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The Drouth--value Of Corn Fodder

The Drouth--value Of Corn Fodder image
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The drouth continúes with great seventy, althouih th extremo heat of the past several weeks peern to have given placo to the ;ooler afternnons and nights oflate sunimer. The foliase of the trees Í3 yellow and dead, and the tieFds and pastures prcaeot the sppearance of havins; beun ravaged by fire. On ranny faruis cattle, cows and working oxen especially, ha?e beeD ftd for to weeks aml iu soma irs!ances it is ueoepsary to drivo them uff (he farm to obtain water for them. There is a poor prospect fr fall (cea. The earth is as dry as an ash heap, uud rain, even should it come now - we .vrite 2Üth o: August - wouM suarculy save the late potato crop frotu almo-t totul failure. A bettcr time, howuver, to dig muck and put in shape low mesdüws that are generally wet, lias not OCOUtanA for years. Let the present druatn be taken advantage of in 'üiese respccts. Since writing the above, we have had a couversatiou with a farmer of long and close observation, who has the repntation of beiup one of the best farmers in Kennebec Oounty, and who for years bas devoted inuch of bid time to the production of butter for the Augusta inarket. ''Do you feed your cows?" we aek. "Yes," is the reply ; "I have led tbem for ncarly two weeks, teo daytt certuinly. I g'vo them corn fodder, and feed my working osen ab good hay as I bavc íd tbe barn." " What was the effect of feeding coro fodder to your cows ?" we ÏDquired. "It inoreased the flow of inilk at once, which for a week kept rriuch above what it bad been on pasture feed. Now, gettiüg no feed iu the pasture and feeding them almost excluiively on corn fodder (which is tbis yenr far less succuleut than usual) I fiud theyjust about hold their own. Cowb that are not fed corn fodder havo etirunk fully onehalf iu the quantity of milk produced." Isn't this furmer'a statement as to tho value of corn fodder worth something ? ADd ehould not the present severe drouth admonish every farmer to provide a good piece of it for another year ? Now is the time to think of such thiugs.


Old News
Michigan Argus