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PILEREMEDY Wnrtitr'H Flip 3i nu Ty ;:- nevar fa ■ ■ ■ ■ I vit; by PYS3 ;iVt jja 1 ACOU-Jgtt JNO MORE. Wn e : i BnlMH n dofte' : iit ii : , lm, ■in'iiitis. Iiiflucn - .' .i i n ti a 1b ■ f Mie f of ph fsicinD are dftlly pi . (iji3 one ;m! (i I h ;i y Lhat It ifl . ei pee toi ;i í on i! ioti ■ il t aí lirRe bottles. Prii It is j on r own fault if you i e ure ,"WINE Ot1 LIFE. 'I l;(. I Dellol o ii v Ui Ink V, ii mis lum VllWt 6f Wlll of Life drugn nr jmpuritiaa, boie w-. ; ifi.uirr ,t ft t f mular t . I .U u sy :■ 'r . aod i be linea -tbinx ■ lor I urifjlng theblood. [1 mo1 ' . rtr offered to c superior to brandy , wbiskj i r ■■■ 'i .' 1" i artu Ie. . ! y aod I i"! , ca n ■ ■ Wiüi' of l.M'f. it, i -, in fact, 'i life pres er v ■ wtl] i" . ■ nd a fi e flow of Uvely ipiriU wlll do wel! to take tl Of l.iit'. It I, in quari bot tiet. EMMENAQOaUE. II I IIIWB IIWlll !!■ IWI IIIIWI ■W Wfliner1! Kininniii;.; . ■ only article knowniociii. , ( it wiíl cnie [n everj Wiiori' h the l:uniiv In whf'eb thla Important medici d is n-t anted? Uotbfrfl , tbifl la ïbe greati erj offered you, Atid oahould lmm. ■ diately prooan o a fture cure for I n egu i I be montbly Ro ban l Pric e One Jïc , au onreceipt of One iiol'..: i ii I i Qi i ter. CIO State Street, Chlongo. PAPRAND, SHELEY & CO. Wholesale Agenta, for salo by Ebrbflcb & Co., and K.W. Ifiltta & Co, $10,000 EEWAKD ! GREAT mmm AMOKG FAEMEK8, sozoMÍiZia WILL PAY' THEHIOnEST CASH PR1CJ OOD n'IIKAT. ALL FAKMER8 WILL DO VVK1.L 1O CAI. nilIXU YOTTft GOOi WflEAT TO SCIO MII.I.9. 1260 N. W. BRIGGS, Seio. rjll. C. B. FOBTEfi, DENTIST. Office in theNZVSAKKBLOCK.AHN AEBOE 411 Op&rations on the Natural Teeth PEÍÍI . 'TH CM! E. UTISUKPAS3ED FACILITIES AND EXPSRIENCE S1TTIJG ARTÍFÍCÍAL TEETÜ, TO OIVB EACH INDIVIDUAL, Ventures of the prflper s:jz. $Juipgteol0r, jtmiw and pOFFINS AND CASES ! AEULL STOCK AT MARTÏK'S AT.L C ■ il-xr.y ATXENDED TO. Moríage Salo. D: ' ■ i:iicr. tfo aeci . I). iu Orrin i _!■-', ii tbè BfteeLib (li i Lo bedneat the date of Chis notlce, tb .nul nu suit or prooeediDíí, til!. eqaity, to recover ih ■ nt public auctioii . to y third iu the Ci'.y of Acu iiaw. afü ■ IowIdj ; All th... Iota Domber luurteea Cl í i flftt en (15), i one and oaona1 end of Iota Duniber oue Cl J block di ('t)unty i , uroaaid, ov ëo muub ■IllOüüt ■ ■■, Itlgethvr ■■ have accroed th and esp i by luw auú providodfor In eaid ino. Dated, truost 2iM [N TIIATCIÏKR, Mürtgagcc. A. .T. Sawyke. An'y for I Mortgago Halo. DKFAVLT havinjE lo the couditione of a r. . Julia theChy of Ann Arbor. 