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JUT ADAME Col WotiM retpectlfaH? Iníorm thopabllc of Ann Arbot andvidnlty that ine Isnovr open to eongementti Cor prival a leato&s, fr Lautractton fn Freach, onable. Apply at .V. 88, cornor of Wllüam mili Poartta Stronta . BRBiYCLS,- Prot.Tylr, Rev.K.fl. ftuiton, Rev. U. L. ffnbbell, Prol Baur, Prof. TenBrouk, PfOfi .üanis, Proíi üluey, Prul Jlarrintun. AT 0 TIC E ! OlVXOI OF tuk Toí, Ann A'u;ih atd" ■ iiKHM H mi kihí' Compact, V Ann Aiuior, ilicu., Scpt. 1, 1S70. ) Notlc Isbercby plven th.t 'The BaitímorO and Ohio, Toledo aiid Michl . ■ Rallroad ' 'ompany.1 and i ■ ! ■'!, Ann Axbor and Northern Jíailroad CoEopany,' lnteud la cooaolidate wïtb van otbei tato a singla corporattotii to be callad "'l'tio llalli more and Oblo, Toledo uiii Michigan Rallway l om piiny " ■ one Contiiiauua or ciunccteíl Udc of rallroad from Lexlnjfion, in the stHtu of Ohlo, to Owoáso, lo the State o? Michigan, and that tlio Directora of sald two combantes bave entered Into hu agreerae&l rT iu !i coDsolidatlon, .h rcqnlred by the lawa of aaldStatea; and that a hpcdal meeting uf the 5tu'-klioklei- of the Toledo, Aon Arhor ixmi Northeru KailrnaU Company vrlll bo held st Ule t'ourt tioase I n Lho City of Ann Artjr,at ten O'clock A. M., ouTaeaday, tho (bnrth Cuy oí October oext, to oon sider aud anttlun ur approve uch arecmeui if deenod expedlent. Jiy ordei ff lUu Directora, K. W MORGAN, President. 12S5td A W l DBNMANN,öecrotary, MINERAL 8PRIN0 DISCÜVERKD AT TIIE CTTY ARCADE. It throwfl np 3 poundsof Oíd QoT.Java Ibr íl.of, Tea rlht írum Chin; for i) .00 pur potind, mu] Su'ar frra coba lor 19] per poand. Come an ye who are sick of U1GU PKICK3 and get CÜUEIJ. CLARK & CROPSEY. QOFFINS AND CASES AFULL STOCS AT MARTIN'S AI.L CAI.I.S PUOMPTLY ATTESDED TO CHAS. A. LEITEll & CO., CHAS. A. LEITBR & CO., CLIAS. A. LEITEE & CO., CHAS. A. LBITER & CO., No. 1 Giegory Blcck, Nc. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Gregory Block No. l'Gzegciy Block, CW Sign of the Gilt Mortar " CSr Sign of the Gilt Mortar E2T Sigu of the Gilt Mortar ■ 3 tST Sign of the Gilt Mortar ""■c.] HAVE JDST 0PENED HAVE JUSI OPENKD HAVE JUST OI'EXEI) IIAVK JUST OPEXEO Tiie Wineat Stook of The Ftneat Stodc of rJ?he ïinest Stook of The Finest Stook: of DRUGS AXD MEDICINES DRUGS AND MEDICINES DRUGS ASD MEDIGIAES DRUGS AND MEDÍCIEAS IN THE CITY. .V TBS CITY. IN TUE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIOTORS Kor Mo'liciiia] Purposei. The Poiu]r Patent Sletücincs (.1 the da;, and eviTjtUing kept in a flrstcn ss Drng Storo. o EXCELLENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TBY THEM. Solo Agents u tlio City for Otto & RcyoJer's celebra ted SÜBGICAL AND RENTAL INSTRUMENTS. fW ESPECIAL ATTKNTION (J1VFN TO TUK 3OMPOUNDIN0 of PHYSICaANS' PRE8CRIPTION8 nd FAMILY MEDICINES, lMü COMPLETE STOCK OH1 iw ai wmm goods, : NOW BEING KECEIVED FILEY & LEWIS. WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTI0N OF BTJYERS TO 01 LARGE STOCK" OF Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BY HAND EXPRESSLY FOR OIIB TRAPE, JUST EECEIVED ! -A.T WW!. WAGNER'S, A Laro aad Choice Stock oí FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ÏXCLUDIXG CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C, LATEST STYLES iND BEST QUAL1TIES W1U2U II E WILL MáNUPACTURE on terms lo suit, and in the line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FÜENISHING Goods. 3S3E2ST? JS T T X. 353 , Also LADIK'i'andUENTS MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21. South Main Street- Eajt side. CALL AND SEE TIIEM. WILL1AW WACNER. Ana Arbor,;Sept. 1870. Goto R.W.ELLIS & CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicine, Painte,Oils,&c. TEA. i TEA. C. A. LEITER & CO. Oí' So. 1 GREOORT BLOCK, hold the iiob Ag9QCJ oí' Un) Great United States Tea Co. Ot Ntr York, fr iho City of Ana Arbor. TU is Cumpa 117 deal txcluiÍTel in TKA anrt CO '- FSB, aii l purchanc t lu ir Toa hy tli Cargo. Tüeir Superior Kiiowltdgu of tliis Class of Gini]t a lid uiiuuní fucilitu-e lor purchasin Tea f , fr i t -.inm A GREAT ADVANTAGE uTur smallor Joalerr. Tbeu 1Yas re put op in Posad l'ackiiííüo.