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The Executlvc Committce of the Germán Aid Association of Ann Arbor, in behalf of he ividows and orphans of those who laicl lown their lives lor their fatherland, return heirmost sincere thanks to all the wholeoulcd, liberal-mincled ladics and gentl men who aided and assisted in making the festival held on the 7th inst. the success it was. That noble committee ofladies, who by their indefatigablc efforts succeeded in spreadlng such a bounteous feast, the Porter Zouave Band, the Concordia Singlng Society and the Gerraan Maeuner Clior, who cnlivened the occasion by their splendid mu8ic and patrlotic songs, the Germán liaborers' Association, Relief Fire Compa ny, the Turn Vercin, who graccd the pro cession by their presence, Mr. Korr, of the Michigan Journal, Mr. R. E. FsAZSB and the othcr speakers, who by their soul-stirring addresses fostered the cause, and especially tliat noblc-hearted band of brcthren, the Arbeiter Verein, of Ypsilanti, and each and every one who by word, act, deed, financial or material ai;l, helped the cause, have our thanks. Tlicy have the thanks of the Germán natlon. The blessings of the widow, the prayers oí the orphans are theirs. THE COMMITTEE. Ann Arbor, Sept. 15, 1870. We understand that the term of tbe Circuit Court to commence on Monday next is to be held by Judge Mitchfxl, of Port Huron, Judge Hioby holding the St. Clair term in exchange. The population of tho Second Itepre sentative district, as shown by the census gtatistics published In the Manchester Kn (erprite of last week, is 10,235. Thevillage of Manchester is flgured at 1,311, and Saline at C70.


Old News
Michigan Argus