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Death Of Free Government

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The following beautiful extract is from a ppeeoh delivered by Hon. D. W. Voorhees, of Indiana It is a mtilaneboly ppeótacle to behold a frte government die. Tbc world. it ia true, is ti 1 1 e cl with evidentes of decay. All nature spi-aks to the voice of dissolutinn, and the highway of bistory und of life strewn with the wrecks whiob Time, tho great dispoiler, has made. But the hopes of tho future, bright visions of reviving glory, are nowhero denied to the heirt of man, save as he L':izs on the dowofall of legal liberty. He 1. stens mournfnlly to the Autumn winds as they sigh through dismantled foresto, but he knons that thoir breiith will be foft and vernal in the Spring, and thiit the dead flowers aifd withered folinge will bloBtonrt i gain. Ile secsthe heaveus overcost wilh tho angry frown of the tempest, but he krinwsthat tho sun will reappt ar and that emblazonry of God c.uinot perish. Man hiuiseif, thisstrange oonnecting link betwocn dust and Deity, totters wearily, wearily onwanl under the weight of years and paiu ; toward the tomb, but how briefly bis life lingera around the (smal spot. It is filled wilh tears aud grief, and the willow and oypreps gather urouud it with their loving but mnurnlul embrace. And is this all ? Not so ! If' a man die, shall he uot live beyond the grave in the dLtant A ideen ? Hope provides an elysinm tf ti.e soul, t!ie mortal assumes immortality, und life becomes an endiesH Bplendor. 13ut where, sir, in tho dreary regióos of the pust, filled with convulsione, wars and crimes, can you point yoor flpger to the tomb of a free commou-wealth on which the angels of the resuirection havo ever descended, or from whose srtpulohre the slone of dospoti.-m has been rolled awny ? Where, in what ae, and in n hat clime have tho veins of constitutiomil frcedotn renewed their youth and regaincd their lost eetate ? By wbose stroug grip has the dead corpse of the Kepublic once fallen, ever been raiscd ? The merciful Maker, who walkeil upon waters and bade the wiud be still, left no erdained apnstlo KÍ!!i1ref;.1re,ert -f of despotism. The wail % "í?l broken over the dead is not s sad to me as the realizalion of this fact. But all history, with a loud, unbroken voice, proc-laims it ; and the evidence of w bat the paet has been is couclu.sive to my tniní of what the future will be. Wherevor in the domain of conduct, a people, once possessed of liberty, havo surrendered great gifts of God at th cominand of tho usurpcr, they havo uever uflerwnrd proven themselves worthy to regain their forfcited treasure.


Old News
Michigan Argus