaBea, it lia prodocad mnny remnrkabl cure, wher o br niríicine. hd! failed. Sold bv itrnfffritB nt $100 per hottU. Pr pared at the Chemie vl l&bontonr "f K. V. PIERCK.M.n., lluffaïo, X. T. IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Choicp Furniture, Parlor and Bedroom Seta, Miirors, &o. Cali and see him. 12GS Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by B.aU.Elfe&eO$ri0giife. - - -


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