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i__WASHTEKAWCOUNTY. "5 lLL.JLjJLuJLJÍLiJLL.illJa al (ti 8! S f ROTARY PUBÚC 1 IMO LJaf. M GENERAL g , 1 Uglíl CONVEYANCER üLJL REAL ESTÁTE EXCÜANQE ! ! Tbe and Tftfgaed haring1 a porfoct Record hltory oí sil 'i the i:.-.i Ë trate Tltle In tbu CUy, ana la the ■ . i] i w, i, i ;,.. píen nurfl in at oonnct tbepablto tbat ne will examine tille, gfw abol Eeal Estáte title.m l! .■■ 01 i ■'■ mi i contrae tu and other legal paper? on the s hor tent : WiU aiflo make nal o I City property and . 'en t housñs , and foreolo" m oí i .■■ ; . f ' Parso wantiog a hlstory of Real Bátate Mtle, will v-■ thatbis Bookit takein TaxTItles and aM col lateral raatteis whlch tonoh each particular dtcríp tion; a'! a'l m notan t or modern whicb appear to be BÜllsabsIstlng of record at the present time, I offer the followlng Real Estáte for sale : N'o.lOO. Tbe M.ilony Uoaae and Lot ou Dirlston Street. ido. 101. fíoufe and Lot in QUcook'a addttlon. Pi Ice $2.000. So. 102. TwoStorj BrlokHoneoo Spriag Etreet, No. 103. Two Story W0oï House on Spring Stieet. No. 104, i -i' El o q e. Lol and ílarn Just wtt of Law Collflxe. No. 10". Fine Ilon-f, Ooi-honse.Barn and Sacres ol i .-i ni!. w.ittT I'uutit, c- very dealrabU Property. No.lOfi. I ".ino niid Sacres of Lánd Invtde corpoim tiuo. No. 107. House and Lot just souíh of tlicUnivenity building. N'o. 103. lö'2' nprosof Land; of the Uoiveraity Ül O II r](l3. No. 109. City Lotn nearly oposite Pr. Chase! Printiag Bstabhshineat S'o. 110. OnaTero Stoir ffoöd Dwelling on Btatfl Sireet. Ni). UI. One elegant Two Story Brlck Hou-u Qoar Umversllj 8 ü iré. Nu.lrj. 80 acres vith buildings northof tlic CI t j , No. 113. One Two Story IIduüo jast north Cemetry !i n Ho, 114. Two Rric!; Honger, west sideof Univereity Squa i - . No. 115. 0 acresjast west of the City. So. ltíí. 5 acres wlth buildings just west of the CHy, Nu. ]J7. 160acrflH wiili buildings and innrovemonts 5 mi le nort b, - ! [I tation. No. 113. 320 acre - fiue f:trm iu No. 11 i. 2,000aoresof VTiM Landa In the Counlios ot' ffayne", IConroe, Aaginaw and lee. My Abstract Bouts are po&ted to ■ i i '■■. No. lÜO. One (.'loganí Tbree Story Building on Hurun Streel . X".v:i. 175rtcroion Vliddle Roadto Ypilanti. No. 12. 40 acres on Scutb Road witb Buildings and improTementSi No. 123. 2-fOacrefton Nurth Deztef Boad. %% miles (ut , witli in.;: . No. 124. And mach other Res] E sute aot hercio inotaded. are m iny oíd morí fa;ea tn Washtenaw Conn. ív undlscbarged of Record, and tbe laws of Umita, tioos as to Mortgngea ís different from thtl i bl t( Rï E Terni ■ ■ ; ■ i of Real l I I . it S.l. le U'.: tate Title 6 oenta peryear ror Ded andüixoentaa . -Lutil changa ol o ii ■ . willbe nade for examioation of litio, mLu' jiujteisor reoordiog, to parties Uodiii lim, M :u'v rantéd to l;ia on unincumtea I Etate from one to live íearsj at 10 jier oent, lo