8 ■a Panile, bearlngdate the i of May, one thons&nd elffhi bundred au I and r ■ : tuntyof naw. State of Micblgau, in libor 89ofjnort■ re 132, by whlcb the ; ome operaüvei a amoontc]almed to ] ■ ■ at t iio date oï tbla ootlco, I dollars aiid aa Attornf] fee ol thirty dol. . and o or in oquity I Eost!tuti e rtiuï ■ any part thervof; K Moiuhiy, tliC iber, A . D. o'clock in the ioreliooö of that day, at the front door of tbe Conrt Honae, in ilie city of Ann Arbor, in htennw, Sime 6f Michigan, (the of holding the onnty), by virtue of the containod, and in .: nte in sacb i 1 at pnbllc anctlon or vendñe, to ■ idder, tlio premisea deüci Baid in■ 'i ■ ■ ■■'■■■ be i sai y to ad Bnpaid on said mortgai ■■ with tntereêt and llowed by ïaw and proyided for I tie sald premisi's :i . saut raortgae as follows: All of lot nnml ■ . to the oiiiy of n Arbor, State oi Mlcbigrauand &fio lot Beven on the same iddition to eaid 127-2 CHARLES FAOTLE, Mortgageo. Reo] Estáte for Sale. Si ashtenawi es. tnfleld, f given, tbat In puïBuaDce of nu order granted to the tiudersigned, Admbiisby the Hon. iate for the County of Washtenaw. ii 't May. a. D 18T0, tbere will lic ■ el natter de tte, t'ii 'i'iifM. i t]i day of Si ,D. 1S70, on oftnal da tne of the i l be folLowlng : ■ f land in the vfilage of Dhehfea. In Baid Ooonty and Btote boundec u vUï Com menclng ■ and twenty-three Inche of the .-■ ided by on to one John U i mber 21st, A. ík t:,',, and recorded in the Rej 'ortliíí Oouuty ol Wafehtonaw,ln Uber 80ol running thence north twenty-three roos, flve feet and rhTee inches, Ihenoe ea4 fbrty Baid John M. Lel : „ .ylor, thence b i : be place of beginain ■■ the west part of the northeast ; . ■ ■ northeast qnarter of i tw ; ivr. ■ ■ -i bree eaat iu ■ at the northA. i. 188S, by EH ■ , ■ Jamea Smitli. at the po tut where El joina the Bonthwest corner of I tbence Fouth two chalns and foi I north olne llnkSt to ed parcel of hiii'l, thehoe weel nln and reaerying from I ■ off the north eide oue and ; half roda wide for a ro.-ii. sïihii'C to the control of said eatatOi Tttna and r, Jpnniton M. Ltt, or theirsuccessors. , August lOtb, .. D. CEAÏtLESH. K] Administra tor, I Fïnost Assortmont of Toilet Goods in tho City, by Moitg.'igo Salo. DI oí Juue, A. I). -T A. I). 1 ... . Mi, 4r. I mort■ ■ ty-lb witll legal cusí ín pun uf Michas, booi 'Ï ritunln1.; I . luce llnk, i ouc ■li.ill di ■vil] üak-í tÓ the r . i Ceuiral i: rallrotid sorth lortj tme ityfotirdegreee t-.t along ti) ■ Hurón rivcr. thi uce tiir V. Bhore i :üd i iv'-, t cm 11 1 and oue quarter ser Bhíp t v. ix east, n thi Stnte : will be pold at public .Uli'liou. (uO 'nstilti cst bldd nth door of th Court Hu I Uonnty of . nth drty of October, a. i., . .: V. i. July lUli, ; .1. W. KNIGHT, D. Ci Ajdgnee of sald Morlgage: Att'y. fqr laid Asá Mortgagc Sale. DKFATLT haring bccii mado n the coudltlon of April 9th, :-'■:'. ni theofilceof ti foi W ■ mi y. Mlch] i lo . da m of oue thoasand and i. i doltara ■ ■ In Paid mortgage, ::n:i DO liw to recover the aum now dne and secnred by ealdmort gage, or any . . by vlrtae f tin: power of sale cöntalned In s.iu! m 'üioin anch ■ next, nt 12 o'clock noon, o that (!:iy, at the Bouth door ofthe ■ -.inthe City ofAon Arbor, Ooqntv oí Waabtenaw, and . ■. public i.. the hl] . the pramb i In y;iiil . v. ï r í i in"■i mK-8 aro decrlbedasfi llowa: AH ii.'tcd In tlie irbor, Michigan, and ou :"half of the ion thlrty, in townfhlp tv i of ran . ud ranaiocr thence aonth parallel willi tl qaartei ■.