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Spasms In Maine

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The Republicana of Mainc usuaUy re gard it as tlieir uV.ty to sct an ox'-.u:p!e for tlie wbole country to follow. Know;iiat tbo earliest indieaíions üf po liUcal cbangea aro nsuslly driwn Ir the voto in Maine, they generalij ti-y to make tl-.cir majority ns larga as poesible. They. can baidiy congratúlate tlieraselveson their aohievement oí - day. F roía a motive no bigher t!ian personal preference for one or the otbcr of two oandidates for the United States Senate, both of whom, iiinc telitha ol' tho parly vill agrco. deeerve well i Stato antl couutry, they bave per::, tho ordioary roajority to bu wbi down move thau oiie-bulf, ar:d íu l looalities large numbera of tbem have i -,-i h tiic Demócrata i" coali whioh are iu a política) renso disgracefu!. It is no tbanka to the diorgDzeM tliat iliu practical resulta of tho eleotion - tho choioe of a Bepublioan Goví Lcgislaturo aud membara of Cougretis - havo not been reversed.. Ií tho movemeut had been is 6trong, and the temper of tho Republicana es uncoLtrullub!e tbroughout the 8;ato as iu Borne of the largor citiea, tho Stato would have repeuted tlio experience oí' .1 itBelf among Ihe Deraooratio lea. Tho State oí Main'.; luis a lnke to eacb 20 bquare milea of its terrilory, and one square inilo of lake to eaob 14.3 square milos of territorial área. A correspondent wiitfcs frum Sedan that i iso mornÍDg after the last battle, w'hcn tbe bugle eoundedj 600 riderlea horsea galloped to rendezvous. Thcrc re at prescut eix Catbolio .■ in New ÊDgland. So lal was ouly four prjesta o tln; New Eogland Status. Npw thei ond a Catbolio populatioo of ' uuu. The valué of tho property i! of Illinois, looated at Jsekaonville, ii ; ■ Asylum building and grouodj, 000; Deaf and dumb, I Bliud, $100,000. Total, 1 1,000,00&


Old News
Michigan Argus