íaown irelghtj ana the pric n.i kiud ujarjtf'i :u piain ):i.jt and íiíuica by lüc Cuiupntiy ou Cttcli paekagS u tliere eliallbo NO PARTALITY ÍN PIUCE Oí! UALITY. ANY TEAS PURCHASED OF U3 NOT MEETING KEC0MMSNDATI0N3 MAY BE HETUfiNED AND THE M0N3Y EEFUNDED, Ahwe KÜal] nút riel] auy u.lulteratc'I articiy - knowiugly. We foei confiJout tlmt 25 to 33X Per Cent, can bo Saved Uy Paroluilag These Teas. T DEt - TKEM 1 Aun Arbor, Juno 24tb. 1870. C. A. LEITER & CO. 12I5tf Myéet Quíiie Kci'llcoa tho uso of Iho BiTTEB Sn-PUAIB (■.'Imtini:, vritlj wlllob ull aro fuiullar. U09U íor dosOí it is FULLT JgUAL IN EVERY Wiï TO BITTEroUtNIKE. I AND USE IT 13 TUB Ü.Nüi tínTÁT, POSÏTIVE and f.I'i ÏI.ISi ( CURE FOEbll DISEASE3 of MAT.ATtTOTWI ffltlGIH. l'evlr and Agüe, UDutermittcikt Fcvcr( Chili Fe ver, Bmlttent Fcver J 1 Itlllonj Fe-dr, Dimití Airac, and til long trnln of disorders Mlowlng tlieso lien neglcctod. 1 SWEET QCjraíriVE j Ib mulo olcly from !'■ ruvlmi Bajk, (ao ia 7fer Quinine,) therefore i of Vetotablo orijrfc, and not a Mineral polaon, buaon tho pomHiry is proveí! to be ono of tho if ementa fouiin la tho blood of all hcalthy pefcona. svtket atntnnnvi] I nots as an antidote to, (as woll tm a cure for.) áialarial or nUaaniatlc poSfiau, tho ab6orntion of whlch by the lun'.-l timsts Jmcrnllttent Feveiu, etc. Itio oiiljluavaatugo cliiuiotl for I SVTEET QTOilISE over tlao uso of oíd Jlittor Quinlnolls tho entir abseuco of that lntcmie, )jer4atent blttecm, whlch in t latter i (inlinsuríuouy.tublo obstado to lts use with nn.ot per Bonüjandalwuys witli ckilili'cui sweet ocirsnvu jji 1 J two forma- In Poviler for tho liso of SUiyjiciniis umi Druggista, and Flull, for weairns, Farr &&, [ MUFflCTUSISG CHEMISB. A I EW ÏOBX. X V For Salo by Eberbach 4: Co., druggist. 1264jl JF YOU WANT 7 A WINTEE HAT, TF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A "Hat as isa Hat," TF YOU" WANT Hats Cheap- for Cash. JF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, OO TO A.. A.TEERY'S, 15 South Main Street. Whore yon will also flnd a full lineofGent'B Furnishing Goo'l-. Aun Arbor, May, Ï87O. lL49yl TQK. KELLOGG'S LIVÊE INVIÖ0RAT0R, I a nevor falllng cure for Dyapepsia, 8iok-Headntbe, Agite a;nl tfisr aiLsiug frem ludigention or Tuipi'üiy of Livor. Ijiver Invigorator? Isa Standard Medicino, and is compod ol m-ünaa 1 proptti Ues sxtraotod trom some oí thu most oommon anieles of tu) 1 oombllMd wiLli co:icentrated jiiiccMil' fanious Kuots aul ll-[ls. Y K . KELLOGU-S Indian Hcmedy, Nevor faila to cuio COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, and oiliur affectiDna of the Thr.iat and Langs. ASA LINIMENT DR. KELLOGG'S IM3IAN EEMEDY. SraadmnrlvaltdM a Dure for til dlceami attended wltb Influnmution, andls equallj guu,l toi man o beast. ÍF YOU FEEL " WBAK OR LAWGUID, Dulland Dnmblöou, nee Dr. Kellogg't Livoilnvig. oratoi an '■ reg lin your beallh . L)R. C. B. POÏÏÏEIÏT" Office in the NEW BANK BLOCK, ANN AKEOE 411 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMÉD WÍTH CAIIB. ÜNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SBTTISG AÜTÍFÜTiAL TEETil, Ti) GIVK EACB INDIVIDUAL, Denturcs oj' tht prvj:er tixe, shae. tcoiort Jirmnestand natural eipretsion. 1244 Q mTmMMYÍN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full lino of Choiuo F uro i ture, Psrlor und Ikdroom Sets, Mirrors, &c. Cali and see hiía. 1268 pEOPLB'S DIíUG 6T0xlis.i R. W. ELÜS & CO1 I -A-IS_lf jíV.KtJOK,


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