Aun Arbor,Maroh -0, 18741b TRACY ROOT. ë: " j. JOHNSON, At ño. 7 Souíh Main Street. STILL HAS A HAT OR 2 LEFT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season, Which will besold LOWEB THAN EVEK 1 AL3O A LARGE STOCK OF 2 LO VES, COLLARS, NECK TI ES. UATf nKERCHIEFs, SATCHEÍiS, CANES, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. PImm rll aml examine my gooil before purchas. Hay, 1ST0 lyTONEir CAN NOT BUY IÏ. FOH SIQHT Iq PBIOEIiESS THE DIAMOND (;i.Asi:s, Mnnnfactarcd by -I. B. Spsncet & Co., N. Y., whlch n aow i.-r't t: lie p ubllc . ne'l ''v ii 'i ' !"■ '■'■ ■ ■r ' tbe V i Che Mott Perfwt, Nttursl , Artificial help tu tbe homaneje e?erkoown. Tüey are grouod nnder tbelrownsupsrrldon, from mn DteCrjfftal PebhleSj melted tupptlifi1, r1 derlTe tbelnume," Diamond," on account ofthelr liardni'-s n'i brlltiancy. Th" Sclratlflo Pjn iple on ' which thev are contiu't-'l bi u the cotc or cen■it-if the lens dfreetlj [n frontofthe íve, prodw ; -:tr divtinct viidB, hs in tbe natural, bealtbj iHgbt, an;l i reventlnu uli unploaflani sníitfona, uc:!i s glimmering uiíi waverlng (f aibt, dlzütneai, kc, i cnli.r to all othera Ib use, The aretnounted in tlio PINEST MANNKIi, In Ciamei of t!u bc.t quality, oí all uiHtcnaU used for i poM. TlH'ir nnUb and durabitity cannot be garpaaiied. camión'. - Mone geanine nnleu biuiiug their tradamarli Btamp on erery frinuí J. 0. WATTS BBO., JewelefadOBtleton,re ■ole agenta tor ANM AttBOB, M1JH., trom wbom thcy cau only b OVtmined. Tliese goods are nut riuiiplied to Pediera atany price. 1-ícv.vI PURNITURE CHE JL"JE I The Largest and Best etockLn tliecity, ofallvariotiesaad styleij atth i iil store of O. M. MARTIN. j Finost Assortmont of Toilet Goods in the City, by j}ÜY YOUR Looking Glasses OF W. D. HOLMES, Annlrbor, First, beo une i l e ol -I Olass, anJ i t)'i ■ ■ square and archt'ip i'mmeKjiiUil híIÍb CHEAP I Seconüy. bfecaus? they hlor-r ■ . ". :- ,i i dah ftfTord tn eil CHEAPEP, I Thlrcllj, BeeiuM hn. mftnufaetoKfl thm, and can aii;l wilt 111 the CHEAPSST 1 of anj oneiüthecit;. Hfatao geil PICTURE FRAMES! Theclieapêt of aBjbort.T in the?tut- aafaras hearri f rom. MCE OVAL FRAMES FOB GO CTS. Picture Cord, f asscla & Kails! KIII6CII GIA.iS- bj tlellght Mbo:ForPictures orTor HOUSE GHjASjIKTG ! 3a east nuno. strket, ANN ABBOB, - - - MICH. 117.itf CO Q , a . 8 5 fia h i S ! 8 jH n3 h m sh s 1 S..Í i 'Si HEI n o 6 9 3 6 & H o g i b r H h o a O Ph pOR CASH YOUCAN BUY Luniber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARSAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & GO. Ann ArboT.JínnarjjlSTO. 