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The Pretended Reduction Of The Taxes

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The reduetion of f!ie taxee, with e.'cry Stamp 9 to ring thirt tai], amOUUta to this : ibat white o ono forin the popular bárdeos have been ligbtened, n'hir : 11 the old bi'rdeus hive been reimpoaed, nud perhaps eren new a i supcniddcd. iS-nato; Sherman puta the reduotion at $7G,000,00o, Hchenck calli it 880,000,000, 6tid BoutweH, in n document sent in on the Uth of June laai, makes t 852,000,'iOO. Of thrne e-titnatfi - for the raduetion is not küowu, l)iit incrclv an rstitnated retiuotion - Uoutwell'g is, perhaps, the icoft reliable, ind thut is tiüt i-aying iriuch for it. TLe Secietary ia uot rt'iiiaikabl for bis ccuracy. Aecordiüg to D.ibhk, lie tuaue a mistake of $37,000,000 in bis ts'imHss of tFit) general a'propritttions, und Ibere iö uo telling bat he has mde auo'.her mietake of f52,000,000 in h'n esiimates df the reductioa of tho taxes. Bat, conceding that thcre is do mietake ; coocedDg tiiat 852,000,000, or eren e76,000. 000, are taken uff the tuxes, is theriuotliing added on, as muoh ua, if not more than, the ainount taken off. At the fag end of the ad "to nduoe the taxes and for otker parpases," the "otber purpoaos" appear ia the ehape of Scheuck s tariff bilí, whioh idds to tiie popular bnrdens all that the body of the act tnkus off, anti probably eeo a.ldu moro. The incomo tax ia reiiacni f i om 5 to 2 1 2 per cent., and ihe exesiption iucroascd froai 81.000 to $2,0-00 ; alots, Bcammony, aud ganibogc, egj,'S, cüuüKtid tiust, seawcc-d, ükelctons, o:;ii pquilla are put ;:pou the froe list, and tho dutics n tea, sugar, o(.ffje, aro decri'aseí!, a:d on these ohangea' Ihe reduetion of tbo Í76, 00.0,000 is claiaied, biK, ooeval with tinao ohaegea, liie tail turiíí raicea he duty on steel, fiaz, hetnp, cotton goods, nickel, oiln, and ot!er oeoostary sriiüles. to a rite thiit w iii I i'cjilu of the ITiiitoci States millinna of dclUrt1 in the shape of an eohnnced oost. In the urticle of teel alone 850,000,000 will in all probability be tikesi in tho shape of a difference in price brought aliout bj this "set to reduce tho tazof ;'' from ?4, 000,000 to 10,000,000 on ootton ; while on flax, bemp, nil,and niokcl tho duty is rnis.:d frora 33 !-i to GüO per cent. 1 1 Í3 true that these are not taxsa in tlie aenso in which the iuccice tax íb - that is, exaction whinb muit be met by aoing to a eollector's office and plaoking dowu your m(iu':y ia txeliiiugo for a receipt ; bat thcy are noue the less taxes for all that. To pay u.ore for tha sauio article is subatantiaüy u tax, and thi is the tax levied bj tïie tail tnriff. The stt-el worker or p-.iuter who ha a;i income tar of $1,000, and hun beretofóre paid an incomo tax upon it of $25, is reieved from further paytnent, it is true, under this "act to reduce taxe and for olher purposes ;" but in the enbanoed eost of the s'.c. 1 wo:!;cr's raw materia!, to the naiuter's oüh, he will pay $25 many .imes over in tbe OOUrae of a year. Ttie ,a: ifif euhuncintr many of the main articles of use, wtuit is said hure of the steel workcr and the (ainter, applies to mei) f all other callins. Iheir iooomea, if uoder 82,O0C, aro pared, and their tea and tngar c:nien a írifle cheapef ; but tiioy p;iy treineodously for thin, :;nd the money that they puy goes not to the go veromeot, bul lo these connorants, the preteqtionistt, in wliosu interest Sebenok irained and Congresa paased Ihe iil tar ff at tho end of tbe tax bill. Entiticd jri act to reijiice tho taxus, it is reully au net to relieve tha poopls from paying oertsin tares to the Federal treasury on ooodition oí' paying other and boavier tciKu to proteoted iaterest. Tho trt;:8ury lose direclly under th'm act, and the people lose iiidireetiy, and uobiidv pr fits üïuch -xuept tho lUdioal proteotioniel who makcH luoney aud thu Kadioal pilitieian who rnakes party capi'ul put of it. The "reductiou" in a fraud.


Old News
Michigan Argus