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Curious Letter From James Fisk, Jr.

Curious Letter From James Fisk, Jr. image Curious Letter From James Fisk, Jr. image
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o tne Editor or' the New York Sun : Dear Sir - I notioo in your iesue of lis tnorniucr nu nrtiele hcadcd "Genpral Jrant Euohered," wbich reads as folows : "The Presiden I - Branch n the stentuer Plymouth Rock on Tuesay last, and ou going off the boat exlibited a pass on the New Jersey Southrn Railioiid, but as Admiral Fisk had ïiven orders nut to pass any of Gen. jruut'a family on any boatg ol tbe Naragansett Siearuship Comjiany, liis rail■oad pass was repudiated, and the PresJenl's f;ire was demanded, notwitbstnndiig hisiight bower, Cul. Torn Murpby, ried to push liim tbrough. John Hoiy, f the Adams Express, hasteucd t 5raiit"s rescue, goi him a ticket, and he aesed ilong.1' 'i'his order, now going the rounds of ie paper, is sn entireiy different from be real order issued to the cominanders f the steamers of the Narriigancett Steamship (Jompany tbat I am compelíd, in juatice not to the coiporation . represent, but also to the individual gaiust whom the garblcd order oppears o be specially nimed (occup)iag the xalted position of Cbief Magistnte of hia country), to lay before the public he genuiuo order, and to give at the ame titne my reasons for its issue. Tbat there was uy intention on the part of the suWriber to this letter ibat he President of the United ÍStates, or ny of hií family or staS', vtliile travelng on the steamers of the Narragansett Steamship Line, should Dot be treated with tht! greatest couitesy as ladies or jentlemen, is entirely erroneous ' Tbc simple truth, apd tbo wbole truth s that au order was issued to allow hem the privilege of pajing for such ccomrrodntions as they might cali for j and tiiis is tho beainning and ending of he order I issued. an tntirely differeut ne, you will observe, from that cpiid nto yuur journal from rho Boston Trancrïpl : My reason for taking tbis course (view. ng the matter in a colimen snse lig! t) was that I was weary of furnishtng treo raDsportatiou to the President and his IXNUMERABI.I3 ÜELATIONS ver sea and land, as I did to a very rreat extent luBt summer, pariicnlarly b I had uot the sntisfaction of knowing hst the oivilkies extended were nppreiatcd, never having been th:mked for be efforts I had made in tbe matter. On reviewiog tbe transactions of tbe ast ycar I found that I bad not only 'urnished n lurge amoont of freo trana)ortation, but that I bad been allowed he great privilege of subscribing to Ur. Qrant's charities. Iu the flnal setlement of tbc gold gpeculatious of the all of 18G9, in vfhich I eujiposed (and till believe) the President was a partier with us, I find the following item charged to my account : "One-half of irant's subscription to the Rawlin's fund S500." The circumstancea aro simply hsc : A Bubscription was started for the widow of the late lamentcd ikawlios. - The President placed his name at the head of the list for $1,000; Mj-. Gould 'ollowcd for a similar amount, and their eignatnres were followed by others for various itims. Mr. Gould, having himsclf poid tho amount set oppoe te bis nniur, was called uponby an agent of the Pres.dent to advanee the money for hia (the President') subscrip'ion ; and this he did, taking it for jjianttd that this difbursemont was part and parcol of other moneys passing through the hands of Mr. Corbin. I wa, of course, ohacgad my proportion ; but I sbould never have found lault with this, nor would 1 bave even mentioiied it, were it not for the manntrin wbich tho President gos&iped about me in the fall of 1869. Why he 5!d so (aftor what I had dono for bini) i niilv knovvi) to hiiu wtio "malws the apple round." Tabioq all the circorostaDces of tho cso into ooosideration, and teel'wg, not Kke Micawbcr, "waitiog For somethiug o turn un," bvit t certaiu cxtont breken n spirit, oot beiug oven thauked for wlrnt Í luivo ! ue, 1 determined, aficr qoietly comnaning wit li my own Iipmi, to rustoro ruy poaco of mind by 'fieiioef'orth trenting (hn Prosidont of tbo United Statos, and 11 coonected with him, as beoome tho high position ho oc cupies at the beiid of tho great natión, ignoring his-treatraent of mo, and oever for ene momenc assnming that I deperved any thanks from him, or boro tbo iiightest rcsemblance to a geutlenian - Ttie result of tliis datermio&tion was tho issue of au-order that wlienever tho ITosident, or any of bis family, or Blaiï, trnveled on any oí tho steamers of the NarragaDselt line they sbould bo treattd witb the groatest respect, hut uot upon uy other footing than tbat of hidies and gentlemen.


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