[ olnety I Beven chainaandflve link ii the sontheai ! s.)M by W. I!. Kn - to l. D north Tl á Ith the Dezter rthwpst line ten cl;:i. elght links to the nortti II . thence i halns and nlueiy-five linke to the place of beuii res hundredths, be the same more or lesa, 7-tiii Ihe rilic grauted to A. .1 of drawlng water oy jipo Trom the ■il from u'. B. King and ,i DeForost. Alao r piece of in tlie ranii townaUp f Anu Arl)orf deëcrlbed fts 'foíñ :ing at the northeart corner or tho weet' half i tion ituniber thirty. run■ ■ : r .,n Pie iKirtli line "f Bald - ad eijrhty two liiik. ío tin? land herein. line of s'ii'l lai na Rnd ter uk, i . a!l.-l v.-j'.i aald north line of the ocbnins and eighty-two link-; ti the ':ii line of e north on ali - chaina to place of beginning, coutaiijiax two i ei ea, more or DiiU-d, Julj 5th, 1S70. Al) RAM SAGER, Mortg?ee ■e. l-.'TT Wortpogo ?ale. Dríade in Iho condlllon of n certain t J ini( s Ivorv ::::d Aiüi Ivory. of the towuship of 1 irk, f the tov , barins date the elo . ;. 1866, and re ol' lbo Begister of D ;_::iii, on ihe twen day of De :emb( r, A. D. . . 8, !y whlch the ■ mortgae and ■ tbe . thirteen ct'iits, and the further som of twenty flve ■ ■ the same, and in law or ui e i ; . Ni...ïh day locfc A. y.. of that day, at ihe front door ofthe Co:irt tlnutfe. In the City of Ade .■ il County of Waahtennw, ■! of land !iir:i:it''(i In the san, knoui . 1 befos :■ on No. f18) tbirtceu. Ju townahlp ooe auath i ur -:ist, n ainke In the e hïsh wüv. and rnnning al y üve lini;s. ■■i éog west i!n; hlghwa; teventy-five ii iiijr. Pated. Ai.:: 127T JA&1E8 CLABK, Moitgagee. Peaikb, Alt'ïs. for jMortj;;i;ü Sitie. D'.!"If bavlcg : iim of . ■ ! S ;U' . Vi.l1. I I Nopuin'. i A J . 1 - ■ rded in the o itenaw, .ii.oii theil A. I). 1SCS, m I I "VI Ck l. I , i rter and Wllllèm II. n i rded in the oí . resald ou tl May, A i1. 18iS, at IS o'cloefc M., in Uiber 1 oí . apon hlch I rirtne of the ■ date dollara i tr.ii aa attorcey (ee ot Ln :-:.M MOl : nndred or proce i s teen In&tituted (oreof. Nottceis there■ ninth i. , A. D. 18T0, at fonr u'clock in rnoon, we slmll at : "f Aun Arbor. i lichigan, toeatisfy the eiim dne D,lnclndin saiil attornej the pn I ::1 in saiii E eiich part tbereof aa may be neceíiary í&r mar phrpoae, Ihatlato aay: 'J'úe following deacribed parcel of land altuate In tb ■ mty of naw, and 81 Igan. viz : l'art of lot mimber two In - ■'■ boun■ west erly from thé norlh-east corner 6f aald lot, rallel with Cl ■- twönty-elght feet, Bonth eixty t-ix f ] ri'ln o the weat Une of sai 1 !