1C52 T ÜMBER YARD! C. KEAPF Han a larffe and wll Btrckpil Lnmbftr Yard, on .TfIV r "M'ii Si ]■ t .in t lit' lOUtta "i 1 1 ei f thft City , Aod will keepoonnUntlT od handunsxcvlleot rarivtyof LÜMBER, SHINGLE8, T.ATTT. &O. wliiclt will be soltl rs Ww as oan be affortled inUiifl mafkt, i )i: 1 1 ty aud piicen sucli tliat lio one nced tn go 1c Detroit. CONIiAD KRAPPi Ann Aihor.Ool.1si . HStill Vnn arbor aöainsi the'sïatëin the furniture tradk, And O. M. Maltin against Ann Arbor. Don't Poiget his Old Stand. j PI2Y81 01 A NB ' Presen t; on i Accurately and Carefully Prepared hy R. W. ELL1S d Co. I JPrajESEMK'P'Y'. Wntiuiíi Pile Kemcdy b ■ni In on cuse) to cnra tbe v?ry fïliml , liching o P ■ ■ -. n rfl iillici i : fo i !. Ir o ■ I Wars .' ■ I '. i r ♦ [ 1 , w f [ejH ad Is in ■ ■■PWwaiaBao'".aiLáiiBawKiMttiBiMiJWKjiiM , . V r. j ■ ' i ' i ï . . ■ i ■ ■ ■ cli tn-i rcuton i 1 1, ■.:,..-:. w i ;.■:,. thili heult hy state. VWs k, 0divuu8 and i "cblJGli NO' MORE.' Warner1H Cottgb Balam : nd Hl Bill UH }) CUI ijflj ! '■■■ li.'1:.: Ob ': 1! ■ ■ Tbroat . í. .. , c tarrb, Hoarsem fcs, a -i I. n nKBtioeredlbto. í o prompt la thi tttfii itn n a!l tfaeabyvc CA, ut ay h! - . n 'i one ai e ii fu Une (i'; i i aü in edo ' ■ :. bott Ie -:.. ei - a ou re, tu I I bot tien. Prloo One Collar. M In ■ . own I cure, (■■■■■ " - ■-■ - ■ ■ MNMt . .-:. .■,-,-i-, The - Purïftpr ani Wnrner Vlunm Vim, or Vlnc f Ufe [l fr Ii :m run po Ing prpi red for tbow who rcqvfn i - , ; nïar.t, I l a -i'K-Ti'i .i ppilir ,i rei tooi e, ft ad thfnic ii. tbe worhl i r pui Ifj Ingthf blood. It (be ■ ogi (ilcaaan nod ■ the public, :r mperlor to brandy, whi ':■-. -a ;..■. bilteri, or ncy otbtr arUctr. It . hj aad tftisg r i tak tbe Wlne of Mfi l. ; ,iu Pact, a I i f pre i rV er. 'iii-.-f Lio v. i i, to ei Ho of : . ] u, takc tbe ftT!ne ent from ai:y thiDg tve In uw, [als; aWo h v all respee cabl -iloouB. Prict; Oi.l' bollar, u quart bottlei. EMMENAGOGÏÏE. ...--.--...■,--,-.„.■.-. aai ., .... Wrntt'i Emmtnagogut li Ihs onlj article ItBOvn to ooe the White, (il vil! cura i" rvtty Where ia tb t unjlj In which ilii in, I prooure it. It haUo ature oare for Feinaie . Bverv ■■'■ il: ■ mootblv gow I . ucted ld oi i by mail onreoeipt ui1 Ono Dollarand 61 Stnie fvct, Cblaago, PAPRANl), 3HELEY i GO. WhoUsaU Por gala by F.borbch k Co ,anr] R.W. ElllsSCo fuenitüIe; J. KECK $( CO. ir.ictutersfrbolvaale anti rotall dealen in AND ÜPHOLSTERY GOODS OP EVEEY DESCUIPTION. We LViafinfnctuie cm goeds and V; ill not be Umlersold by any ilOÜE EAST or WEsT. ÜNDERTAKÏNG ! WO Keep Constantly on fJaiïii r fiill assortment of wood, metalic, cloth: covered CASES j.lSiD COPFINS which wili be Ecld at prices so LOW aa to def y all Competition, Sales Room .52 goiiih Main St., and 4 West Libsity Si eet. IVIAIiyFACTORY S Comer cf Wiiliam and West Pourth St. J. KECK & CO. .- t i . i s i Saroftda to u cijiinioii Eruption. Pim] , ■ In, irbicb i 'noyÍMff blemixhci I ■ ï . - 1 . i to .v bottles of tuis woncerfu] iw ■ la,8cald Head, Riag Worm, BolU. Soalj Krui ''■""■ of ibe Skin, SorofnU In th M outb and Stomfceh. It i; .1 pure medicinal extract of natiT6 rootfl ani! plants, eonbii 1 Naturo'fl lil't "Vci-ri.rn CQ] Üea, wfaich Ood hai 11 -) i'.U' into the vi dom for beali&g tfae Blek ,i:-ii'.,r Dgtta au.l rigor uf tbe 1 . ,- ho , have terco fea ra, or on] o II Snd con h toralivo power upon trial. II you fael dull, drcuny, . Va ii' fi eirueni hardache, moul ■ tastes baciiy in the moraing ■■■ .