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PO OU RENT. B: Aonse, barn and i M&nd wlkhln : good well,clateri., &s. Vot] SIL, At tbo cfflco oí J. lVcil & Uro's. Si'pt. 15tb, 1870. pOOD NEWS! Al ARBOR W1LÜ ÏÏITII BXCITMT! HIQH.PRIOES EXTERMINATED! S. SONDHEIM JUST liillhSüD FKQSI WITH TUE LABGE8T AND BESTSELECTEDSTOCK OIF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHJNG GEST'S FlIWISHttC GOODS, TRUNKS, Y ALISES, SATCHELS, ícc, íce, &.C., T1ÍAT BA8 EVER BEFN BROÜOHT TO THIS CITT, WHICH llü WIÍ.L ÖlXL Cheaper than the Ohoapest for Cash. LTMENT OF CASS1MEEES, C0AT1NGS, and VJESTINGS, WIIICU HE WILL MAKE UP TO OKSBB IN THE BEST STYLE, axd warhaSted .v fit oi so sale. Ie of Sophrouia 8(car. Syvi . ishtenaw, j. I ourt for the Couutyof Washtenaw. holden at til Office, in :i YuiK-:-.!:iy, tht' twentymber, In ttie ycar olio tliuimaud eisht hundred wad seventy. prosent, Hiram J Beakes, .intime ol Prohate. In the matter ol ti ofSophronla Spcar, Oa reading and filin? tho petition, ilülj vel Gilman Walker, praylujr that a. certatn Instrument filo -ii thtö Court, purporting n-ill aud testament of eaid deceased may be admltteuto. I Üut he in:iy 1) ajipuiutcdeole reot npou ii U ordered that í.'iií!:iy. the B ven. bet nest, at ten o'clock in ilio for uoon, be aaslgned foi the hearing o Bald jttition, and tijat the logatcei devieees, and b saidaeceased ■ estáte, are required tt a] eñiú Courti ti i 'róbate Offico, ■ '.iy of Aun Arbor, and show canse, i. any :hf prayer of the petltioner hoiilc! r.cit ited: Anaíl ís fiirther ordered, Utai saidpe ■ give notice to tho persona Interested Ín sald (f thc pendeucy of sald pctltion, nnd the og a copy of thls ord ■ . ce miccusbívc . s Ij said day of U ■ r. HlliAM .1 BBAKKS, tTodge oi Probate. te OÍ Elix.i J. UsOod. STATJ ashtenaw,ss . r theCoant; e,in i Le year oao t i uty. dgeofProbi Usa J. t eood, ind fllinc; the petition, dnlyvei I ppolnted I Honda ,tl '. in the i for the hearing o f said : and all n qnlred ii to be ii prayer oftht Isfttl liurorpttrsonc pendeuey oi i by cansing u copy i f : ( lounty, Id day üfheflia(Á. truecopy.J KI1!.M J.BEAKKS, Jndge of !' Estáte of Süas WLitmareh. STAT) [QAN, Countyoffl of 1 ■■ bate Conrt '■ ■ . ■ .i ity-lirst yeai one thousand eight .:. lieak"S,.IulgeoT Prol terof tiiu Estáte oí bilus hitmareb, On rendlnand iiü:i_' the petition, duly Terlfled,of ■,'. liluuarsh, praylng tbat and Daniel Ii. of the ordered that Prldayr tlie fmir■ , nt ten o'clock in the ii for ilic h ;ii petldeceased ; other persona intereeted ii. ■ ■.'. hy lliu I Qtttd : - ilion, aud th oí ( i bo pnbllshed In the ring, A i . r i : . Judiío of Probate ]{eal Estáte for ira!.'. SIGAN, Oounty of of William i. by tli! Hon. ■ iw, on : ■ o, I here 'ill btt . r at tlie . ■ of tho undersieced, in the townshlp I noon1 of Ib r other■li.l llCclower of liis irterof . ol ranee ovPHEBK h !.si:v. Adminiitratrix üstnte of lí'rank W. üoodalo. STAT] ■ '-'] naw.RS, ■ d ot the iï i:iit; Conrt tor c'ounty ■ imiiiuv, holden at the Piobate Office, Intha ( Uv of Ann Artiitr, on russday, th' twentleth day of ober, in theyear one thoasand elght hunared and Bi i Presentí Beat :te. ïn Uil' matter of the fistate of Frank . Ciootlalu, Minor. 