■ Kontherly n t!ie line of e sakl lot, thence eaaton the Mn ■ ■ Irtv-threo feol snortheny on tte , ■ atopher Ilouaar'a lot and fa mt tu the place of bejitsnli : gald lot, and Iho rifht of the ase of a lane reteivei ■ lüs deedto Walbrii ■ ; : also the following i [ [: inning ttt .i poini ■ ofohe hunly corn Aun Arbor f( nd, and rnnnicg thei i the Dorth line ofan alley t arfeet i:et to the aonth line of road " i i!"' outherly Itue . road twenty four (eet I oning.sll according tothe recordud plat of aald vuli Dated Jsckeou, Ang nst2d. rAMIN 1'. COI UIER) M J! . il . WE B8TBK, AeaJsncc. Coitslt & Su iep Attorneyfl tor Aaalgnees, Chancery Notice. STATK OP MICHIGAN. ïhe Fonrth .1 ilt. Inchai Sutt pending In the Circnlt Court for the Connty ■ ïethday of July, A D O.i re I ng due proof by afliaavit that ■ tte of New nu motlon W "r llr laorderod thal tl ndant. :i Jewell, ei ■ In aald cause within two months fron the date of thls order and In i'ü ol'liianswer t Ihe complalnanta blll of complainl i ïilcil and a copy tnereofto nplalnant'a Solicitör wtthln twenty days aiter l:h; - '. and „ acfan ' fl blll e taken as confeesed by theeald defend And lt la further o.i twenty daya this order tobe pnnllahed ■ [u the aald ÜOunty, and thnt the Baid publícation be continu per ouec in (.un Arbor, Ji ' 8IBLKY O. TAI e fur punty, Mlch. Joiik tor and of Counsel for cora. Comtnissianers' Notico. STATE OFMICIIIRAN ConntyofW; ï, cxnmiuc and n'] per - mom ' elv n .v. Allen, ioiwj v i ■n.urtHv. the il 1 a'cluck A. 'M.' at tuf' ii'. i'iiiiiiii-, iinilaOIiutMllS! i A. ii. ];o. ..,.:■ ' s NtNUK „ , LEN, Conlio Efttate of Matthew Kearnèy ' "f Va-li US' ,, .ti,.r, ,,. , ■ ■■■ uf U.,.-i,t,.„,,,v '"h "f Auj;ii8t, ,.. d' iJír m tluir dal i I . --,. , .V'i0" 1 ' !'M."m ■ ' ■'■ re i ' 'i'jinii 't. duim 10 nakt Probate Court, at tl. ÍS Office in tbe city e f Aun Albor, f.,r .-iamirH Illirt al. ' e. ll'l (ir ii. t Ivcnt, "nv"N "' ''' ' claims ni i beforesaid Probate Conrt, on Salurdav tl , i nintli i.v ol Ootober.andonïharMlaV'th,}11) thirdday of Fcbruary next, ut ten uVWt i " Corunoon ofncb of those days. ' - Dtitcd. Auu Arbur, Aql'Uki Y.'. A 71 k-i hiraÍ. r-iíSXft !-■' Judjreofl Estáte of Joba Peutt! QTATKO; mty of Waehte, ' Al C'onrtfori ,.( ofYi Vt?1! City of Am i FHday. tli i"ntT-i?S of Al' ■' oue'tho-jsuiU 'cii.1 M mJ.Beake Jud-eof Prohal In the matter of the Emiuc of JokuPcait,hJ On rearftneand I : ion. .lulv verïijj Oi ( rj3 O. Arm, guan ian, praylng" lc -?i iicuj..-,.i iu i-Jl [iiü.ji i ■ -i. 1 eciate L l.n.i'ii ,,Ïa!m Ithrlrtior Ihe purpiaeol 'aisuJS .T:: '! 'l1'1', the i i pixui thiyof Sptember, next. ;■ -51 forenoou.b ur ilio n-nrii.if ..J .1 tinn, und that tlie ncxl kin cf bnh] nrmX'fSÊ Hiid al] otiier persons intcri'H.'.l in nid 9 :rqiHIT(l 10 ;l)ir;;r :it :i . J 2S tfaen tobe bolden ut iliu )' Akh Arbor,and Bhow canse, ifauytherc le wb .T Ijniycr of the petitioDer shou] Lawrl ''"" 'iitiiil no!' 'tte (lifl pendí ■'mjil cayièiugncopy or liii order to be publitl., Hi'.