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Mortgage Sale. l7"niBíA9AlidaBljifcefl]ee, of theToTnashïpofTork, t T County oí Wáahtenaw aad State ol Hloblysii, KiMnij' , A - i, i : tnortlitbbaruof the same place to i'ioiieya .. bieb mortgage wm fccordod ui ■ ■ ' i ■ mer of Deeds )n Mld coaity,on i.i li.f-: : ' . ■, . I" .VI i k S in. "f : mortgageB, ■ 'ii 'i i ardió ü Quackeiibusb ui ol Daceialxr l-GT, nuil recordé d ín tbe Kegteter'a offti sald Couotj i-i Waib enaw, on tk LOth dy oí Jiily, A. i ■ ld '_'.■( ; and r 1 1 cl by aid Ülbbard on Mie li.: ember, A. 1 181 and nïcorded ín the üffleq of tfa ■ l; ül County, on the lOtli ijiy oi.iiiiv, . ] ISOSi at i ■ oclock m , In Ubor 40 of mortgi '■'" and 291 ; ano -■i-D'-! i.v k. Au rnai i tlibbard to Levitas O. Jiktch, on the 27th day of Jannary, d. 1869. and n coj nel in uk ■ 1 1 1 ■ -■ il the of i' ai lu MJth day of March, A. l). 180 '. at lo oclock a. m of dat d i;iy. in Mber 40 of mortis td agalD asslgned by IBarber, oi i añilas, in tho County ofOnondaga State of New Tork, on the int . ■..ui.ii-v, a. D. '8IQ nl recorded In Uu office of tbe RegUter of Deeda, on tlio bth day of August A. 1 ■ -.i'. ;it. - 'j o'clootl m. O BêSd day, in fiber on6 of AralgnmoDta oí Uorteagest oo pago 5SI : Wluaroaa dolaalt Uaa been made lor more than Bfxty days i" a-tyment of an instalmeut ol Baid Interest money wnïcb became dne on theSMth day of Jaly, A. D Ittfo, by reason h bereof ;iud porsaant {■ the trms ofsuld mortgagOi s.-iii) mortgafee hereby clct3 th:it so mach o aja principal M remalna unpald 'i_m all arreai ron Bball becomedueand payable Immedlati tyj And, whrreus, i 1 1 f la clalmed lo be dae and unpald on bsM mort l Uie date ol' ilii nottèa, Ihe som of two tnouHt- d :w huudr d and forty nine duthirsand elgnt) bix cents ■:■ pril cip tl and tnten ui , ala an Attorney'a d:n_rbt! tuki-U (■ foreclose Balilmorlafetaud ao tuit ov proceedIng been Inatitatedeitheriu law or eqnlly to réi over the same or uuy jiürt thereof, noticj i therefore hen by glven, that on tho 24th day i 1 oember next, at 2 o'clock p. in. of sa'd da y, at the front door oí tho Court House, in Mü' ('ity of Anu vrbor aforesaid, tbatbping the building in whSoh the Circuit Coart ir aaklCoQDtv is held, and iy virtue of tbc power of sale coutained in naid mort '■ shall Belt a pabilo aoetlon, to the hlghest Dl der, i ':■,'■ premlaea (iescribed in said mortgaire, to BOtlsfy the amount ofprindpal aml in'ertst claimcd to Ijü due, with tiu; charges ofauch aaJfti tnvaranöe, Lttorneya fee oiforty dollars, the followlng ■ ■a land, u)-wi: .-Ml that cert&ln tract or of land nltuatealn the County of Washtenaw aodState of Michigan, known andaeaenbed as follüws, to-wlt ; Tho soatheaai qnarter of section Domber flve (:) la town ftrat Boatn, range sU east. con tfll Ding uuc huudred andsixty acres of land more ur tesa DittcdSüpt.30tb,lS:0. DAVID ÏSARBKTt, Assignocof said Bfortgage. John N.Got. Attornej for Aesignco of said Morigag". jVTADAME CÓTÉ WouKi rrsprctifullv in'orm thn ]nl)lic of Ann Artior and viclnlty tbat the Isnow irn n eneagementa privatti lesaonSt for Lnstrnction in Prendb 'I"'ins reasooable. Apply at No. wy corner u Willium and Fourth Streets . HBtVaS2iCB8.- I'rot.Tylrr, Rot. N. S. Burton Rev. II. L. Hubbell, Prol Banr, Prof. TcnUmok Prof. Adarad, Prof. Oluey, Prof llarriiitü. in:;-l-8T. "POK SALE OLÍ RENT. A brick house, barn and bIx aerea ofland wtthti noten walk of the PostOfflcei TbereU a &De oirinird. good welli citcriM Ac Vot particn ïnvi enquire of S. IVKIL, ' At tlie office of J. Well & Iiro'e. Sept. I.'tli, 1ST0. 1288 AlOO BEWABD And no questions asked ! I win pny otio hundrcd dollars roward lo any pénoi who wil I return tho tin box, aud papera coutainn thereln, taken frommy 1iim"c. Tho papers are val Dable to me bnt ui' po use to any one else, ns proper ■ii taken tu slop payment.'par ly one !n,iil of oue thoaeand dollars and on of Uve hondred dollnrs, No. U tod SS, made br the Svi.cil3u..N. V., Water Works. D llENNtXG. Ann Arbor.Scpt. .", [810. 128Sw4 jyINERAL SPRING DISCÖVERKDATTHE CITY ARCADE It throws u;i 8 ponnda of Old dn-. .:tv:i n.r l.o bt'roin CliiiKi for I ind, and 6uri from uuba loi on ye who ai lick of HlaH PRIOES and gat OURED. I CLASK & OROP8EY. A '- -, 1870. NEW WHEAT FLOUR superior qnaltly, ,it tho MN ARBOR CITY MILLS ■m Ueal, co.-uso Meal, Graham Flour- ; ijualiiy Flour al I w prlce, ■■i. it lowei I in part of the city. Tem . tv Ordera left in my Order Box at the Post Offlc promptly attendéd to. J. T. SWAT1IEI-. F ADIES' FASHIONAiÏLË SHOE HOUSE 24 South Main Street , Dealer In LADIE'S BOOTS ANO SHOES THE NE WEST SïYLES I3ST Kid, Oalf, and Cioth Alwaysou hand, n ml Stock and Work Guaranteed IK YOL' WAST A. BOO'l', A GAITHR, -A. IJXJSIíIISr, OR A SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMINK Is STOCK BEFOBE il CHASINO. j PEICES L0WER than the LÖWEST R. TARRANT. Ann Arhor.Mn.v 1810. FÜRNITirRE. J, KECK c CO. tfanafaotnrerajwbolesale aml retail dealers in FUENITUBE AN'D UPHOLSTERY GOODS OF EVEUY DES0RIPTION. We Manufacture om gooils and will not bc Undersold by any HOUSJË EAiST or WEsï, UNDE1ÏTAKING ! We Keep Coitstnntly on Hand a fnll assortment of "WOOÜ, METALIC, CLOTH COVERED cases -..axriD coDPrasrs which will be sold at prices bo LOW as to def y all Competitiop. Sales Room 2 Soulli Main St., and 1 West Libsrly Street. WIANÜFA CTORY ! Comer of William aad West Fourth St. J. KÉCK & CO. 128S.


Old News
Michigan Argus