-. n i or bfloiisDCBa. In manjr caaes u.' Ijver Curoplaini nremed] for Hl such catea, I r. P cures, leavlog the llver rtrenfrthene'd 1 b F01 tlie cur ol [lal Itual Constiputioi Itfor tbin purpoge are loud in its irnin. i. ■ s il Ikis produced many remarlcabl euros, wbere o her . rail il. ■ . pte, R. V. PIE ■ ulTalo.N.Y. JAY SCALES ! Tbe undereicned callsaltcntion to bis ncw FAIRBAÏIK'S HAY SCALES On Mberty Ptrct. bftween Sfalo ml Ponrth. Ii cor reet ly from 1 pound to 2 Ton , . licita a liberal patronage. SCALES i:i tbe 4 w -1285. Auii Arber, MIch, Aojf, SstjlBTO J. GERNEIl. Renl Estáte forSi OTATE AN,Conn!yofV i O In the i er of 1 of IJ hereby glveii, tbat in pnrauance of a n o ■ ctministratorofthel I ' tl-ce.ified by the llon. ol Probate for the ■ htenaw, on thethlrtj fli tdayof ■...-.. a D L870, there wiUbe eold at pvblic V6udno t to the Wgheal bidder, al the son the premiseshereln&fterde scribed, in thw Connty of Vashtouaw, ín ii1! State, on Tiics; went v-H'veiiili day of September. A.D at ten oclock in the Porenoon ofthal d.ay, (ubjeel to il! encumbrancea by mortgage or otherw ai the tiw of the deatfa "f --ai! dAvasod) iïil ftilowing deKrlbod real estáte, ■ tnlne r laud in the villaje of Chelsea. iu :iiil C oiMity HM'I St;ilt; DOlindeu ns folloWS, iz : Com ■ tblrteen roda and twenty-three Inchee east of the puuMiw i-el corner of ccrtaln lande deedcd by Elieba Conjrdon to o e -Tohn Ü. Lflttf Slet . A. f. 1854. bd l recorded In the] for the Ooanty o! Vabhtenaw, In llber 8fl of Deed, Rage 169, and ronnlug thence oorüj twontj rode, flve feet and Ui reo Incbos, Ihenceea tforty rode to the line between sald Jobo U, Letta and - 1 lor, thence south twenty thn ■ foei uní three luches, thence weettothe place of beglnninjr,, belng on the weat part of the northearn q&arter of the northeasi qnarter of f twelre, iu towhshlp two :i t j. of range throe east. In Baid State; also commenclng :it. the northIn tanda deedcd August A. i), i Jamos Smlth. at thepolni where ii Jolne Lhe Bonthwost ' iicr oi' lauda firat nb d, running tl Kottth two chati and forty llnka, thence nor! ' righty-sevcD detreo east e chalí .-six J luke, th nee north one chaln and flfty-nlne Ii; ornor of the lirst above deacrlbt I ■cl of land, thei inkn to the plaw of lx re ervlng from th strip :l' the muili aldc one and ;i half ■ for oad, anbject to tho control o i . Titna and be adjolnlng owDer, Julmcou M. LetU, or their buc Dtttod, Auííiist lütli, A. n. 1870. A CHABLES H. KEMpp, IS8B Admlnletrator. GtetoR.W.ELLIS&CO's1 for strictly Pure Drugs aiid Kedicino s ,Paints , Oils, &c.


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Michigan Argus