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JOB PRINTING. AT TIIE. ARGOS JOB OFFICE ÍS THE PLACE TO ÜET YOÜR POSTERS, SMALL BILLS, YOXJK LA17 BRIEFS, RECCnDS, AND BLANKS, YOXTR BILL-HEADS, LETi TER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, YOUB] ClñCüLARS, BUSINESS CARDS. WEDDING CARDS, YOÏÏB CHEOKS, ORDERS, RECEIPTS PLAIN AND IN G0L0RS. WITH New Slyles Type? FIRST-CLASS TKESSES, JOTO GOOD WORKMEN, SATiSFACTM IS GUARASTIED. Corner Main and Hurón Sbs. [ANN ARBOR, MÍCU. The Jlkhlgau Central Railroad. NEW TIME TABLE. Traine on the Michigan Central Hailroad now leave atatious ïmmud as fullows : GO1NU WK8T. Mali Faut Dextcr Kve'g. Pacific Train. Ex. Ace. Kx. Ei. Detroit, 0 50 a ii 7.30 am 4 10 f h 5.4Dpm o.oiipm Ypsikllltl, 8-28 " 6.S5 "7.02" 1U.0S ' AnnArbor, 8.67 " 8.43 " 6 00 " 7.25" 10.25 " Dexter, 9.25 " - " 6.28 " 7.5t " Chelsea, 9.46 " " " 8.15 " ,l:ukson, 1046 ".45 " 9.16" 11.45" KalamazOO, 2.06 vm1V.37am 12.16 a m 1.68 a m Chicago, 8.06 " 4.00r.M 0.39" T.10 " [aOTMfl KABT. Atlantic Nlght Dexter Mail Faal X. y. Ex. Ex. Ace. Train. Ex. Chicago, 6.15 rx 9.00 P. l( 6.90 A 11.30a m Kalamuoo, W.S " 2.05 a x 3.5Jpm Jackson, 1.05am485" 2.66pm 5.45" Cbelsea, 5.'-'5 " A.M. 8.02 " Deztor, SAft " 0.10 3.S0 " -_ Aiin Arbor, 2.20" O.UO " 0 4." 8.60" 0.45" Tpsllantl. 2.40 " 6.20 7.10 4.0 " 7.02 " DeU'Oit, 8.45" 7.30" 8,40 6.40" T.55 " Halccl.May 20ib,lS70. TTR. KELLOGG'S STANDARD MEDICINES, Ar hold l'v Pruggnts everj' lin-i'. W WASHTENAWPUNTY NOURYLUBUC[ %Jk L_J H OEMERAL L,. _J _JL-JUCONVEYANCER ■ 5;N__M I.CH..jg__. . j J l I .A-INTX) REAL ESTÁTE EXCHAKGE ! ! ThoQQo.rgood haring a pwrfeot Rocord blstorj of all of thjB Real Bátate Title in thia ÜUj, al In the Cminty of WaxhtoniW, taltea plenaire In announcng to the public tlial be will amíootHle,gltfcbBtraeCsóf Baal látate tftïe,mire oflèdii mortgagss, QOütrftOtS mul OtbOF legal pap6L8 pn th' Hhnrtest notlcei Will rIxi raaké naieTofCltj pröpérty and farms, rent hnust", and fortofort mort gage Persons wanting a htotory f Heat Estáte t itle, will r;enüecttiiat his Hunks t.ik-inTax Titles aml fc)l ooilateral matte. wliïch tmh oach particular dencription; anl alt tnortgagea, ancient or modern, wliich appear to be stil] Baoslsttng of record at the present Lime. I offer the followiug Re&l Eatate for sale : .Vo.100. Tlio Malony Houne a rul Lot on Pivisunn Street. Mo.101. HonL and Lot in Hiscock'8 addition. Pi lo $.000. ío. 102. Two Story Brick House on Spring Street. NTo. 103. Two Story Wool House on Spring Stieet. Xo, 104. Nice House, Lot and Barn just west of Law College. Xo. 105. Fine Tlonap, Out-house, Barn andSacrns of La ml, Water Fount, c. - verj desi rabie Property. No.106. House and 3 acres of Land inside corporation. No. 107. House, and Lot juat south of tbellnireriity building. No.108. 1-'á acres of Land eaat of the Unirerflity Gtounda, No. 109. City LotB nearly opposite Dr. Chase's Prtilitng Itahlisliincnt. N'o.110. One Two Stoiy Wood DwelUng on State Street. No. 111. One elegant Two Story Brick House near UniverHity Square. No.112. 30 acres with buildings just north of the City. No . 113 . One Two Story House j ast Borth Cometry Grounds. No. 114. Two Brick Uoubce west sideof Uuiverftty 9 qua re. No; 115. 6 acres ju et west of the City. No. llü. 5 acres with baltdfnñ just west of the City. No. 1J7. 160 aerrs with builnin;s and inprovements 6 miles north - good .situation. No. 118. 320 acres - fiue farm in Shiawassee. No.119. 2,000acresof Wild Landfl in the Connijrt of Wayne, MonrotL, ..ij nav, and Shia wassee. My Abstract Bookg arepostedti date. No. l?i,. (;ne éieprant Three Story Building on Uuroi i Street, west. No.121, 175 acres on Middie Road to Ypsilanti. No. 122. 40 acres on Scuth Road with Buildings an improTtniont-i. No.123. 