1 1 1 readlns and (lling the petltion, duly vc Edward L. Boyden, Omrd ■ thathemay bo much ol the propei i ■ minor aa nmy bè neoeksary to enaole him topardo, Btnves, piaster, logs, rid to carry olí i ol Doarin, grind; ■ a srhi at and o-: . &c., m Delhi, :ii]i ilh Jolui II, [Hago, .and ■ i the same '■ a Ir.' tüg late ürm oí Goud:t]o Á II' ni. y. ■ íl. renpon i la orflered, Chat Uonday, the ipvrn day of Octobcr, next, at ten o'cJock ín thc rorenooD, be aïsigned lor the hearing ofsaid petltion, and thal kin f sald minor other persona Intereated in eald estáte, are t ueax at a Beseion ofaald ■ .1 tobe ,. at the Probate Office, in thaCItyofAnn . and show cause, If any there be,whythe ranted: Aud il is further ordered, that saai petlcioner glvo notlce to the nezt of kin of sald mluur au. 1 all otl l in 1 itgnd tbehearl ■ thUordor 10 !■ pabüshed :; ■ nrspaper prlnted and drcalating iDsaid , three successive weeks prerlous to suid d::y "'""n"%vy.i IIIRAM J. 128 Estáte ot' Filob Hill. CiTATEOPMICHIGAN.C luntyof Wa htenaw,. Ï5 No,l, Iven.tbal byan order of the Proounty oí Vfaehtenaw, m the twelfth íay oí September, A. D. 18 , monthsfrom that date werealloii itora io üiesent thelr clalmi ' 1"'i! [lili atu o:' ISI' ■ :1!:l1 ■ ,,,■ faid ,: rcqulred to ; ..1. :,! the Probate Office in il tity cf Ann Arbor, lor 1 1' ,,. n ..r beforc the thlrteenth day ui Morch uext, aud thal ■ ii! be Ucard Conrt, on Bnlnrday, the lenth Dlondny, the ilii 1 nest, t ten o'clock in the fora. pated. Ann Albor, Judgeoí Probat. jSr. kelujgü'S standard medicines, AM . : I IUTJ;.U(. EstiUe of John Powull. Sol Washten' At a semon oí lit: Probato ConrtforUieujg (ƒ Washtenaw, boldeo at the rn.imtr i:i,ice. "J City or Ann Arbor, on Tneaday, ihe i' day l uUe 'housam. w Prevent, HtramJ. Miki's..'iii'.;:c o I st ■ ■ in the matter of the cstuic u( 0l f'1" ' eon readlDg and Blini Ihe petltion . July verifiedJolm Qedde, pn ctitita ■"'"% now 01 Court, purportlng to uo iw wilUl ■-1'1 "'■'■ ' led to probate, and that he m;iy bu api-D-" ■ or thereof. , , .,. a U ■ o ■■ t.-ciuti day of O -1 "'■ '1'„ï1Ii ■ for tho hearing "' pet Ulon, and thal -■ '"'■; ""„JS ud all "Hr . state, are reqnlrcd to PP j, . -:.:,! Conrt. tben to be lioldej i ' : ■■. In the Cltj of Au ArDor. show ny there be, hy tht ; petltioner Bhonld not be granied: .1 forther ordered tbal ayid petliioner ene tothe VJ' íhi'reoíf ,,,..„., , ,;;1 the!; ■ I 1".ll' )■"'"■ ; i-.l,t Cl :.l..l. ■ iri-clcs prew of hi arlDg. ..f.s (AtedC0PTJ ""ffgj "Estato of Samuel Ortt. SV: . the yeuronethouaandilgl" "ft J-Beako,..InlSeofProtaV ,,, of the wt#te ol Samnei Sarah B. Ortt, prai Thorenpor ■ ÏSSck U TU SÜ teenthdayol Octolwrm ■ "' , ..niiio noon iid tè Irt tbeïwj in nnnear at a teiílon 1 saicl t-"'u ,.llv „f A' toiSS ■ ; ILtreebefw3 Arbor, and show tbeerantea: ï


Old News
Michigan Argus