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Blair And The "revenue Reforrers."

Blair And The "revenue Reforrers." image
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At tac very lowest estímate tnere are in tliis Congreesioofal district 3,000 elec. ut from tlio Demooratio to the Republican party m the single issue of t'ue extensión of slavery, Laving been to belicvo Ihat the Demncratio party favorcd tha extecsion of ibat institution, nhen i( only maiutained tbe right of eaoh S'.afe, undcr tlio Constitntion, to decido tho queetion for itselF. , ,!:csu disaffeoted nr.d desonting Deuiocra's have altis3s chiir.ed to hold to oíd principies, hd espcchHy du tliey now avow bjIvcb in favor of revenuo reform, or ij ot'ner wordtf, opposed to a protflotive tariff, to levying duties not ior the 1 1 of ilia government l)ut for the of tbc manufacturéis of cotton goods, iron, steel, etc, it tho blavery question is .!. ilavery aboliabed and its nboli tion ■ in by all parties and peoptea, both North and South ; and more thftD tbat, dow tbat the XVth amendïaent has gone beyond tbe claims of even 1 ■ . Republicana these Demócrata joined tbat party, - for the the Republicana repudiated being ind would have burst witb bad tbey been cbarged with favorin negro suflïage, - is it not time for these anti-proteotive-tariff-DemocraticRepublicatis to cast about thüiu and determiue their baariogs? The Ropublican party of Michigan is fully cotr.inittcd to tbe protective system ; its tix memlers in the present Conatess havo voted coiisistently and pcrsistcntly, day after day, against reduciüg .port duties to a revenae Standard, and in favor of duties levied for do other reasoD end with uo otber pretense than tbat of protcotion. lts tix candidates for the next Cougress are all proteelive tariff advocates, and will givu no vote iu favor of releasing tbe peoplo of Michigan from tLe cl ut ches of the iron, coal, and Btoel(ííe0 mouopolisís who thrive and fatten ou tbe profits legislated into their poeketa. It is iruo Ifiat tho Eepublioan State Conventiou undertook to evade tlio issue. lts resolution was wbat the N. Y. Evmwg l'ost terms a "tuneful-no-tuue," and wbat tbe Detroit 2Wtoi shamelessly confesaes as '!purposcly ambiguouB." But tho votes of the lliebigau uiembers, tho positiou of the two new candidatos, - Diuucs and Waldbon, - tbc speeches oí Blaiu and Conghk in Congrcss, and of Blair at Jackeon in acoepting tho renominatio.n, warrant us iu sayiiig tbat tho llepubliciiQ party of tbis State, and every oao of its caudidates for Congrcss, are protective tariff men, and tbat i vote for ei'.her of thc:n is a vote for the proleotivo eyatem. In faet, tho Tribuna says "Got. -üi.Aiit ia rigidly ogaiui-t revenuo reform." This being so, eau ratio anteid prooliviiioa, tkose Kepubli. t bc ii favor of revenue 1, and opposod to :'.x:ig tfce er and icr to i:iorcae th.i prol ifacturer - for thitt, stripped of all verbiage, 13 just WIIAT PKOTECT1ON MBANS - give their votes to Got. Blaib? If hooestly opI to proteetion, if uot holding party ubove prinoiple, il not wüling to bo the serfs of tho uiill men of Massaobusetts, tho ooal and irou men of Peunsylvania tnd Michiiran, tbe Besimer steel manuirers - the Wakds and Qriswoldb and Morrilm and Kbllïts and Mcüarthys aod Camerons, &o., &c, - they IOT. A voto for Blair ia to brand thein Talso to their own oonvictions. Will thuy give it ? [p THERB ia a Republican reader of the A bous who in oppoeed to tho further corrupt grants of the public lauds to railroad companies, and who yel piupoes to vote for Gov. JJlamï, we truit that ho will give a caruíul leading to an extraut cu tbe first pago of this theet, fVoin a speech recently delivercd ;;t Ciiioiiiuati, Ühio, by Senator TutlBMAN. It is a complete exposure ol the Ie tion whiuli bas been going on ut Washington for several 8es.-ioiiü in the interest ol iüiid-griibbiug monopolies.


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Michigan Argus