240 acres on North Oester Road. 2) mile out, with impro6monts. No. 124. And much othcr Real EsvaU not herein In ciudad. There are tnvny oíd mortaeH in W;ishtnn-iw Coun ty onliharged of Record , h nd thu laws of Liiniti üona as to:MortgagOi i diStoont from thet appiica ble to Keal Estáte . Term of (Jommission on sales of Heal Kstitte, oni percent, if sale mnle. Katcs for searcti of Real Ce tate Title 0 cents per yenr for Deoda iml six cents i yearf"" Or' gacoa uut il cjhange of not ice. No charges will be mad6 fnr i'x;ui)inatinn of 1 tle maliiui; papoTSOI rdCOrding, to paxti6S lendinif monfi, throosb in. Money waoted to loan on unincum be red Rea f K.-tftte from ona to fivo jearü, al 10 ie cent. laterêat net to tbc lenrtor. Ann Arbur,March 0,1070 TRACY W. ROOT. j. JOHNSON, At IVo. 7 Soutli Main Street, STILL HAS A HAT OR 2 LBFT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Seasoiij Whicb will be sold LO"WXB TH-A.3ST EVER I ALSO A LARGE3TOCK OF GL.OVEH, COLIiARS, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEI'9, SATCHEtiS, CANES, Umbrellas. Parasols, &c. Ples cali and examine my gooiis before purchasing elsewhere. llay, 167O( ATONEÍ CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK, SIGHT ISPKICELEBS THE DIAMOND (1 LA88ÍS, Manufacturca by J. K. Spencer & Co., N. Y., hich are now offorcd tot0 public, aro pronoimcml by all the celébrate' Optician.of the World to be tho Jlost I'erffct, Natural, Artilicial help to tno lamían cye everknown. Ihey are pronnd umier tbt'ir own aupervifiün. from min uteCvjetal r.liiih-, Deltcd Ioethir, nu theirniime," Diamond." on account of thelr hardness ai.,', brilliancy. The Scienlilic Principie on ■rhieh th re cfenstructed briog the cure or centre of tha"i"n direct Iv in frout of tbe eye, producing a clearaDd lilinct vii..n, a in the Dtupl, linaltliy siglit ai"l iircïcnüng nllunpleiinant Ben. inn. uur. h a ilimmoiriK -inl wawring "f Biglit, atoes, fce., peculiar tOH otlieriilB ne. Tbey arcmnunlt.l n tbe FINES! MANNkR, ln fmme of the best quality, oí 1I matonals OH Im ihat purpoR. , , Thüir linuli andduralHHy ciiiinol b nurDaMed. CAUTION- Siian l'cii"""1' unieM btütling their tradeinarkstniu].J " 'erX '■"ame. J C WATTS í: BRO , .Weler and Opticlan. are Soloa?fnt lor ANNAHBOK, M1JH., from liom thcy mu oolj le obtllqed, These goods are not supiílicd to rctllers at anjprice. IWljl jñjRÑÍTURE OH E F I The I.argtnt nnci IVst atockln tliocity, ofallvíirletieaand tyle, at thc cIJ Store of O. M. MARTIN. pEOFLE'S DRUG STOiíi R, W. ELLIS & CO' - ■ i ■ - - j)UY YÜU11 Hiooking Grlasses OP W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FÜR RBASOAS. Firet, becaaRe beketptïie bent of Importfrt ;iasn, aud a goud fcMOHtBloni of square a ml arebtop franicH , umi .-.tjlln OHEAP I floconUj, becaafip tliey IipIohk to hls business. Ho maken ibem r special tv, dMoblfl ovnwurk, [ and ortn aiTord tn CÜEA PEE I Tblrdly, Becaust bo rmnufneture tliero , and can and will Heil the of nny one In the cüy. Ilpulao sellsl PIOTURE FRAMES! The c íiea po t of anybodr in theState - a fur aR heard from. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR SO CTS. Picture Cord, Tassols & Naile! FRG.VCH GliASS- bj tbelight or box- ForPictnreB orfor house oxjvszsxzto : 33 EAST nUSON STREET, A.N3ST AEBOB. - - - MICII. -j s . 8 zí : SS i i i 17 Boa UU i 1 c i S JP B4 I s . fl fii N i Í ff ■ "ais H: pea-a „ :i "0)8 rS 5l f - ■ i ! =3 IE a r-i Ca o g'S W O P pOR CASH YOU 0 AN BÜY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YA11D OF C SUTHERLAND & CO. AnnArbor,January,I870. 1C52 T UMBER YARD! O. KRPF1 H.ihr largeaad fll stookéd tmbr Yard, on .Tcf. :'. i-.-. n stf-M-r , in the RÖutla [i'art ol ! te plty, and will -.iiiv nn band An excellent va r iel v of LUMHER. STIINGIES, T.ATÍT, C. which will besotdoslow scan be afforded inihie Enavket. (tnjilitvaiid prïceaauch tlmt noonenertUo go te Dotroit. COXKAD KRAPFi Ann Arbor.Oct.lst.l8f9. 9861Í A NNARBÖE AQ AINSrTHÊTTATJÊIN THE FURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin againat Ann Arbor. Don't Foiget his Old Stand. PHYSICIANS' Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Prepared ly Ji. W. EL LIS Co.


Old News
Michigan Argus