-lt. ; npcr prinlcil and (-irrJL?l in said Coiinty. three snecossive v. . ■:. ■ saifldnyoflicarmi;, UIliA 12TtdCOiy" Jll(i"' Estáte of Lymaa O. Lovewcü. QTATJKOFMIOHIGAN.Connty ofWasMinJ rt fortbeCoJ htenaw, holden at the Probate Ofllccfil City of Aun Albor, o Saturi i ! j e( b 9 of August, ÍD tüu yc.r oiie thu.WiuU "hthlil ■ ■nly. " " ■ 'l, li-irnm J. Beake8,Jndge of Problti In Dh matter of tLe Katatc of l.jinauo.laj well, nilnnr. and tllngthepetltion, iliily rrrilrijfl i. Lovewell.Qoardian, praylngtbattheMkl na laln ru:.! estato buluu'iu" tnJÊ q :ipon ltieOrdesed,tbatMoDda},thenbMbJ day of September, next, at tei tbe d iioon, 1k':i.-í. aed r.r thebeaiing uf said petitkl .1 of kin of Ettid minor, ttiA '' rjwnil "I Baid Court, Hun uwl bolacnati tvoi'A;nirt(,I ijerml o&ersboald uot begranted: Aud it isfurüNral '.' lye uotSoe to L1 next of kin uf said minor and all otl.erpand '■!:' V (: f:i;.' Cilpi - - . . - ;, ton'l newapaper printedftnd circalating in faiiiCoa&l tbreeaaccessivo weeksprevious to taitldnyuil! lm:. CA i HIIJAM J.BEAKES, 1281W Jud-fofPrubiU. I Estáte of John George Volz. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Washtemi, C At ■ sesidoil of the Probate Colrrt furthcUmt of Wasbtenaw, holoen at iIiü Prolmlo O( City of Aon Arbor, onThur cmlidii of Aiu-ist, In tbe jer One ibouaand eight lianas ■ nul Beventy. ut. ulram J. Bcake, Jndge l Probate. In the mattur of tue tstatu of John UoorgeTÚ deceascd. dn reading nnd flllng tlic petitlon, dnly veria(4 John Adam Volz AdDdniBtrator, praying ihit h may I to suJl certaln realeatatfl viiasti said deceased dled selzed. : areday, thelweDj er next, at ten o'clocklii ued tor the heariDgofsaidptUtk and iliai the hcirs at law ufai.l declarad, svii other periOUB tnterested In eald estáte, arere"nW 1.) ü; pi ::r r. t a Be&slou of ;ad Oonrt, Llif n to belwli en, at the Probate Olllcf, in the City of AnnArtn and ( ■ .-. i i v tlie prima thep lautcd: Anciitiife. 1 ; PÜ1 ioner give r.utiie Iq'Jh d in kiiiil f Mat.-, of the pendencfl ■ : . by tatiïiBji copy of tbia order I l i:i üicMidi ud cinnlaUog iiuK (.A trnecopy.3 HIKAM .T. üEAKE?, Estáte of ir'rank. Jeuninga. SOF MICHIGAN, County of WasMenw.. art tor the Con? of Wahteuaw, holdeu at the PiobateOfflce. is uv City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the iweHthdnrf initist, in thu year uiu tüousand eilit hoi -. JncTge of Prntate. In I ■■ of Frank Jentiiif, '.-riüfj.e! Maria Ji. Jenuings, praying tlial fhe ii m mie te ..'.L-d Admiuistrjitrixii tlit! i -i U. Thureapon itiiïordei day.thet d:iy of Svptembcr uext, it ten o'clock in thi &(■ noon, il "r tbe huariiijr of pilló and lliat Ihi ■■ aD other penóiu iiitureetedlr said etate, are rfqsM i appear al :: M.-inn of t;aitl Conrt. then tcw holden, ai the Probato Office, ín the Ciu-ofl Arlor, Hnd Bhow canse, if any tbera be. whjii nrayer of tbe petitioner Bhonld Rot lx irrantcd: ii il ii furlher oraer I petitioner giTewW to the persons in; state, ofthef ■ Ihiiw&i! thia order to bepnbnsbfd io'- ■.'.'-, .i newnpaper priutedand cíituUdk eka ijrtviou ■ .:'m. (A trace : IIIRAM .T. ÜEKE". Jucle of Probia. Estáte of Fitch II 11. STATEOF MICHIGAN, Conntj ofWashtem; ;rtforthcCon!? of V. !.-;. l-n:.w. hol Ite ülllce, io . or,oii Monday, the fifteeDtiW . in tko year one tbonsacd cight huo ::,!-(■ of ProïfllPIn the matter of tbu Estáte of Fitch BiH' . . ■ Ou rèading r.nd fllinptlie potition, diilyverii' Comstock 1'. Uil), prayiog tbat a certaln instruí nowon Sle in thia Court, pnrportiug to be111'1: will apd testament of Baid di heM I probate, and tlittbeand Rivid Almndir naav btí rt day of September next. at ten o i "U9iz, d for thehearii titi' n. the gatees, devlsees and lieirs :.t lawof siio dv and aH other persone interested insaiofíi are required to appear ai a eessiou ofíaidl"" lo bo hoWfeu at tlic Probate Office. I ol Ann Arbor, and Bhow canse if auytha why tbe prayer i ionicr ïhould not grauted : Andit is further ordered, that s'PJ lililí r ia interested ín, ' ol t-aiil petitlon, ""■ hcarlaethe Inga copy oftlili or' bepablUbsd in tl ■ Argut a uewilW"1 ■ 'and clrcnlatlng in sal ' ■■. lareew . cks prevloaa to i ■""■'' f tA trae copy. j IIIRAM .T. l'.KAKF.s. Jndgo nf ProW taks of Wilüam S. Maynard. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of WaaitíBWÍ Ö At a eesaion ol Conrt for the Com" of U ashti naw, holden at tbe Probate 1 ■ of Ann Arbor, on Priday, the twelJfS of Augnst, In the year une thonsand eigK "■ dred aiidaevei Presi '.'-s. Jiidpcof Probte. In the matter of the Estïtc of Ms5MW On readlng and Bllng tho petitlon, dnly iJW Aarou I!. Hi'-nir.n. guardián Unto Fannie ■-tl'?a'i minor, praylng tbn I estáte whctw-ji .,-:, maybc partitloncd tam" tav. , .__, reupou UU ordered, tbat Moriday,tber' , at ten ..'eloek ui WJ n. i aring of said peWJj and tbat the helre at l.iv "ijj In Baid 'itiite,arereipu n 8esion of ak! Conrt, then toMjr Offlce, in the City ofAJj : ■ the pM ; ;', ■# ■ ■ lanted: Aal "" her ordered, that said petitioue ' '",,: said petitlou, and I fhereof. 'ty 3!jS copyofthifi order tobe pnblished in üic-1 'jj ir printed and circulatlBg ■' Conmv. three euccefisie weeks pregóos to si1" üstate of 9ufus Knijbt. OTAT Bof MICHIGAN, Coïmti o ïaSïSS( k A: Probate Conrt f"rt."erKM w,holdnai MWfJJJ of Ann Arbor :'''", , hïïlK' I u one thousund eigbl " -'nty. . .. nt. iliram.: AtM I l.i the matter o 1"I1J h I 'tl. , , ...rilti1 I Onreadlneandf : ■ ' Vu11' ' " iSríhel , ,,ni,rtISii i" M' „I willa: : -liRoi;111 .vil to probate, and tb i Harrj muy bo !'■ ,hl, tflí ,n i Ís Ordered, that M "■ ■' ,,,,„, fí' ' titon.1 ■'■"'■ ■iil1 thatthelecaí :l"' heiruat law "au ■'t'.":. .'(t,)! " . i rttrofH ■ !" i,v theprrfAr ■, . - i ■" '";. vií ■ ' '■ ' '','■ ,i-f " tíd thatsaldn tf a newspa, L5tHW I ni" iv 1 HEAKEflM


Old News
Michigan Argus